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There is switching of POVs in this chapter!!

Thanksgiving morning

You wake up fairly early and you're up before Spencer. You climb out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. You were so excited to finally have plans on Thanksgiving for once. Usually you stayed in and ordered from anywhere that was open and just cuddled up on the couch. Your family was pretty much horrible and you didn't come around much. Your friends invited you to dinner with them but you didn't want to intrude. And when you were with Josh he never invited your. Part of his lies. So the fact you were going to actually have plans with the man you loved and his friends made you excited. You finished up in the shower and by then you heard Spencer waking up. You quickly threw on some clothes and walked out to tell him good morning.

"Good morning sleepy head" you laughed

"Hey you, why are you up so early?" He said

"'s 9am." You told him

"On a holiday. Neither of us have work and no where to be this early, so come one get back in bed." He said motioning for you to lay down.

You rolled your eyes and climbed back into bed. Spencer rolled over and laid his head on your stomach. You could feel him smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" You asked him smiling yourself

He quickly turned his head and rested it back on your stomach but facing you.

"I'm thankful for you." He smiled

"Okay Spencer Reid..we're being cheesy today?" You laughed

"I'm serious baby. I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful for that night at the bar, the dates that followed, us growing together, and I'm thankful" he paused "that you're alive. That you're healing. That you're finally getting back to normal. That we're getting back to normal." He said holding back tears.

This made you tear up too. This man really was head over heels for you and you loved it.

"I'm thankful for you too, Spence" you smiled as you played with his hair.

The two of you laid there for another almost two hours before he finally got up to take a shower himself.

"Any request for breakfast?" You called to him as he shut the door.

"Whatever you want" he called back.

You went out to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. Nothing. You guys were out of almost everything. You couldn't go to the store because it was a holiday everything was closed. Luckily you remembered that there was a donut shop a few blocks away that had coffee too.

"Hey babe" you knocked before walking in "I'm going to- oh wow." You said as you saw he was shirtless. You didn't get it. You've seen him shirtless literally all the time but for some reason as everything was coming back you were turned on by the smallest of things. He was just standing there...shirtless. His slightly tone body was just mesmerizing to you. You snapped out of and it and realized he was laughing at you "Um we don't have anything here...we need to go to the store but it'll have to wait because it's a holiday. So I'm going to run down to the donut place and get some donuts and coffee, okay?" You said as you looked every on him but his eyes.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now