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This past switchs povs just as a heads up....THE ENDING THO...y'all don't want to miss this!!!


You wake up to the feeling of Spencer moving your hair out of your face and stroking your face lightly when he notices you waking up and quickly pulls away

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he whispered

"What time is it?" You said realizing the room was still dark

"5:45" he responded

"Spence why are you awake right now? Haven't you slept?" You said sitting up concerned

"Hey, don't get up go back to sleep." He said motioning you to lay back down "I slept for a while I just have a lot on my mind"

You slid back down and laid one arm across him as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Anything we need to talk about" you yawned

"No, nothing we need to talk about. Go back to sleep" he said and then kissed you.

You slowly drifted back to sleep and when he knew you were asleep Spencer walked out to the living room.


Spencer's POV

After making sure Y/N was back to sleep Spencer stumbled out to the living room so he didn't wake her anymore. He fell onto the couch where he sat with his face in his hands. He fell asleep for maybe an hour but his mind couldn't stop thinking about how Josh was stalking Y/N. Spencer sat trying to profile the whole situation and Josh. Why was he doing this? Was it simply because he had lost the world's greatest woman and he realized he lost control over her? Or was there more?

Josh angered Spencer so much. His blood boiled at the thought of him. Especially after what happened at Frankies. What piece of shit shows up like that demanding she run away and "start fresh"? Josh apparently.

Spencer sat there for 3 whole hours just thinking and being pissed at Josh. How did he make it stop? Y/N was anxious about it and he hated watching her dwell on the past, so how did he make it stop? Take the pain away for good? The thought tormented him the entire time. He sat pressing his fingers into his eyes trying to come up with something....anything until he heard the bedroom door creak open

"Spencer?" He heard Y/N say softly "What are you doing out here?" She said walking toward him

"Hi babe, come here" Spencer said reaching out his hand.

Y/N took Spencer's hand and sat next to him

"Spence, you look like you haven't slept at all and your eye? Have you been doing it again?" She said referring to him pressing his eye which he did when he was nervous or upset about something. He gave her a guilty look.

"Aw Spencer" she said with sympathy in her eyes "why? What's going on?"

"I can't stop thinking about last night, about-"

"Josh.." she interrupted and he nodded

"Y/N, I won't rest until there's no way he can even breathe the same air as you. Seeing you that hurt last night filled me with don't deserve to feel like that" Spencer said looking at her as he saw tears fill her eyes "Baby, don't cry, what?" pulling her into his chest rocking her.

He felt the tears roll off her cheeks and onto his chest and he immediately felt two emotions, sadness and anger.

"I-I just don't want you to be ripped away from me." She stuttered "I don't want him to come between us. He's obviously trying to get to me and get to you, and we know he won't stop until he gets to me and even then he won't stop, but I don't want that to hurt us"

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now