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You follow behind Spencer as you enter Frankies. You can't help but watch he's gorgeous. His cheek bones...his jaw line...beautiful.

You're greeted by a friendly host.

"Hi! Welcome to Frankies...just the two of you?" She asks

"Yeah...just us" Spencer responded shooting you a smile.

The host walks you back to a table that's in the corner and away from most people.

Thank god you think to yourself. It will be easier to talk with no one around.

Spencer pulls out your chair and scoots it under you as you sit. Then walks over to his chair across from you.

Wow and he's a gentleman? Who is this guy?

"The coffee here is outstanding" Spencer says

"No way! I love their coffee. It's the best in town!" You responded

You both laughed and when the waitress came Spencer ordered 2 coffees. As she walked away you both smiled at each other and then just sat there.

Oh noo here comes the awkward silence that you see in movies when two people on a date don't know what to say.

"So..Y/N...are you originally from around here?" He asked

"Um yeah...born and about you?" You asked

"No actually I'm not...I'm from Vegas originally" he said.

"Woah what? Vegas? And out of all the places you could go you came to Virginia...? What's up with that? Not California where it's always warm and sunny?" You asked curiously

Okay what's up with this man...he's from Vegas and he's here....?

He laughed "Yeah crazy I know...but my job is here"

His job? What job is here that they wouldn't have in California or Vegas?

"Oh...I see I what do you do?" You asked because now you're really curious. What job in Virginia could be that interesting?

He hesitated and stayed silent before he totally avoids your question

"Okay enough about me...if you hate it here so much why didn't you leave?" He asks

Okay why did he avoid my question? Oh lord Y/N who is this man? And why is his job so secretive?

"Well..I just graduated college about a year and half ago.." you started "and because of some personal things and stupid decisions I kind of got stuck here"

Personal things and stupid decisions meaning staying with a toxic cheating ex but you didn't want to bring that up and scare him off.

"Well..I guess those personal things and stupid decisions aren't so bad" he said and you gave him a confused look "because if that stuff wouldn't have happened you might've left and we wouldn't have met" he smiled shyly was too cute.

You gave a smile back and it went silent again for a minute. You check the clock and it's only been 30 minutes and it's gone silent again and suddenly you forgot everything your friends prepared you with.

After a few minutes Spencer asks another question that's expected on a first date and you go back and forth talking about boring life stuff and your families...but something still bugs you....why won't he tell me where he works? And based on some of his other answers you feel like he's being very vague...which makes you suspicious.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now