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Switching POV!

Christmas Eve

It's the day before Christmas and you wake up feeling so excited. You and Spencer have plans to spend most of the day together. The girls were coming over to see the decorations and eat breakfast. Spencer did have to leave a little later in the afternoon to go to Rossi's for a team meeting he called it, but you didn't buy it.

You got up and got ready for the day. Spencer was still asleep because he'd just gotten back from a case the night before that. You let him sleep while you got a shower and got ready. You woke him up before you started breakfast.

"Hey sleepy head" you said lightly shaking him "it's time to wake up. The girls should be here soon. I'm going to start breakfast."

He groaned because he was so tired.

"Hey don't be like that it's Christmas Eve! Remember you said-"

"It'll be a Christmas you don't forget." He cut you off laughing.

You'd been reminding him of that for weeks anytime he gave you attitude.

"Exactly. Get your butt up and get ready. Don't worry I'll have coffee waiting for you when you come out." You told him.

"Lots of coffee...I'm so tired" he whined.

You gave him a kiss and went out to the kitchen.

The girls and Spencer decided on Christmas Eve pancakes and eggs. So that's what you made. You flipped on the coffee so it was ready the minute he walked out and then started mixing up the pancake mix. You added in red and green food coloring to really set the mood.

A little bit later Spence came up and leaned on the counter. You poured him so coffee that he looked like he needed.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Yes I'm beyond excited. It's weird since I've never done this, but I'm very excited." You smiled.

Just as you were finishing the pancakes there was a knock at the door. Spencer went over and opened it and inviting the girls in.

"Merry Christmas Eve!!" Katie said hugging Spencer and then you.

"Merry Christmas Eve" you laughed.

You hugged Lindsay who was also very tired. You told everyone to sit and you brought the food to the table.

"So, Y/N how are you feeling?" Lindsay asked

"Very festive. I'm happy. I've never felt like this, but I like it." You smiled.

"Can we please make this a tradition?" Katie asked "Imagine when you guys have kids and we get to come over for Christmas Eve cute."

Everyone laughed and agreed to make it something you did every year.

The four of you sat talking and enjoying the time together. Then Spencer said something that threw you off

"So, Lindsay, Katie, I want to invite you to our Christmas dinner tomorrow at my coworkers house. It's Y/N's first real Christmas and I think that you guys should be there to witness it. I talked to my team and they all agreed you should be there." He said

"Wow..we'd love to!" Lindsay said.

"Aww id love it if you guys came! It would make it so special for me!" You said

"We'll be there!" Katie assured you.

The girls left after a while and then you and Spencer spent the afternoon just laying on the couch. You didn't really do much other than talk and watch Christmas movies.

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