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Spencer and the team returned from their case on the first of December. You were excited he was home because for once you were excited it was December. You finally got to look forward to Christmas this year. You had a real family.

You'd never really decorated much for Christmas...well not how you're supposed to anyway. When you lived with Josh it was just something simple like a small tree that sat on a table. But no lights. No stockings. Nothing. Spencer knew all of this and decided to surprise you with a decorating date.

"So, I have a date planned for us in a few days. But it requires a date before the real one." He said to you as you sat on the couch.

"That makes absolutely no sense but I'm intrigued so hit me with it." You laughed at him.

"I know that you've never had a true proper Christmas, so I want to make sure this year is one you'll never forget." He smiled at you.

And oh it would be one you NEVER could forget.

"Alright, so that is a date how?" You said confused.

"Okay so our first date is going to be tomorrow. We're going to take the day and go shopping for decorations." He told you.

"Don't you have some? You said before you always decorated for Christmas."

"I have some, yes, but I thought it would be fun if we got rid of those and started our own collection of decorations. You know stuff we pick out. A cute set up we design together." He smiled.

"Okay, I like that idea it's cute. What's the second date?" You smiled.

"Ahhh the second date is where all the magic happens. We're going to take a night next week and decorate the entire apartment. Then we're going to bake cookies and watch Christmas movies snuggling in the couch."

"Spence, are you serious? I'm so excited!"

"So that's a yes?" He asked and you nodded.

"We also need to do our shopping for everyone. We don't have much. We should do that before the decorating tomorrow." You told him and he agreed.

The next day finally rolled around and you got up super early at 7am to get ready to go. You were so excited to finally decorate for Christmas. You'd always dreamed of this day...having a man who loved you so much and spending the holidays together. Taking a night and decorating your place and baking cookies. Your dream was finally coming true.

You woke up took a shower and got dressed. You had to wait on Spencer to wake up, so you decided to go sit on the couch and look through Pinterest for ideas on how to decorate. Spencer told you he liked to have a theme. He liked when things looked like they flowed together and you felt the same way.

An hour later you heard the bedroom door open and you looked to see a sleepy Spencer shuffling down the hallway in his Christmas pajama pants and messy bed head.

"Hey baby" you called to him "how'd you sleep."

"I was sleeping great until I went to cuddle up to you and you were gone." He groaned flopping down on the couch beside you and laying his head in your lap.

"I'm sorry" you laughed and began on playing with his hair.

"What are you looking at?" He asked

"Christmas themes for the living I'm thinking we do a very traditional look. The colored lights, the red and green ornaments, the traditional red and white stockings-" you stopped when you noticed him looking at you laughing "What?" You laughed.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now