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Your sitting at your desk finishing up paper work for the've gotten ahead this week so you don't have to come in Friday.

It's been 4 days since Spencer had to leave for work and you've talked off and on the last few days. He kept you updated and apologized over and over since the case was taking so long. This unsub was so smart and organized he explained one night on the phone. Last night while on the phone he told you they had figured out who the guy was and they were making the arrest tomorrow morning and he'd be home tomorrow night. So while at work you were so excited because it was tomorrow. He was coming home and you had your work done for the week which meant a 3 day weekend.

As you finished up your work you got a text from Spencer

"We're leaving Colorado home in a few hours. Dinner tonight at my place is still on right?"

"Yes we are still on! Send me the address and the time! I'm finishing up at work now!"

He sends you his address and says be there around 8.

You finish work and walk out of your office where your friends were waiting.

"So dinner tonight ladies since we have a long weekend?" Lindsay said

"Oh definitely" Katie agreed.

"Y/N? Dinner?" Lindsay asked

"Ummm...rain check? Spencer is coming home tonight and we have dinner plans at his place"

"Oooooh. Rain check indeed. What are you wearing? Make sure you shave and you wear cute underwear" Lindsay teased

"Ha ha very funny...I told you I don't think he's like that...besides I want to wait a bit longer. It's been a few months since I had sex." You said.

"Okay okay" she throwing her hands up "but do it just in case...even if you stop him you still want him to see how sexy you are."

You rolled your eyes and said goodbye to your friends and jumped in your car. When you arrived at your apartment you went up and started to clean up so you wouldn't have to worry about doing it tomorrow. It was 5:30 and you decided to take a shower and get ready for Spencer's.

When you got out and walked to your closet you just stared at your clothes....what to wear. We're only at his house so nothing fancy but I can't just be sloppy. You settle on some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt and some boots. It's nice and comfy...perfect for the fall weather that was slowly approaching. You put your hair up in a ponytail and did very minimal make up...again it's just his house...not fancy. It was now 6:45 and you got a text from Spencer

"Just landed beautiful. Pizza or Chinese food? What's your little heart desire?"

"Hmmm...Chinese food :)"

"Ahhh you read my mind. See you very soon"

You were somewhat nervous but still excited.

Around 7:15 you decided to head to Spencer's house. You followed his directions and got there around 7:30. You didn't see his car in the parking lot so you sat. About 10 minutes later you see his car and he immediately spots you. He parks and walks up to you

"What are you doing sitting here creeping on my apartment building?" He joked

"I wasn't sure how far away you lived and by the time I got back home and turned around it would be after 8 so I just waited" you giggled.

"Alright come on let's go up to my apartment" he smiled and opened the car door for you.

You followed him into the building and up the stairs. You came to his door and he unlocked the door. You followed him in and looked around.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now