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You and Spencer pull into the BAU and hop out. He grabs your bags and you follow him into the building. You head straight for the elevator and start up his office. The doors open and you follow him through the glass doors. He leads you to his desk and put your bags on the floor. Rossi and Hotch were in Hotch's office talking when you came in and no one else was there yet. A few minutes later you heard the doors open and turned to see JJ and Emily coming in. Their faces light up when they see you.

"Y/N! Hey, how are you?" JJ said hugging you.

"I'm doing better" you smiled

Emily waited her turn and then hugged you. When she pulled away her eyes locked on your necklace. You saw her eyes start to water.

"He finally gave that back to you?" She laughed wiping her tears "I'm sorry just you know brings it back"

You gave her another hug and told her you were fine and had a good day.

Another minute later the doors opened and in walked Morgan.

"Baby girl, what are you doing here?" He smiled.

"She's coming with us. We need Reid on this case and I'm well aware that she's been through too much, so she will be on the case with us. Let's get to the briefing room." Hotch said. "Y/N, you too." He smiled.

You grabbed Spencer's hand and walked into the room with them. You stood in the back of the room so that you were out of the way but not out of reach.

"Where is Penelope?" Morgan asked but before anyone could answer she walked in

"Don't worry sweet stuff I'm right-" she paused when her eyes fell on you "oh my god. It's been forever it seems."

"Hi Penelope" you laughed "act like I'm not even here. Get to work." You smiled and Hotch nodded at you.

"What do we have Garcia?" JJ asked.

"This last week 3 teenage boy bodies have been found in Pennsylvania. They had been handcuffed and then beaten causing multiple broken bones. Their cause of death was a single gun shot to the heart." She said showing the pictures on the screen.

You watched as each body was displaced on the screen in shock.

"Is that lipstick on their lips?" Morgan asked

"Yes, all 3 boys had red lipstick on them. But it was applied to their lips. It's not like they were kissed and it was a mark left. They were wearing it."

"Are those burns on their necks or.." Spencer said pausing

"Hickeys" you whispered to yourself and the whole team turned and looked at you "I-I'm sorry"

They all laughed at you for a second.

"No it's fine" Hotch started "I didn't know you were so interested in this type of thing. I thought you'd block this out. Good work" he smiled at you

"Yes as they gorgeous Mrs. Boy wonder just said those are in fact hickeys." Garcia said winking at you. "and yes there are signs of sexual...." she paused shooting you a look of sympathy "sexual abuse. The autopsy shows that these boys did in fact have sex, whether it was consensual or not we don't know that yet, but they did have sex." She said.

"Could we be looking at a female unsub?" Emily asked "Lipstick, hickeys, handcuffs, evidences of sex and I'm guessing they weren't receiving they were giving, correct Garcia?" Garcia nodded "This looks like kinky sex gone wrong."

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