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Around 6:30 you and Spencer head out to pick up the pizza and go back to his apartment to wait on Lindsay and Katie. Right at 7 you hear a knock on the door. You run over and let your friends in.

"Hi!" You said inviting them in and giving them both a hug.

Spencer came walking out of the room to greet them. He walked up beside you wrapping his arm around you.

"Hi girls, glad you could make it" he smiled

They both smiled and said hello back to him.

"Okay let's eat pizza and then get to decorating and watching that movie" you suggested.

You all sat at the table talking and as the evening went on things became less awkward and everyone was more relaxed. The girls seemed to like Spencer and Spencer seemed to like them which made you happy. You loved them all so much you thought to yourself. Wait...loved? Did you just admit to yourself you loved Spencer? You hadn't said the big L word to each other just yet but you definitely loved him.

After eating and chatting you moved to the living room where you went through what you bought and started setting things out. Spencer got to work hanging up some orange lights around his TV and book shelves.

"Wow Spencer, Y/N said you had a shit load of books but I didn't think it would be a whole library" Katie laughed

"Yeah I have a lot. Can't get enough. I like to read them on the jet when we're going to a case" he said

"He's a genius" you laughed "he can read like 20,000 words a minute. It can be intimidating when you're trying to read a book next to him and he's just flying through"

"20,000? I don't think I could read that at all" Lindsay said shocked.

You finished putting up the fall decorations and sat back to admire your work.

"It looks so cute in here. It's nice and spooky but also warm and welcoming." Katie said

"It does! Thank you guys for helping, maybe when we decorate Y/N's apartment you guys could come. I enjoy hanging out with you guys" he smiled

"You're not bad your self Spencer. We glad you make our girl happy. She deserves it" Lindsay said smiling at you

"She sure does" he said kissing you on the cheek.

Spencer's phone rang and he excused himself so he could answer it. Once he was gone you turned to your friends

"So, what do you guys think? You've only known what I told you about Spence, but now you've actually hung out." You asked them

"Aww babe he's great! He's kind and sweet. He treats you like a fucking queen and obviously can't get enough of you." Katie said

"Yeah totally. He's a real gentleman especially compared to Josh's dumbass. I'm glad we are hanging out with you both...I hope we do it more often I really like him!" Lindsay said smiling.

"Good I'm glad. He was super nervous about tonight. He just wanted you to like him!" You said

Spencer started walking out and looked at you with a sad look

"Listen, I'm sorry I have to do this but my boss called and we have another case." He said

"Aw that sucks!" Katie replies

"I have to go like now it's another really bad one. But you guys should stay. Hangout, watch the movie and eat the rest of that pizza. You guys can stay on the couch if you need to. Make yourselves at home" he said

"Are you sure?" Lindsay asked and he nodded "wow thanks Spencer we appreciate it!"

He motioned you to fall him to the bedroom so you could talk really quick.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now