A New Beginning

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-What if Robert had never been married but he is still a firefighter. What if he had a girlfriend named(Bree)for about 8 months who ended up pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy and after three years decided she wanted out of the relationship and only agreed to see the child occasionally. This is going to be a chapter-story. I hope you guys like it and please comment any feedback.-
*Andy will eventually arrived and so will the rest S19*

Robert woke up the next morning in his bedroom and realized the other side was empty.He began to get up looking around the room for his girlfriend. When he came to the dresser he immediately saw a note with two keys on it.
The note read..
"Dear Robert,You are an amazing father and you were the most loving boyfriend I could ever have asked for. I don't know how to explain this but I just need to let go and restart. I will still be active in kairos life but I am done with this relationship and it's truly no hard feelings. Don't worry though I am safe and I will text you when I'll be back in town to see Kairo. I know you work long shifts so I found two babysitters that can come in the day and night to watch him when needed and I filled the pantry for him as well.Everything he'll need is in a red folder downstairs. Take care of him for me please and I love you both. -Bree"
When Robert finished reading the letter he went frozen in place. He couldn't believe that his girlfriend of over a little three years just broke up with him by letter. He looked down at the paper again and his eyes began to water. He realized that now he is a single father to a three year old and he is all alone without any help. He wondered about his risky job and not making it home and he wondered if now anyone would accept him again, the tears just fell harder. Shortly after he rinsed his face and threw on his robe and made his way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for himself and Kairo.
<15 minutes later> He made a smoothie and a breakfast sandwich for himself and he made pancakes with a bottle of cold chocolate milk for Kairo. He ate his food and then he began to go get Kairo.
R:"Hey little man. Good Morning"
K:"Dada" he looked up smiling
R:"It's just you and me now buddy. I love you so much" he said wrapping him into a hug
R:"Let's get you some breakfast now"

*Robert feed him breakfast and he cleaned up the kitchen and placed Kairo down to play with his toys while he then sat at the table and took business calls*

R:"Hey I'm Captain Sullivan over at Station 23. I was calling about my transfer to a closer station."
O:"Yes Captain your forms has been submitted. And they are evaluating a station now but it could take about 4-6 weeks to finalize. While this is going on you'll need to still work at 23 and the new station will allow you 2 visits"
R:"Ok thank you so much for the update"

Robert hung up the phone and he went over to the couch and he just sat there admiring his son thinking about the new life they would now have. Robert knee he had to be back at work tomorrow so he texted the morning babysitter and requested her to come for 8AM. Him and Kairo went to the park and then out for ice cream. Robert took him to go see some fishes and ducks at the pond and he took pictures of him for keepsakes. Time crept up on them fast and so Robert took him home and feed him dinner and gave him a bath and put him straight to sleep. He then wrote out instructions for the babysitter and he then got ready for bed himself shortly after.
R:"This is going to be my new normal" he signed

-I know it's a short one but it's only the first chapter the others to come will be longer!!-
-Please feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have!!-

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