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-Chapter 11!!-
-In this chapter Robert and Andy will be telling the team about the baby and their engagement!!-
R:"Are we still doing this today?" he asked
A:"Yes love this baby is getting bigger everyday so the more we wait is the more they'll pick up on it" she said
R:"Ok I'll be right behind you" he said kissing her cheek
A:"I'll go up first and then you'll come a little while after" she said
{Andys POV}
After I got ready this morning a feeling of nervousness came over me. I knew I was ready to tell the team but I just didn't know how they'd react. Robert made me a smoothie to go and after he gave it to me we left the house. As I arrived at the station I saw all the cars of my friends loaded into the parking lot. I decided to kiss Robert bye and get up to the beanery.


A:"Good Morning" she said walking through the doors
M:"Hi Andy how are you feeling?" she asked
A:"I'm doing fine" she said sitting down
T:"We made breakfast as always you can grab a plate"
A:"I'm fine I'll have this" she said pointing to her bottle
V:"Ahhh so our Captain makes his lieutenant breakfast and gives her smoothies from home" she said
A:"Yes he does"
D:"What's wrong Andy. Your very distant" he said noticing her actions
A:"I'm fine just tired"
B:"Are you going to be working today because your on ladder" he said
A:"I'm not on ladder I'm on Aid Car go and ask your captain he'll tell you"
M:"Why are you avoiding fires. You live for fires Andrea Herrera you never back away"
A:"I'm just on Aid Car" she said nervously waiting for Robert to come in and save her
R:"19 Morning" he said walking inside over to Andy
R:"Are you ready" he whispered into her ear
A:"Sure let's do this" she said standing up out of the chair
*When she got up she noticed how the team was staring at them and she immediately became anxious. She stood directly in front of Robert and waited for him to say the first word*
M:"What's going on here" she said noticing the odd behavior
T:"Why are you two so close. Your bodies are literally touching each other"
D:"You know this is the kitchen area the bunks are still available"
R:*cleared his throat* "Andy and I have some special news to share with you all" he said holding her hand
A:"Robert and I are having a baby. I'm pregnant" she said
V:"Pregnant!!" she said surprised
J:"Y'all have been dating for all of two months"
D:"So there's another baby for Captain and your carrying it" he said trying to figure it out
M:"Seems to be y'all weren't playing in between those sheets" she said in a whisper
T:"Guys stop. Andy is one of us. We need to show her some support. Congratulations Andy I'm happy for the both of you" he said rubbing her shoulder
A:"Thanks Travis. And yes we've only been together for a short while but accidents do happen and Robert and I are in this together because we're engaged"
R:"She is my fiancée"
J:"Wow so you knock her up and get her to be your fiancée all in 2 months"
M:"You two dont waste time I see"
A:"Why do you guys always need extra information all the time. He didn't knock me up we had sex together. A baby came from it and we're keeping it together. We're in love with each other and HR will know by the end of the day. I'm on Aid Car today and I will split between that and desk duty" she said storming out of the beanery
D:"Why is she always so moody. Andy doesn't break so easily"
R:"Maybe if you guys showed her some support instead of making short comments;She'll be more happy" he said grabbing a cup of coffee
B:"Can I ask you a question sir? Don't you have another child" he said
R:"Yes I do and I will not be discussing about him or his mom at this particular moment"
M:"How far along is she?"
R:"Find her and ask her. Go and do your chores everyone and like Andy said she's on Aid Car today and next shift she'll be on desk duty. Please don't ask her any questions you'll regret" he said
M:"Copy Sir"
R:"Let's make this 24 hour shift count" he said leaving the beanery
{Roberts POV}
I felt really bad for Andy. I knew this wasn't the way how she wanted things to go but I knew that the team meant no harm. They love to ask a lot of questions and they've known Andy for a while. I just came into the station and now I got her pregnant and they know about my three year old. I felt really bad because this was all my fault. I went looking for Andy around the whole station but I couldn't find her anywhere so I decided to send her a quick message and went inside my office.
R: "Baby I'm so sorry for what happened in the beanery. I don't know where you are but I'll be in my office. Stay safe love and I'll see you later" he sent the message to her but got no response
*The team then went into their separate positions for chores and began the start of their shift. Maya was in charge of stocking the Aid Car with Andy but she also couldn't find her anywhere until she opened the back doors to the truck*
M:"Andy" she said entering the truck quietly closing the back door
A:"Great now you've find me" she said
M:"Are you crying?" she said noticing the change in her voice
A:"No I'm not you can leave me alone in here"
M:"I won't leave you alone now seeing that hiding from us and your crying" she said
A:"I take it that your stocking the Aid Car because it's your chore right?" she asked
M:"Yes Andy"
A:"Then do that and stop worrying about me" she said slightly angry
M:"That stretcher is for patients you know"
A:"It's clean Maya I wouldn't lay on it if it wasn't"
M:"Ok but if we get called out your tears will be on the sheets and that's not sanitary for patients"
A:"Fine clean the whole damn truck if you want" she said as she got off the bed and sat on the edge
M:"Andy are you ok"
A:"No but I'll be fine"
M:"What's wrong let's talk" she suggested
A:"No my fiancé is worried about me" she said noticing his message
M:"You're not leaving here until you tell me everything. I'll be putting everything back into these bags and you'll be talking"
A:"Fine so I met Sullivan in a cafe place we drank coffee and had a nice talk the next day he showed up at this station and I made him tell me everything. Found out he was my captain. We slept together unprotected and kept our relationship private. I met his son who is an absolute sweetheart and then I found out that I was pregnant told him and then boom last night he proposed to me"
M:"Are you happy?" she asked
A:"Yes Maya I'm happy. He loves me and he loves his children I would never put my unborn child in harms way. You guys may not like him for whatever reason but I promise it wasn't just sex we love each other and you guys can stop blaming it on that because I'm an adult"
M:"I'm happy for you and I'm happy your going to be a mommy but can we stop talking about Sullivan and you having sex"
A:"Sure but it's definitely amazing that's why now I'm pregnant" she said laughing
M:"Andy seriously stop that's nasty" she said avoiding eye contact
A:"It's not nasty he's very handsome under those clothes and I'm glad I'm the only one who can see it" she said whispering into her ears
M:"Enough ok. I'm glad he's superior to you but that's my boss and I don't need that information ok. Now help me clean please" she said handing her the bag of supplies
A:"Do you want to see the baby?" she asked
M:"Sure" she said
A:"It's in my locker you can see it whenever I'll tell Vic too but I'm about 12 weeks now I have another appointment in about 4 weeks and we'll know the gender"
M:"Wow that's cool will I know" she asked
A:"Me and Sullivan will find out first and we'll plan something for his son first and then the station will get to know"
M:"Do you call him Sullivan at home?" she questioned
A:"No obviously but I'm just saying that because your here"
<AID CAR 19> *Jefferson lane/civilian in distress*
M:"That's us, let's go. I'm driving" she said hopping into the driver's seat
*On the drive to the place Andy quickly texted Robert to tell her she was going to be ok and to not worry. When they arrived on the scene it was a call about a little girl who was choking on something but they quickly saved her and was back at the station in no time*
R:" HERRERA" he shouted across the garage
M:"Ohhhh sounds like you're in trouble. Nice talk today if you need anything you have my number and in case I didn't tell you I'm sorry for anything" she said
A:"Your fine I've just been moody lately but I got to go to"

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