Unexpected Guest

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-Chapter 6!!-
-This chapter will include some drama and a slight cliffhanger at the ending!!-
-Slightly mature in the middle part!!-

[Picks up at the station]-NEXT DAY-

T:"Hey Andy your in early today"
A:"Ya I just thought I should get a little head start that all" she said grabbing a mug to retrieve her hot coffee
T:"You look very happy. Was yesterday's day off that good"
A:"Yes it was a calm day" she never bothered to look him in his eyes to avoid all other questions
A:"You want to know something I heard your guys conversation about me the other day" she looked up to him and took in his shocked face
T:"Andy um I didn't really partake in the conversation it was more the others"
A:"You know maybe sometimes I want to keep certain things in my life private. Y'all are my family and nothing will change that but who I'm sleeping with or whoever my man is I don't need y'all to speculate him. I would of course tell y'all when I am ready" she took up her coffee and a banana and headed out the beanery to sit by the front desk
*The others walked in noticing Travis face*
M:"Montgomery what's wrong with the face today"
T:"Nothing just thinking"
D:"You look like you just heard news that you didn't expect"
J:"Are you here alone"
T:"Herrera is also here and I told y'all it's nothing"
M:"Wait you and Herrera were here and you are usually bubbly in the mornings and now your not so did she tell you something" putting the pieces together
T:"She grabbed a coffee that's all she did. Let's get ready for shift" he said getting up from the table
V:"Were not done with you Trav"
T:"Yes we are because we're firefighters not investigators"

{Andys POV}
I never wanted to express my anger about what the team said about me. All I planned to do in the beanery was grab a banana and my coffee and come downstairs. I heard the distant chatter up in the beanery but I just couldn't take it anymore. I decided to put my head down on the desk and just silently meditate tuning out everything beside the loud alarm machine in case of an emergency.
R:*opens the main door and notices Andy* "Baby what's wrong" he whispered
R:"Andrea" he said louder
A:"Yes I'm fine" she said not realizing who was calling her
R:"Babe are you good. Where's the team and why was your head down at the front desk"
A:"I'm fine and they're in the beanery. I'm just waiting for a call"
R:"Well were at work now and according to your rules I can't comfort you so I will ask one thing are you coming back over"
A:"Yes I will come over tonight. Is Kai ok"
R:"Yes he's fine he's with the babysitter"
A:"Ok I would kiss you but that's off limits" she whispered
R:"Later you can give me all the kisses you want" he winked back at her
A:"I love you"
R:"Love you more stay safe today in the field ok I need you to come back to me"
A:"I will try my hardest"

*He left into his office and Andy then decided to go back to the beanery and wash out her mug and throw away her trash. She noticed how when she walked in the team went silent and she never bothered to make eye contact with them*

<AID CAR 19>
- Ackertown road civilian in distress-

M:"Herrera that's you and me"
A:*mumbles* "Damn it"
M:"What you said"
A:"Don't worry about it Bishop"
*In the aid car*
M:"What's with the mood today"
A:"No mood. We just need to focus on what's ahead of us"
M:"Were friends you can tell me anything you know that"
A:"You know I thought that was true until I figured out that maybe y'all do better talking about everything when I'm not physically there"
M:"What are you talking about"
A:"Nothing just drive" she couldn't take it anymore and she was just ready to tell Maya everything but she knew it wasn't the time

A:"35 year old man who suffered from a heart attack" she told Maya
M:"Set up the heart monitor and get ready for transfer"
A:"Maya do you smell that"
M:"Andy we have a patient to worry about"
A:"I know that but this isn't a regular smell it smells like smoke"
M:*stops and realizes she is right* "We got to move now Andy"
M:"Dispatch this is 19 were on Ackertown road. We need backup on ladder and engine for possible kitchen fire"
D:"Got it"
M:"There on their way now Andy but we have to get our patient on the gurney so on my count 1,2,3" she lifted the patient into the gurney and set him up in the Aid Car for transport
A:"Shouldn't we be staying" she asked
M:"No it was an Aid Car call and we don't have our turnouts on. We just need to get to Grey Sloan the team will handle it"
A:"Then lets go"

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