Bad Call

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-Chapter 17!!-
-This chapter is about a bad call that ends up being either a good or bad outcome for either Andy or Robert-

Andy and Robert have been home with the new baby for about 4 weeks and Robert was now supposed to be back at work and Andy still had two weeks left till she was cleared to go in.Kai came back from his mom and the schedule between them was also back to normal and everything was going smooth until it wasn't..


A:"Good morning pretty girl" she said picking the baby up to feed her a bottle
A:"We have to be quiet before daddy wakes up grumpy" she said whispering to her
R:"Baby what time is it?" he asked pulling the blanket over him
A:"It's almost 7 Aviana was just hungry" she replied
R:"I'm going to get ready then" he said rolling out of bed
A:"Shift starts at 8 though love"
R:"I need to get ready and that's going to take me a while" he said walking into the bathroom
*Robert then did his morning routine and Andy finished feeding the baby and they both fell back asleep pretty quickly. Robert then finished getting ready after about an hour and he was getting ready to leave the house*
R:"Bye love" he said kissing her which woke her up
A:"I love you please be safe and come back" she said looking into his eyes
R:"I'll try my hardest. Kai has no school today so just text me if you want the babysitter to help"
A:"I got this covered don't worry" she said smiling at him
*Robert then grabbed his things and left the house. Andy then decided to place the baby into her bassinet and she went and took a quick shower and got herself ready for the day. She then put the baby in a carrier on her chest and went to wake up Kai*
A:"Kai Kai" she said softly rubbing his back
K:"Drea" he said sitting up
A:"How did you sleep?" she asked opening the blinds
K:"Good" he replied
A:"Ok make sure you change your clothes and wash your face and brush your teeth before coming for breakfast" she said
K:"Ok I'll get ready" he said looking in his dresser
*Andy went into the kitchen and she prepared pancakes and eggs for him with a side of orange juice and she placed it on the table for him. She then made herself a protein shake and ate some buttered toast.*
A:"Are you all clean?" she asked
K:"Yes I am. Thank you for my food" he said hugging her
A:"Your Welcome love I'll be in the laundry room take your time and eat ok" she said helping him into the chair
*Andy went and separated the laundry and placed them into the wash. She then decided to wash the few dishes that were in the sink. Soon after Kai brought his plate and she washed it out. They then went into the living room to hang out together*
A:*received a text message* "Good morning Andy have an amazing day with those two babies -M" she smiled at the messages and responded with an "ok"
K:"Can I take these toys out?" he asked
A:"Yes just be a little gently because the baby is asleep"
K:"Ok" he slowly dumped the toy cars onto the train mat and he began quietly playing with them
*Andy then turned on the tv and watched a couple shows. Soon after the baby started crying so she removed her from the carrier and asked Kai to get her the things to change her. When he brought it she changed her and she began talking to her and playing with her hands  to interact with her*
*Robert pulled into the parking lot and he grabbed his things to go inside. When he settled down in his office he noticed it was time to greet the team*
R:"19 meeting in 5 along the trucks" he bellowed up the stairs
M:"Good Morning Chief" she greeted
R:"Morning Bishop"
R:"Assignments are posted in the beanery and so is chores which was done by Bishop, get them done and make this 24 hour shift count. Your dismissed if there is no further questions" he stood watching them
D:"How's Andy?" he asked noticing the awkward silence
R:"She's doing good she will be back in two weeks" he said
B:"How's your kids sir?" he asked
R:"As in both of them or just my daughter" he said confused at the question
B:"Well just because you don't talk about your son much doesn't mean he's invisible so yes both of them"
R:"My kids are fine. Andy is watching them both"
V:"Mmm so super mom Herrera" she said interjecting
R:"Ya she's amazing but I'm going to leave now to my office so you guys can chat and work" he said walking away
*They all did their chores and assignments listed for the morning and then the aid car got called out. Everyone else waited and waited around to see if there was going to be anything until..."
M:"We dont move until it's at 5 so there goes our peaceful afternoon" she said spinning in the desk chair
V:"Andy is probably going to be pissed when she gets the alarm message"
J:"She probably won't see it considering she's taking care of two small kids" he said playing with the pens on the desk
T:"Let's hope that Mr.Battalion doesn't get called in"
D:"Ya cause then that's really no good for anyone"
M:"Just wait for it everyone close your eyes and take in this fresh air conditioning because we have a hot fire to put out soon" she said
J:"I wonder how big this building is and I hope it's contained at this level a lot of firefighters have been dispatched by now" he said annoyed
V:"Gibson quiet relax your body"
T:"5 Alarms are never good the adrenaline yes but once that wears off it's pointless and just sad"
M:"That's our cue before go time load up and make sure everything is where it needs to be" she said in her Captain voice which indicated she was serious
*Quickly after that last announcement the final one came in and it quickly made them froze when they heard the required positions needed*
M:"Let's move people" she said hopping into the engine placing on her seatbelt and headset before heading down the road
R:"Bishop this is a serious matter If there calling me in ok and I'm talking to you now as Andys friend if I go in and for whatever reason something happens I need you to stay calm as best as you can and get her wherever I am bring her back to me" he said looking at her face
M:"You better not pull nothing funny on my watch not when you have 3 angels waiting for you at home" she said focusing on the drive
R:"Answer my statement please Maya" he said
M:"Yes Chief I'll do everything I can if something does happen" she said pulling into the scene immediately getting nervous at the sight of the bright flamed building
R:"19 let's move for instructions" he said gearing himself up
*They received the required instructions and everyone went on to their tasks. Robert commanded the scene from outside until he was told to replace a firefighter..."
{Andys POV}
I had laid Aviana on her play mat on the floor and I decided to give Kai some attention and play with him just so he wouldn't be left out. I then noticed how my phone kept buzzing which it never usually did. As I picked it up and saw the notifications my heart sank to the bottom of my body. I became completely frozen in time and tears began flowing down my face. 5 alarms were some of the worst calls you could possibly receive and of course now there was one when I had two kids to look after and not even know if Robert is on the scene. I immediately texted him back to back and he didn't respond. He was usually quick in his response time but this time it was too long I had just known he got called out as well. I immediately looked at the necklace that laid across my neck and kissed the letter R in hope he would soon return my text and just let me know he is fine.
K:"Why are you crying?" he asked worriedly
A:"Nothings wrong I'm fine ok" she said rubbing his back
K:"Daddy's at work right?" he asked
A:"Ya...he's suppose to be there buddy" she said holding back her tears
*Andy then snuggled the precious baby close to her and she whispered lullabies to her softly looking up at Kai ever so often in his own imaginary world. He wasn't her biological son but she knew that biology doesn't always matter. It's love and if there was one thing she knew she loved, it would be these two small angels in front of her.*
{Robert POV}
When I got the task to replace one of the firefighters I knew that I just had to make it out of the building alive. I geared up as fast as I needed to which felt very slow in my head. I applied my mask to my face and the first breath I took it pained my chest running full force into the building with two firefighters behind me. The building was hot and smokey no sign of anyone living if they were inside here nothing was savable, everything just pitch black.
{Maya POV}
I was put on Aid Car duties with Vic and even though I drove the engine here our positions are always changing at 5 alarms we go where we are absolutely needed. Every patient that I took care of seeing their low oxygen levels and burn wounds;the words that Sullivan said to me earlier just kept on ringing inside of my head. I was doing my job just fine but I knew deep down that Andy had found out already and she must've been going crazy.
V:"Maya your thoughts are bothering me" she said cleaning up the supplies
M:"Sorry but Andys man is inside that building also known as our battalion chief and if something happens I'm told to break the news"
V:"The Fire is about 90% controlled now he should be on his way out"
M:"Should be but it's not like he won't be admitted for smoke inhalation"
V:"As long as he has no injuries right" she said
M:"GREAT" she shouted
M:"Cheif do you copy" she said into her radio looking at Vic
M:"Come in on the radio" she said again
{Andys POV}
It had been two hours now since she last heard from Robert or anyone from the station at that matter. She couldn't stop worrying about him in particular but also her family as well she knew five alarms could take hours but she didn't like the fact nobody has answered yet. She fed Kai lunch and had put him down for a nap she cleaned the house from top to bottom and got in a quick workout. She did all of these and yet still no call or text. She watched the hours go by slowly and slowly where the mid afternoon was slowly falling into the early evening hours. She knew that they had to almost be done at some point. She went back to the room where Aviana was sleeping and she watched her. She laid in the bed against Roberts side and she let the tears take her. She laid there for some time until her phone finally beeped but it wasn't a message she was expecting.
{Roberts POV}
I was almost out of the building with an eight year old child who was wearing my oxygen mask when I heard an explosion. It was loud and big but I knew that it wasn't that close to me so I kept on heading towards the exit with my two backup firefighters. The smoke levels kept rising and everything was getting foggy around me but I kept going signaling to the firefighters behind me to radio in help.
K: "We're almost out the building I need a gurney on the main side" he radio
M:"Copy is the Chief with you"
K:"Yes....he's...." the radio signal unclear
M:"I'm not hearing you Kyle" she said
*There was no sound everything was silent for all of a minute*
M:"Gibson I need a gurney on the main side and Miller I need oxygen ready and get 19 Aid Car ready for Chief" she said nervously
V:"How do you know we have another patient?" she asked
M:"Instinct Victoria"
T:"Where does oxygen and a gurney comes in for the Cheif now?" he said confused
M:"Less talking more action and that's an order from your Captain" she shouted
*Robert and the two firefighters and the child in his hands ran out of the building just in time before the main entrance door collapsed behind them. The necessary people immediately ran over to help the small victim. Travis and Jack helped him into the gurney and sent them to the other Aid Car while Maya and Vic assessed Robert*
M:"Cheif due respect but how long have you had your mask off" she said attaching the hookups to him
R:"I don't know about 10 minutes" he said
M:"You know we have to send you to the hospital" she said
R:"Do whatever you want but most importantly don't freak  Andy out and if anything tell her I love her and that she meant the world to me and she will forever be the brightest light in my life along with my babies" he said slowly breathing out
M:"Sir don't you fall asleep on me or Andy or your two babies you don't get to do that not now" she said
R:"Move.....faster" he said before passing out on the gurney
V:"Maya he's out we have to move now" she said loading him into the Aid Car
M:"Finish up at here and meet us at Grey Sloan immediately" she said to the team before hopping into the back to truck
*They gave him an oxygen mask to stabilize his levels and they removed his turnout jacket to see any visible injuries but there was nothing they could see. Maya then took out her phone and texted Andy a small message*
{Andy POV}
The message I received came in from Maya and it said "Hey can you meet me at Grey Sloan,I know you have the kids but bring them with you. Everything is fine" after I read this I just knew that something was wrong but I decided to not panic and I immediately grabbed a backpack and put clothes for Robert in there and then I packed the diaper bag for the baby. I then picked her up out of her bassinet and carried the bags to the door and then I went to get Kai.
A:"Kai we have to leave please grab a jacket and some slippers" she said going into his room
K:"It's almost nighttime" he said
A:"I know but we have to go somewhere real quick so please hurry"
K:"Can I bring my tablet and blanket into the car?" he asked
A:"Yes love" she said
*He got ready and Andy handed him a snack to take with him and she placed the baby into her car seat and she then strapped Kai into his seat and placed the bags in the front seat*
A:"Kai if your sister moves tell me ok" she said starting the car
K:"Ok I'll watch her"
*Andy then made the short drive over to Grey Sloan. She then parked her car and placed the car seat into the stroller and placed the bags in the underneath carrier and she got Kai out of his seat and he walked close to her into the cold hospital*
A:"Maya speak to me" she said noticing her first
M:"Uhhh..." she was silent
A:"Speak I need you to speak please" she said
M:"Chief went into a building for the last round of search and rescue with two backup firefighters he ended up finding a small child which was barely breathing I assume and he gave him his mask to breathe from which caused him to be without fresh air for 10 minutes. He kept going in and out in the Aid Car but he is alive"
A:"Could you um sit with the kids for a minute please" she asked
M:"Sure were all in the waiting room"
A:"Kai this is my friend ok you and Aviana is going to go with her for a second and I'll come back to get you ok" she said
*Maya left with them to the waiting room and Andy checked in with the nurses at the front desk and she was able to get his room number*
A:"Hi" she said walking into his room
R:"Oh Andy I'm so sorry" he said
A:"I've been worried about you for the past four hours now" she said sitting on the edge of his bed
R:"I know love but I'm fine I promise to you I'm fine"
A:"Your fine but I'm not fine" she said with tears running down her cheeks
R:"Look at me please" he asked
A:"Yes" she said quickly wiping away her tears
R:"I could already tell that you've been crying for some time no need to hide them now" he said caressing her cheek
A:"I thought you or one of the teammates were badly injured"
R:"I suffered bad smoke inhalation and somehow I have a small cut on the side of my chest but other than that I'm fine"
A:"Are you coming home?" she asked knowing what the answer will be
R:"No love I'll be out of here tomorrow morning they want to keep me for observation"
A:"I'll miss you" she said
R:"I'll miss you and the kids as well"
A:"It's almost dinner time for Kai so he's probably getting cranky" she said noticing the time
R:"Where are the kids?" he asked
A:"With Maya; I wanted to see you first"
R:"Can I see them before you leave?" he asked
A:"Baby Kai is going to worry all night" she said
R:"Please" he begged
A:"Fine" she took out her phone to tell Maya to come down to his room
R:"I love you" he said leaning over to kiss her
A:"I love you too" she said
*Maya then brought in the kids and decided to give Andy a quick hug before leaving out with the team to go home and give them space*
K:"Daddy what happened?" he asked
R:"I'm fine son just needed a checkup" he said
K:"Ok am I going to school tomorrow"
R:"Yes Drea will take you"
A:"Here's your baby girl" she said handing him the baby
R:"Hi pretty princess I love you" he said kissing her cheeks
*They sat in the room talking and snuggling each other until Andy decided it was time to leave*
A:"I have a long night ahead of me so I should get going" she said
R:"Call me as soon as you reach home" he said
A:"I'll miss you beside me tonight"
R:"I'll be back tomorrow"
A:"Here's a bag with clothes" she said giving it to him
R:"Thank you for looking out for me"
A:"No problem"
K:"Bye daddy" he said waving
R:"Bye son I'll see you tomorrow"
A:"Goodbye" she said avoiding looking at him
R:"Bye gorgeous" he said hugging her and letting his hand linger a little further down
A:"Stop I know you're trying to make me feel better but that doesn't help me" she said whispering in his ears
R:"See you in the morning" he said kissing her one last time
A:"Can't wait" she said winking at him
*They left the room and made their way home. Andy fed and changed the baby and put her to sleep. She then fed Kai dinner and bathed him and put him to sleep as well. She then FaceTimed Robert and they talked and he watched her clean up the kitchen and then she went and showered and she finally got into bed saying goodbye to Robert blowing him a kiss through the phone before placing her phone to charge for the night*

-I hope you guys liked reading this chapter!!-

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