The Reveal

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-Chapter 12!!-
-In this chapter there will be a quick info read and then Andy and Robert will find out what they are having!!-

In this story I didn't bother mentioning Ripley or Ryan and I've mentioned Pruitt in the earlier chapters but I'm taking a time jump to turn everything around. Robert is now going to be Battalion Chief and Maya will be captain. Kairo is four now as well and he is going to school.Everything else is staying the same I hope you'll understand!!

R:"I miss cuddling you" he said kissing her cheek
A:"I know but we're firefighters were required to work long shifts"
R:"I know that it's just I love being with you"
A:"Me too. You want to know something exciting?" she asked
R:"What is it"
A:"Tomorrow I have another appointment with the doctor and we get to find out the gender of our baby"
R:"Finally. I'm happy about that"
A:"You do know however that now that Kai goes to school we'll have to figure something out for him to get to know"
R:"We'll just tell him here"
A:"Robert we have work tomorrow and besides the team really wants to know"
R:"Then I'll get him earlier after my meeting and bring him by so we can tell him"
A:"Sounds perfect"
R:"Alright. Goodnight love" he said snuggling closer to her

A:"Are you ready for school Kai?" she asked
K:"Yes today we're going to be painting"
A:"Ok that sounds fun"
K:"Are you going to see the baby today?" he asked
A:"Yes we are"
R:"Ready guys?" he asked 
A:"Here's your backpack,your lunchbox is inside there ok" she said putting it beside his seat
*They made their way down to his school to drop him off and they soon made their way to the doctors office. When they got there they checked in and sat in the waiting room*
A:"What do you think we're having?" she asked
R:"I say we're having a little princess" he responded gently rubbing her belly bump
A:"I think so too"
D:"Herrera!" she called out
A:"That's our cue,let's go find out what baby Sullivan is"
R:"My last name really?"
A:"Yes I want him or her to have it like Kairo. When we get married I'll still keep my name but just add yours"
R:"Sounds like a plan" he said giving her a quick kiss
D:"Ok Ms.Herrera today you'll be finding out your baby gender but we need to run some labs on you first" she said
A:"That's fine"
*The Dr gave her a shot and she also took a blood sample to make sure everything was ok*
D:"Ok so now that's done please lift your shirt above your stomach and you'll feel a cold spot for a second but it's nothing your not used to already" she said applying the wand to her belly
R:"Are you ready baby?" he said holding her hand
A:"Yes I'm ready"
D:"Congratulations your having a girl" she said
A:"Robert we're having a little princess"
R:"Are you happy?"
A:"Yes I'm super happy. I can't wait to meet her"
R:"In a couple of months we'll finally see her"
A:"Thank you Dr.Allen"
D:"No problem I'll hand you some pictures and don't forget lightweight work only"
*She quickly went and grabbed the pictures and she then handed them a little pink onesie and dismissed them*
R:"Were heading to the station now you know that"
A:"Yes I'm fine to go in even though I'll be on desk duty this shift"
R:"Ok then let's go"
*They got to the station in about 15 minutes and Robert went up to his office to go into his meeting and start his work for the day and Andy went into the beanery*
V:"Hey pregnant mama"
M:"Andy is late again"
A:"Andy went to go check on her baby"
M:"You do mean our baby right" she said laughing
A:"No I mean Sullivan and I baby. Your still family but you won't be dealing with everything at our house"
D:"You two live together now?"
A:"Yes we do live together now" she said sitting at the table
T:"OMG Andy that ring is nice" he said noticing her engagement ring
A:"Oops I forgot to take it off but thank you"
M:"Sullivan can truly be nice"
A:"Yes he can be"
J:"Who's filling your position when you're on desk duty?"
A:"I don't know yet I would think it's a C or D shift member"
T:"Thank goodness you didn't say B shift those people are animals"
A:"I made sure to inform them not to put them on as my fill in"
V:"Are you planning on telling us the gender?" she said
A:"I thought you wouldn't ask but yes later on this shift we'll tell you guys;he has to get his son first to tell him but after we'll tell you guys"
M:"Good talk Herrera but we've got to get going to do chores before we get called out and I think that phone is awaiting for you downstairs"
A:"Well thank you for rubbing it in my face Captain Bishop"
M:"You know I love you" she said leaving the beanery
*Andy then went downstairs back to the desk and she sat there scrolling on her phone looking at baby items and watching videos. She was soon brought out of her trance when someone walked into the door....*
A:"Station 19;Lieutenant Andrea Herrera. How may I help you?" she asked
W:"Umm I'm just here to drop off this gift box and since you told me your name I know that this belongs to you"
A:"Thank you. You can leave it here"

{Andy POV}
As the walk in person came I knew he looked a little confused. I thought maybe he needed some medical attention but I was sure not to approach him just yet. As I finished introducing myself he then told me that this box was something specifically for me. I was a little hesitant of what it could be and since he was a walk in I decided to put on gloves. When he left the box on the counter and left I immediately picked it up and went up to Roberts office to give it to him. I then approached his office door and took a deep breath and knocked.

R:"Come in" he said
A:"Hi baby are you still working?"
R:"Yes but I'll make time for you" he said turning to face her
R:"Why are you wearing gloves and holding that box like that?"
A:"Because I don't know what's in it and it was addressed to me"
R:"Andy why are you touching it then it could me anything. Call the police"
A:"No it isn't heavy like a weapon it's very light so I'm going to open it"
R:"Who gave it to you?"
A:"A walk in did; he didn't mention where it came from"
R:"Babe you know that could be anything"
A:"Let me take a look ok" she then opened the box and watched as he stared at her in confusion
R:"What is it?"
A:"A note from your childs mother"
R:"Bree?" he questioned
A:"Yes it's a note on top of two baby onesies"
R:"She knows you're pregnant?"
A:"Yes she saw my belly when I went to get Kairo the other day"
R:"What does the note say?" he questioned
A:"It says..."
"Hi Andrea. I'm writing this note to tell you that I am sorry. I know that the night I came over you were probably somewhere close by in the house or heard the story of what happened and I apologize for my actions. I'm glad that you were able to find your true love and I thank you for taking care of my precious Kairo and I hope you have a safe pregnancy and delivery." -Bree
R:"Ok are you ok with that"
A:"Yes I am I'm glad she apologized for what she did and I'm glad she's willing to let me be around Kai"
R:"I'm glad too"
A:"Are you almost done? The team wants to know"
R:"I'm going to finish this paperwork first and then I'll pick him up"
A:"Ok I'm going to put this in the car and go back to the desk" she said leaning over to kiss him
R:"Stay Safe"
*Robert finished what he was doing and he then left to pick up Kairo from school. When he picked him up he bought him some lunch and drove back to the station*
K:"Drea" he said running inside
A:"Hi Kai,how was school?"
K:"It was good I painted a lot of pictures there in my backpack"
A:"Ok we'll look at them at home. Daddy and I have a surprise for you" she said as she watched his eyes get bigger
R:"Come into my office" he said opening the door
A:"Remember the baby in my belly?"
K:"Yes it's big"
A:"My stomach is getting bigger but we know what's inside. Do you want a baby sister or a baby brother?"
K:"Baby brother" he said firmly
*Andy then looked at Robert nervously*
R:"Kai your going to have a baby sister"
K:"It's a girl?" he asked
A:"Yes buddy it's a baby girl"
K:"It's ok I'm still happy to meet her"
A:"Ok and I don't want you to worry we still love you very much and I'll still play with you"
K:"Ok can I eat my lunch now?"
R:"Yes let's go upstairs"
*They then left to go up to the beanery. Andy laid out his food on the table and gave him something to drink in his cup. The team then came back from a call and entered the beanery*
M:"Didn't expect to crash the family party" she said walking inside
A:"It's not a party Maya we were just giving him something to eat"
T:"Hi Chief"
R:"Hello 19"
V:"Is this finally the gender reveal because no offense to you Chief and Andy but he doesn't stay up in the beanery this long"
A:"Yes it's about the gender"
M:"I'm pretty sure I know what is it but I'll wait till you officially say it"
A:"Robert and I will be adding a little princess to our family" she said
B:"Congratulations guys"
T:"Aww that's going to be a very pretty baby"
M:"I knew it all along. Congratulations"
V:"Mmmm so another girl to make Chief just that much softer"
A:"I don't think he'll ever show his soft side at work but it's most definitely there at home"
R:"Andy stop" he said in a whisper
J:"I can't wait to meet her. Congratulations Andy I'm glad your happy"
A:"Thank you guys"
R:"We really appreciate your love and support in our little one" he said rubbing Andys belly
D:"Are you guys seeing this; he is using his soft voice" he whispered around the table
A:"Robert...Sullivan is very protective over his kids so yes you'll see him be just a little softer than normal"
M:"Now that's over let's get back to our jobs. Myself and Miller is on to make dinner the rest of you will be on cleaning chores until we get a call"
*They then left to start cleaning and Maya and Dean stayed back to prepare the meal. Andy then got off work early and took Kai home. Robert stayed behind to complete his full shift.*

-This chapter is a shorter one; I didn't really know where to go with this chapter but I promise I'll make the next one more fun to read!!-

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