Back At Work

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-Chapter 19!!-
-In this chapter Andy is cleared to go back to work!!-


*Andy had been woken up by her alarm and she threw on her robe and went to check on the baby and Kai. She noticed they were still sleeping and not up as yet so she took this time to pack Kai lunchbox and she also filled up two water bottles and placed them into the fridge. She also packed her overnight bag and placed the instructions for the babysitter in a folder and left it on the counter. She then went into the room and woke up Robert*
A:"Good morning handsome" she said giving him a kiss
R:"Morning" he said still half asleep
A:"Keep a ear open for the kids I'm going to get ready" she said handing him the baby monitor
R:"Wait are you going back today?" he asked confused
A:"Yes love" she said before going into the bathroom
*Andy then went into the shower and Robert decided to go and make Kai breakfast. He made him some buttered toast and eggs and he placed it on the table and went to get him*
R:"Wake up buddy time for school" he said rubbing his back
K:"Good morning daddy" he said sitting up
R:"Good morning son; get dressed and sit at the table ok" he said
K:"Ok" he said getting out of bed
*Robert went back into the kitchen and placed some chocolate milk beside his food and he turned on the TV so he could watch it while he ate. He then waited for him to come out and he made sure he was ok before he went back into the their shared room*
R:"Babe are you ready?" he asked coming into the room
A:"Almost you can shower though" she said
R:"I miss seeing you in your uniform" he said hugging her from behind
A:"Do I look different?" she asked nervously
R:"No love you look amazing just like the same Andrea Herrera" he said kissing her forehead
A:"Thank you now go get dressed I'm going to finish with the kids" she said leaving the bathroom
A:"Hi mommas girl" she said picking Aviana up out of the crib
A:"Let's get you ready for the morning" she said laying her down and changing her diaper and clothes
K:"Hi Drea" he said waving to her
A:"Hi love did you finish" she asked walking into the question
K:"Yes im done" he said
*Andy then took his plate and placed them into the sink and she told him to go wash his hands and put his shoes on*
A:"Here's your breakfast Aviana" she said feeding her the warm bottle
*Andy sat and fed the baby and Kai sat in the living room waiting to leave. Robert quickly got down getting ready and the babysitter had just came in time*
R:"Morning Ms.Ava" he said welcoming her inside
A:"Hi sweetheart your only watching baby girl for the morning and then Robert is going to drop Kai off after he's done with school and then he'll come back in the evening to be with them" she said handing her the baby
R:"You can make yourself comfortable;if you need anything or some help just call me and I'll be down her as soon I can" he said
A:"Bye my sweet girl" she said kissing her cheeks
R:"Bye princess see you later" he said
*Andy grabbed the two water bottles and her overnight bag and she went to her seperate car. Robert had already left a little before her to get Kai to school. She decided to stop by Robert and her favorite coffee shop and get some food before going to the station. After she got the food she waited for him in the parking lot*
R:"I got your text" he said coming into the car
A:"Good I got us some breakfast that we could enjoy in the car before going inside" she said handing him his breakfast sandwich and cup of fruit
R:"Babe why in the car?" he asked
A:"We never get to have personal times that much so I'm stealing it now" she said taking a bite of her bagel
R:"Are you nervous?" he asked
A:"Nervous for any fires" she said in a confused tone
R:"No love for your appointment later" he said
A:"Not really I'm more scared that I'll be away on a 24 hour shift away from the kids" she said
R:"Well since being Battalion Chief I don't get called out much on calls so I'll be back home for dinner with them" he said reassuring her
A:"I know that but can you handle them both?" she asked
R:"Sweetheart I got them ok" he said sipping his coffee
A:"Try this please" she said giving him her iced coffee
R:"I don't like that it's too sweet" he said
A:"It's not sweet your just used to your black coffee with 3 sugars" she said laughing
R:"That's what's perfect for me" he said
*They sat in light conversation finishing there breakfast*
A:"I brought you something special" she said opening the door to go into the back seats
R:"What is it?" he questioned
A:"I'll show you as soon as I open my bag" she said
A:"Here" she said sitting back up in the front
R:"Ok so basically lunch" he said looking at the small bag with contents of food
A:"Yes it has that good lasagna you like and it even has a wrapped up brownie and of course your healthy salad and garlic bread" she said
R:"Thank you for this" he said
A:"You're Welcome" she said leaning over to kiss him
*The kiss soon started to get a bit more passionate which resulted in Robert pulling Andys shirt buttons open and him slowly undoing his belt buckle*
A:"We can't do this" she said stopping him
R:"We have exactly ten minutes before we're considered late" he said looking at his watch
A:"Doing that in a car isn't enjoyable and people are coming in the parking lot and besides I have two car seats in my car" she said
R:"Fine then" he said fixing back his belt
A:"You kissed off all my lipgloss" she said searching through her purse to find some more
R:"Sorry and you may also want to fix your shirt" he said
A:"Ok we've been in this car for too long we have to go in now" she said fixing herself up
R:"I love you so much have an amazing day today and when you come back from your appointment tell me all the details" he said kissing her and grabbing his bag to exit
A:"Bye see you inside" she said waving
*Andy brushed her hair up into a bun and she applied more lipgloss and she then grabbed her overnight bag and the trash from earlier and made her way inside dumping the trash and and putting her bag into her locker*
{Nobodys POV}
The team didn't notice Andy had come back yet and so they weren't expecting to see her. Andy had first gone up to the beanery and noticed they weren't there so she went back downstairs and heard the distant chattering coming from where the trucks were parked.

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