Family Time

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-Chapter 20!!-
-This chapter is about Andy and Robert with the kids!!-

Their baby girl is now a year old and she still has a babysitter when Andy and Robert go to work and Kai is still in school and he still goes back and forth!!-

*Andy had just got off of work and Robert was in the kitchen cooking*

A:"Goodmorning" she said walking through the front door
R:"Morning" he replied
*Andy took off her shoes and her bag and hung it up on the rack and walked into the kitchen*
A:"Where's the kids?" she asked
R:"There still sleeping.How was work?" he asked
A:"It wasn't that bad just another 24 hours" she said washing her hands in the sink
R:"Here you go" he said handing her the plate
A:"Thanks love" she said giving him a kiss
*They both sat at the table and ate their breakfast together discussing their plans for the day*
A:"We should take the kids to the pool today" she suggested to him
R:"Ok if that's what you want to do we can do it"
A:"It will be Aviana first time and Kai loves the water so it's a win win" she said walking over to the sink
A:"I'll do the dishes for us and you can wake up the kids so they can have breakfast" she said
*Robert went and got Aviana up from her crib and he then awoken Kai and brought them out to the table*
A:"Morning buddy" she said picking him up
K:"Good morning" he said hugging her
A:"Are you ready to eat breakfast?" she asked him
K:"Yes thank you" he replied
*Andy then let him sit on his chair and she gave him a bagel with cream cheese and some orange juice*
A:"I still have on work clothes so I'm not going to hold her just yet so can you feed her?" she asked him
R:"Ya I will" he said
A:"I'm going to take a shower and I'll be right back" she said leaving the room
*Robert feed the baby her baby food and he then placed her in her playpen and turned on the TV for her and Kai to watch.He then sat on the couch went on his phone*
-30 minutes later-
A:"I'm back" she said walking to the couch
R:"You look and smell amazing" he said kissing her forehead
A:"Thank you" she said going into the kitchen
A:"I'm going to pack the stuff and you can get ready" she called out to him
R:"Ok" he said
*Andy grabbed a backpack and she packed 4 towels in it with water and snacks and fruit and a change of clothes and Robert went to get ready*
A:"Kai come let's get you ready" she said picking up the baby and walking over to his room
K:"Where are we going?" he asked
A:"Somewhere special" she said looking into his dresser
A:"Now which one do you want to put on" she asked laying out two options
K:"Hmmm this one" he said lifting up the light blue swim set
A:"Ok now let me help you put it on properly" she said
K:"Ok" he said
A:"Now that you're dressed I'm going to get sissy ready so you can stay here and play with your tablet" she said
K:"Ok I'll wait for you" he said sitting up on his chair
*Andy then went into Aviana room and found her swimsuit*
A:"Aviana Jade you are so beautiful" she said kissing her cheek
A:"I'm so glad I get to call you my daughter"
*Andy then got her dressed and brought her into their shared room*
A:"Robert are you dressed?" she asked
R:"Yes love I'm ready now" he said leaving the bathroom
A:"You take a very long time to get dressed" she said
R:"Not really. Are the kids ready?" he asked
A:"Yes they are because I got them ready and now your going to hold your daughter while I finish getting ready" she said handing her to him
R:"Say bye bye mama" he said talking to the baby
*Andy then got her swimsuit on and she put on a long t-shirt over herself and she got her sandals on and threw her hair into a high bun*
A:"Kai you can come now" she called out
R:"Are you ready now?" he asked
A:"I'll be outside in a minute get the kids in the car" she said
*Robert then went and took the kids to the car and Andy went into the house to grab the packed backpack and her purse and she soon made her way to the car where they were waiting for her*
R:"Someone came out looking too pretty" he said grabbing her hand
A:"Thanks love now drive please" she said avoiding giving him eye contact
*15 minutes later they arrived at the community pool and they got everything they needed out of the car and fount a cool shaded area*
A:"Come Kai" she said
A:"After I do this daddy is going to put your floaties on and you can swim with him" she said rubbing sunscreen on him
R:"Your not going in?" he asked
A:"Maybe when princess Aviana wakes up from her nap" she said
R:"You want to offer to rub me up like that" he said winking at her
A:"Stop it and if you want it I can" she said
{Nobodys POV}
Andy placed some sunscreen on him and he soon took Kai into the water. Kai splashed and played in the water and Aviana stayed asleep in her stroller for a while. Andy kept on watching them and taking pictures. She loved seeing Robert interact with the kids and how soft he always becomes for them. After a while they got tired and decided to take a quick break.
R:"Andrea Herrera" he said winking at her
A:"Robert don't you dare do anything you'll regret" she said noticing what he was about to do
R:"Aren't you hot?" he said sitting beside her
A:"No I'm not" she replied
R:*he moved to lay on top of her with his wet body*
A:"Robert you're getting me all wet there's a towel for you beside Kai" she said trying to push him off
R:"We're going back in after he finishes his break so he's good" she said laying against her chest
A:"Can you stop laying on me like a baby" she said
R:"I'm just using you as a pillow for a second and then I'll move" he said
A:"I don't have a change of clothes for me I only brought for you and the kids" she said
R:"Fine" he said sitting up
A:"Thank you" she said
R:"Take off your shirt please" he said
A:"Ok" she said removing her shirt
R: *he then picked her up and gently threw her into the water*
A:"ROBERT" she said angrily
R:"That's more like it" he said laughing
A:"This water is freezing" she said getting out
R:"I can warm you up" he said kissing her cheek
A:"Don't you dare and by the way tonight your going to be sleeping with Kairo" she said wrapping a towel around her
R:"Oh really we'll see who has the last say when we get home" he said
*Robert then took Kai back into the pool and Andy then took Aviana out of the stroller and sat on the pool step with her and made her feet touch the water. They played at the pool for another hour before Kai started to get tired and sleepy and so they decided to pack up and head home*
A:"I'm going to shower Kai and give Aviana a bath after so how about you start on dinner" she said
R:"I can do that" he said
A:"Thank you" she said kissing him
*Robert went into the kitchen and he made the quickest thing possible and one of Kai's favorite meals. He decided to make spaghetti and meatballs. Andy went and got Kai ready first and then after she got Aviana ready. After they were all cleaned she brought them out to the living room*
A:"Dinner smells amazing" she said walking into the kitchen
R:"It's just something quick and easy" he said
A:"Well this momma needs a shower of her own so please keep a watch on the kids" she said
R:"I'm cooking though love" he said
A:"Baby that's almost done and besides your a super dad right" she said rubbing her hand along his chest
R:"I don't think so" he said
A:"Come on there going to be fine trust me I'll be quick and besides when there done eating dinner your going to shower and I'll have to put them to bed it's called teamwork" she said
R:"That's how it is every night Andy" he said
A:"Of course Robert because it's our routine that's why it goes in the same order" she said
R:"Fine but you owe me" he said
A:"Whatever watch them and don't burn the house down" she said walking away
*Andy went and took a shower and Robert finished cooking. He plated the dishes and brought them out to the table and he then placed Aviana in her high chair and Kai sat in his seat*
K:"Thank you daddy" he said
R:"Your Welcome son"
A:"Perfect see that wasn't too difficult" she said rubbing his shoulders
R:"Enjoy" he said
*They ate their meals and Andy feed Aviana small pieces and she then gave her a bottle. Robert cleared the table and washed out the dishes*
A:"Come Kai tell daddy goodnight" she said
K:"Goodnight" he said hugging him
R:"See you in the morning buddy"
A:"Say bye bye dada" she said in baby language talking to Aviana
R:"Sleep well princess" he said kissing her cheek
*Andy first put Aviana to sleep and soon she read Kai a book and placed him to sleep as well. She then closed both of their doors and she went to clean up the house. Robert finished the dishes and he went up to take a shower*
R:"Are the kids sleeping now" he said making his way to Andy on the couch
A:"Yes they are" she said
R:"Where exactly am I sleeping tonight?" he asked laughing
A:"Anywhere but our bed" she said
R:"I'm sorry" he said kissing her neck slowly
A:"Nope we're not doing that" she said pushing him away
R:"I love you" he said
A:"I love you more" she said back
*Robert then got off of the couch and picked Andy up*
A:"Put me down please" she begged
R:"You're warm did you know that?" he asked
A:"You say it everyday how will I never not know" she said
*Robert placed her on the carpet and laid back on top of her*
A:"This is uncomfortable" she said
R:"Then I'll make it comfortable" he said removing his shirt and his shorts
A:"I didn't mean you getting half naked I mean us together on this carpet rug" she said laughing
*Robert then began passionately kissing her and rubbing his hands up her shirt until she stopped him*
A:"No" she said laughing
R:"What's wrong" he said
A:"I'm going to bed see you in the morning" she said kissing him and getting up
R:"Please" he said begging
A:"Are you really sorry for doing what I told you not to do" she said
R:"Yes;I am sorry" he said
*Andy then pushed him down slowly and sat on him and she began kissing him again. He took in all the slow and seductive kisses and watched as she ran her hands along his body. He then decided to lift up her shirt and throw it to the side*
R:"No coverings?" he asked winking
A:"It's night time so no" she said breaking the kisses
He then began massaging her body and they took it slow not inching to the next move. Robert then repositioned them and he was then about to begin the next move when they heard a door open.
A:"Shhh that's Kai" she said grabbing her shirt frantically and throwing it back on
R:"He may not come out" he said
A:"Put on your shorts" she said whispering
K:"Drea" he called out
A:"He sounds scared I can't just ignore him" she whispered
R:"He never wakes up in the middle of the night" he said
A:"Well tonight's different go in the room" she said standing up and going over to him
A:"What's the matter buddy" she said picking him up
K:"It's too dark in there" he said
A:"Kai you have a night light remember" she said rubbing his back
K:"Something happened to it" he said
*Andy then walked over into his room and noticed that the light was only plugged out so she plugged it back and and she sat in the chair and rocked him*
A:"Will you go back to sleep now?" she asked
K:"Yes Drea" he said
A:"Ok then go into bed" she said
*Kai got back into his bed and Andy watched him as he fell asleep. She then kissed his cheek and walked slowly out the room and into her own*
A:"He just got scared of the darkness that's it" she said getting into the bed
R:"Ok.."he said then getting interrupted
A:"We're not finishing anything tonight he literally almost caught us in mid action" she said
R:"Wow tonight of all nights" he groaned
A:"I'll make it up to you" she said kissing him
A:"Will you compromise and still cuddle me?" she asked
R:"Sure;goodnight love" he said kissing her cheek
A:"Goodnight sweetheart" she said

-I hope you guys liked reading this chapter!! I've made the decision to close this book out with 2 more chapters so STAY TUNED!!-
-Thank you guys for always reading and commenting and voting,I appreciate you!!

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