Together Forever

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-Chapter 22!!-
-This is the final chapter of this story and it's going to be about Andy and Robert!!-

{Nobodys POV}
Andy and Robert had a day off and Andy went with the team to a small house party and Kai went to his mom and Robert took Aviana to the park.

{Roberts POV}
I decided to take Aviana to the park seeing that Andy was hanging out and the house wasn't much of a play place for her. I first got myself ready and then I got her dressed in a dress with shorts and her sneakers and I then packed her bag. I told Andy where we were going in case she came back home looking for us.

{Andys POV}
This morning I spent time with both Robert and Aviana cuddling in bed watching movies and eating breakfast. I had previously told Robert the night before that the team had planned another get together in the late afternoon and since I had never really gone out with them in a while he offered to stay and let me go. I was kind of worried it would be a lot for him but he said he was fine. This get-together was at Maya house today and I was a little thrown off by it seeing that we usually go to Dean's place but according to him he wanted a new environment.
A:"Hey guys" she said walking through the doors
*Everyone greeted her with hugs*
M:"We finally got the momma bird to come and hangout" she said
V:"Now the real party can start" she said taking a sip of her chilled beer
A:"First things first I'm still a mom and I a must return home so I'll be doing light drinking" she said taking a bottle of water from the fridge
M:"Your fine as long as you're here with us is what's good" she said tapping her shoulder
T:"Hey just be glad you don't have to take the drunk people home afterwards" he said pointing
A:"That my friend is where the benefits of having two car seats and toys all thrown around my backseat come in and I like to say it's a win"
*They all danced to different music and they each kept drinking leaving Andy and Travis to communicate to each. Andy loved seeing the team get loose and relaxed even though she couldn't participate how she would normally. Travis ended up making a small fruit salad with some fruit that was in the fridge to help dial down the drinking*
V:"Travis can cook" she said laughing eating a serving
T:"Vic is just some fruit" he responded
V:"No no silly I know that it just taste way more amazing"
A:"She's had one to many to drink" she whispered to Travis
T:"Yup she's going to be a tough one to take home" he said slightly nervous
T:"Will you help me out Andy please?" he asked begging
A:"I have a child and I need to be with her after I leave here so as much as I love all of you guys it's a no" she said laughing at his pouty face
*Andy then got up and went to dance with everyone. She ended up having one beer with Travis and soon the rest were all either drunk or tipsy. Travis took home the others and Andy left Maya in her house and drove back to hers*
{Roberts POV}
After we played for an hour at the park,we went walking on a small trail to see the different birds and flowers. I decided to take some pictures of us for Andy in case she asked. After the park we then left to go back home. When we came back I noticed Andy still hadn't arrived yet so I put Aviana down for a nap and went into our room to do some work on my laptop.
-15 minutes later-
A:"Hi Robert" she said walking into their room noticing him on the chair
R:"Hi Andy" he said back
A:"Was Aviana good today?" she asked
R:"She was perfect. We went to the park and on a little walk. She's sleeping now" he said
*Andy then went into the bathroom and she changed into an oversized t-shirt and went back into the bed*
R:"Are you planning on taking a nap?" he asked watching her
A:"Not necessarily just laying down" she responded
*Robert then closed his laptop and placed it on the dresser and went into the bed and snuggled close to Andy*
R:"What did you do today?"he asked in a light tone
A:"I hung out with the team and we danced a little and talk like we always do" she responded
R:"Did you drink?"he questioned
A:"Not really I still drove back home" she said
R:"So your not drunk but you're tipsy" he said laughing
R:"Come here" he said
*Andy turned to look at him and she moved closer to him just like he had asked her to*
R:"You know I love you right" he whispered into her ear
A:"Yes love I do and please don't whisper in my ear" she said smiling
R:"You know me and you;we're together forever" he said breathing softly against her neck
A:"Yes I know that and I wouldn't want it any other way" she said laughing at him
A:"If you want to undress me and have your way with me you better do it fast before our sweet princess wakes up" she said leaning into his ear
*Robert immediately took off his shirt and began kissing Andy. It was a fast but passionate kiss and soon they interlaced their tongues and their bodies were touching. Andy then removed Roberts short and he lifted off her shirt.*
A:"Don't make a lot of noise" she said laughing
R:"You make the most" he said grinning at her
*Andy then removed her bra and underwear and was now left uncovered. Robert then kissed her body all over and watched as she moved to his touch. He then quickly removed his boxers and looked at her for permission. Once given he entered her and they made love to each other*
A:"Now that we did that were both sweaty and naked and we still have a child that's about to wake up" she said looking at their bodies undecided of the next move
R:"Shower together then" he said getting up
A:"Only 5 minutes" she said following him into the bathroom
*They quickly showered and changed into clean clothes and they fixed back their room. Andy then went to start cooking a meal for them and Robert went to get Aviana. They spent their evening having dinner together and a short family walk around the neighborhood and then they went back home*

-A/N: Thank you to all you wonderful readers for reading this story and thank you for the continuous comments and votes; I sincerely appreciate it so much!! -
-This story is now completed-
-Thank you,Gracias,Obrigado,Merci,Danke!!-

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