The Introduction

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-Chapter 5!!-
-This chapter is going to be about Andy meeting Robert's son!!-

*Robert and Andy both got off work in the morning and they separated to go back home. It's late in the afternoon.Andy went back home to repack her overnight bag to go over to Robert. Robert was now home getting lunch prepared for when she came and he was also waiting on Bree to drop Kairo back off*

Robert heard the front door bell and he put the spoon down on the table and went to go open it.
R:"Hey Bree" he said
B:"Hey Robert. I'm just dropping Kairo off like I told you but he's kind of tired so he may want to have a nap"
R:"Thank you. Hey son"
K:"Hi daddy" he said hugging his upper leg since that was as far as he could reach
R:"Tell mommy bye now and you'll see her next week"
K:"Bye Momma I love you"
B:"Bye my love" she said picking him up and giving him a kiss
*She left and he closed the door behind her*

R:"Are you hungry?" he asked
K:"No daddy I'm just tired"
R:"Ok then I'll put you down for a nap"
*Robert picked up his backpack and took Kairo up to his room and he changed him into comfortable clothes and tucked him in for his nap*

*Robert went back to finish up the food and about 30 minutes later the doorbell rang again. He knew who it was this time but he really also hoped the doorbell didn't wake up Kairo"
A:"Hi Robert" she said hugging him
R:"Hi Andy" he replied
A:"No kiss?" She looked up at him
R:"Well I am still dirty from cooking and I have a lot of things to do but.." he stop and kissed her on the cheek
A:"Thank you now where's Kairo" she asked stepping inside
R:"Really the first thing on your mind is my son. Your not going to mention that this is your first time in my house or you know the amazing smell of homemade burgers" he replied locking the door and approaching her
A:"Well love your house is very comfy looking and the food smells amazing. I was just excited to see him"
R:"Understandable but he's taking a nap. How about we eat first and he should wake up by then"
A:"Ok deal!!" she responded

*They both went into the kitchen and rewashed their hands and got a plate of food and they sat at the table talking about some of their past experiences and their new relationship*

K:"Daddy" he said wiping his eyes
R:"Your awake now son" he said turning around and picking him up
K:"Yes I'm hungry now can I please have something to eat"
R:"You're so polite yet very demanding. You can after I show you to my friend"
R:"Kairo this is my friend Andrea can you say hi"
K:"Hi I'm Kairo I'm three years old"
A:"Hi Kairo"
R:"Um can he sit by you real quick while I grab him a plate to eat"
K:"What's your name again?" he asked her
A:"Well my real name is Andrea but my friends and family call me Andy. You can call me whatever you want"
K:"Hmmm ok can I call you Drea it's easier"
A:"Sure thing bud and can I call you Kai"
K:"Yes my mom calls me that and sometimes daddy does too but he mostly calls me son"
A:"Your a very smart three year old"
K:"Thank you. Can you play with me?" he asked her
A:"Your going to eat soon so I will definitely play with you afterwards"
R:"Kairo come sit in your chair" he said across the room
A:"You raised a very sweet little boy I like him" she whispered in his ears watching the little boy get into his chair
R:"When your done eating you can get up and go play ok.I'm going to clean up the house"
A:"Robert Your house is very clean what are you cleaning up"
R:"Well that's just the obvious parts that are clean I have a lot of laundry to do and dishes because when you have a three year old he goes through a lot of clothes and well me I go through a lot of clothes too"
A:"Well since I'm here let me help. You do the dishes I'll do your laundry"
R:"Babe that's..I can do it myself. I've been adjusting to this whole single dad thing and it's hard because there's not much help anymore but I can do it"
A:"Well your not single anymore and I can wash clothes Robert it's simple. Team work makes the dream work"
R:"Ok then love the laundry room is to the right of the hall and there's 2 baskets"
A:"Ok got it"
*They both helped clean up the house and they got everything back in order. Kairo finished eating and was ready to play*
K:"Drea can we play now"
A:"Yes Kai what are we playing"
K:"No were going to my backyard first to swing and then we can play with my trains"
A:"Ok do you want daddy to come as well"
K:"If he wants to join us"
R:"I would love to join you buddy but Drea can take you. I'm going to finish up some work"
A:"Are you ok baby" she whispered in his ears when Kairo was far enough to not hear
R:"I'm fine we'll talk later"
*Andy and Kairo played in the backyard for about an hour. They took turns swinging and playing with the hose. They both then went inside and played with trains,blocks and cars for a little bit as well*
A:"It's getting late now how about I make you a grilled cheese with a cup of chocolate milk for your dinner"
K:"Yes please" he said in response
*She quickly found everything she needed in the organized kitchen and she quickly made everything for Kairo*
A:"Come sit Kai. You eat this and I'm going to find Daddy ok"
K:"Ok I'll be fine Drea"
A:*knocks on the door* "Babe..are you done yet"
R:"Oh Andy I'm so sorry i lost track of the time with these file I never meant to intentionally leave him with you for almost two hours"
A:"It's ok I've got everything under control. We played already and now I made him some dinner and after I'll even give him a bath"
R:"Andy no that's too much it feels like your my maid now"
A:"Your my boyfriend.I chose to do all of this and I chose to be with you through whatever so if it means helping out I will do just that" she leaned over to kiss him
R:"Alright then just a warning he likes to splash so if you get wet and need something ask me. Also this might be far fetched but are you staying tonight"
A:"Well you do remember our agreement last night right" she winked at him
R:"Yes love I do"
A:"So there's your answer. I have to get back to Kai he's probably thinking I left him"
R:"Thank you" he shouted out the door when she left
K:"I'm all done now"
A:"Ok it's getting pretty late now so can I give you a bath"
K:"Ok let's go then"
*Andy made her way over to the bathroom that had a very kid friendly theme it was the only part of the house beside the little boy bedroom that wasn't a gray and white theme. She watched as Kai got all of his toys out and he also brought out a washcloth and towel*
A:"Wow your very prepared"
K:"Daddy taught me to bring all of this during bath time so I just always do it now"
*Andy simply smiled at the boy and began to ran the bath water and helped undress the little boy and placed him inside the tub with all of his toys. She watched him play while she helped wash him up. After some time had passed she saw he was shivering so she decided to pick him up and wrap him in his towel. She then took him to his room and lotioned his soft skin and put him in fresh pajamas. She then read him a book and rocked him until he was almost asleep. Robert then came in and admired the sight of Andy and his precious son*
R:"Goodnight baby boy I love you" he said going over to Andy and picking him up to place him into his bed
A:"Goodnight Kai" she gently rubbed his forehead before leaving his room
A:"I'm going to clean the bathroom up" she told Robert
R:"Ok I'm going to shower my room is down the hall meet me there whenever"
*Andy placed all of Kairos toys into the bag and she hung up the wet towel on the hook. She then decided to grab her overnight bag from her car outside and make her way up to Roberts room. She noticed he was still showering so she decided to enter in the bathroom anyway but still allowed him privacy in his shower*
R:"When did you sneak in here" he said exiting the shower doors and wrapping a towel around his waist
A:"Not that long. I didn't want to disturb your shower time so I stayed by the sinks and I just brushed my hair up into a ponytail and then removed my light makeup and brushed my teeth"
R:"You could've come in I mean it's not like we're strangers to each other's bodies"
A:"I know but still it's all new"
R:"Listen Andy. Kairo seems to really love you. I mean he isn't shy but he never just lets anyone do all that for him and I know I was being closed off today but it's just all new to me and I don't want you to feel overwhelmed because I know it's a lot of work"
A:"Listen I'll always be here to help you. I love Kai as well and I want to develop a relationship with him if you let me and I don't want you to be afraid to ask me for anything"
R:"You're my girlfriend and I want to finish this life with you so of course you can develop a relationship with my son. Also I'm sorry I introduced us as friends to him but he's still so young and he's already confused over the whole my house and his moms house I just..Nevermind I'll tell him the truth"
A:"No Robert it's too soon and besides he's 3 he doesn't know what's going on. Let him love his mommy and his daddy I don't want him to think I'll replace her"
R:"Thank you for everything today baby. I Really appreciate it. I mean I don't think I would've been able to do all of that today and have time to finish my files or much less shower. Thank you for doing my laundry and helping out with Kai"
A:"No problem my love. Let's finish up in this bathroom and so we can go to the bedroom"
*They finished up in the bathroom and headed into the room*
R:"Since this will be our first sleepover. You can do whatever your comfortable with"
A:"Right I'm just going to change into something more comfy and then we'll snuggle" she then stripped her clothing and was left to her undergarments
A:"I see you watching me Robert in the mirror"
R:"Don't put something on come lay next to me"
A:"Robert you have a three year old. I'm practically naked what if he just runs in here and boom he scarred for his entire life"
R:"Shhh chill out I sleep with only boxers on and besides he doesn't wake up at night"
A:"That's funny it's still a no I'm putting on my shirt"
R:"Fine then how about I lock the door will you come then"
A:"No he's still a toddler what if we don't hear him crying and he's just standing at the door thinking we left him here by himself"
R:"I know my child baby he isn't going to do anything. Even if he did he knows which side I sleep on so he'll come to me first anyways"
A:"Fine Robert but I'm keeping my shirt close to me and you better not touch it"
R: *laughs*
A:"It's not funny I'm serious babe"
R:"Just come up here"
*Andy then got up in the bed and lauded against Roberts bare chest. They both took in each other's presence and decided to wait a moment. Robert then broke the silence*
R:"What about the Station. I just became there captain and here I am now in bed with their lieutenant and friend who is half naked but I already seen fully naked who helped with me with my son and did my laundry"
A:"I want to keep this a secret a little longer. In order for that to work we can't hook up in the office anymore or when you see me going in fires you act all scared and around the station you can't give me those flirty eyes"
R:"Uhh that's going to be so hard"
A:"I mean look it's going to be hard for me too because damn Sullivan your one fine man but we can still satisfy our needs here quietly and we will figure the rest out until we tell them"
R:"I think they hate me"
A:"No love they don't it's just there a little spoiled and stubborn but just show them your soft side a little once in the while and you'll be ok"
R:"I act very weird I have no soft side"
A:"Well yes you do. The way you act with your son and the way how your cuddling me right now is pretty soft" "Speaking of which when are you introducing your son"
R:"After we do us. It's just a lot right now and I want him to be there in person so I have to make sure he isn't with his mom when that time does come"
A:"Sounds great to me"
R:"I love you" he realized what he just said but it was too late
A:"Wait a minute" she responded
R:"Damn it I'm sorry too soon" he said embarrassed
A:"No it's not it just caught me off guard. I love you too baby" she looked up to him and pulled his cheeks forward and gave him a kiss
R:"Let's get some sleep shall we"
A:"Yes" she turned off the bedside lamp and fell asleep in Roberts arms

-I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's made with more fluffy lines this time but don't worry I'll bring back the mature side very soon!!-
-Thank you for all the love in the comments I appreciate it so much!!
-{Gracias, Merci,Obrigado❤️}

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