The Interview

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-Chapter 2!!-
-I hope you guys are enjoying this storyline so far only a few more chapters before we'll see some spicy Surrera so hold on tight!!-

The next morning came quick and Robert turned over to turn off his blaring alarm. He then got out of bed,did a couple of stretches and then began to do his morning routine which consisted of making his bed and taking a shower,brushing his teeth and getting dressed. After he was then finished he went to go wake up Kairo and he then snuggled him close to his chest and got him ready for the day. They both ate a bowl of cereal and Robert made his coffee to go and got his work bag ready. After he was finished with everything he let the babysitter inside the house and told her everything she would need for the day.
R:"Good Morning Ava,I'm Robert I know Bree called you earlier but I'll be gone for 12 hours you'll only be staying for half and another sitter is going to take over if you need anything it's in the red folder and his backpack is ready in case of anything"
A:"Ok thank you and don't worry I have him"
R:"Bye Kai. Daddy is going to go and save people in his big read truck now so Miss Ava is going to watch you so be nice ok" he said giving him a hug and kiss and then leaving out the door
K:"Yes daddy" he responded

[Station 23] ~Roberts WorkStation~

A:"Hey Captain good to see you again"
R:"Hey Andrew nice to see you too"
*Robert entered his office and placed his things down and made his way to his team and gave them their assignments for the day and went back to his office to work*
R:*on the phone* "Morning Harry this is Captain Sullivan from 23 I need information on my transfer please"
H:"Sullivan your one tuff cookie huh it was just sent in your not getting transferred for another month or so"
R:"I get that but I need to be closer to my house for my son and I was wondering where I was being located"
H:"I understand the frustration and we both know I can't disclose that information"
R:"Please I just need to do my research to know if that's what I want to do before I get my hopes up"
H:"There you go again with your smooth talking. There's only 5 stations here in Seattle but since you'll never quit they're planning on Station 19. There looking for someone to fill your exact position that you are in now"
R:"Oh really that's much closer to where I am thank you for telling me"
H:"Don't tell anyone I told you now I still want to have a job at the end this"
R:"Secrets safe with me.Goodbye Harry"
H:"Bye Sullivan"
*Robert took the newly given information and decided to go and do his research on his potential new station. He worked out the miles it would take for him to get there which was truly shorter than Station 23 and he did research on the lieutenants there because he knew they were really good*
R:* noticed his phone buzzing from a random number but he decides to answer it*
P:"Hello this is Captain Pruitt Herrera of Station 19. I am calling you because I see your requesting a transfer from 23 and your pretty good Captain so I put in a request for you here at 19"
R:"So what are your going for retirement"
P:"Yes son unfortunately I am due to my personal issues and the fact that I'm getting old. Station 19 is my family and I want what's best for them so if you can earn that from me I can guarantee you the job"
R:"What's the catch?" he asked intrigued
P:"I'm not breaking any protocol.I have full permission from the chief to make this call so you don't have to worry. The catch is I want to interview you and see what your like"
R:"Ok I'm on a 12 hour shift now so I'm kind of stuck here,when is good for you?"
P:"Let's see today is Monday so how about tomorrow Tuesday 10AM sharp. I don't like late people so please be on time " he said very strictly
R:"That's perfect for me so I'll you see then Captain Herrera and thank you again for looking over my transfer"
P:"Not a problem son I just hope you don't let me down"
R:"I won't sir have a good day" he ended the call and looked up at his computer and let out a sigh

*That shift he we out on a couple Aid car calls and two small fires for that shift and he also gave out orders and assignments to his crew before leaving to head home to relieve the babysitter*

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