Peace Before Chaos

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-Chapter 14!!-
-This chapter is going to be about Andy's final moments being pregnant and Robert is included!!-

{Nobody's POV}
It had been a little over 3 months now and Andy was now 30 weeks pregnant. She had just taken her last shift of desk duty and she was finally put on baby watch. She kept going to her appointments to make sure everything was ok and that the baby was healthy. Robert kept on working and he planned to do that for another 5 weeks until he would officially be home with Andy. They both spent a day earlier in the week setting up the baby room and placing everything in its spot. The team has also been checking up on Andy regularly.


R:"Baby" he said slightly tapping her shoulder
A:"Yes love" she responded
R:"I'm heading to work now and I'm dropping Kai off" he said
A:"Bye Kai. See you in hopefully 4 weeks buddy I love you ok" she said leaning down to hug him
K:"Bye Drea I cant wait to meet my sissy" he said smiling
A:"When you come back from your mommy she'll be here ok"
A:"Bye baby please be safe" she said leaning in to kiss Robert
R:"I will if you need anything call me"
A:"I will"
*Robert then left the room and Andy fell back asleep for a couple more hours before she woke up and got ready for the day*

{Andys POV}
I hated sitting at home doing nothing. I felt like I was being restricted to one place. I knew that this was for the safety of my child and me but I felt like I was trapped. I would get up, eat breakfast, take a shower and sit on the couch watching tv eating snacks. Today I decided that I wasn't going to do that so I went and I deep cleaned the entire house making sure it was nice and fresh before baby girl arrives . I then decided to pack our hospital bags and place them by the door for when it was time to go to the hospital. After I did all of this my feet got sore so I decided that it was time for a break so I grabbed some water and my strawberries from the fridge and decided to watch a movie.

{Roberts POV}
I hated leaving Andy home alone because I knew that any moment now could possibly be the moment we had to quickly leave. I was entirely grateful that the station wasn't too far from our house so if I needed to be there I could get there fast enough. I sat at my desk doing the work that needed to be done but I kept checking my phone to be sure I didn't miss any calls.

{Andys POV}
As I was watching the movie I must've fallen asleep half way because I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing beside me. I looked at the caller ID and I wasn't surprised so I answered it.
A: "Well if it isn't the one and only Maya Bishop" she said
M:"Andy long time no chat"
A:"Hmm you texted me this morning telling me to exercise and drink water"
M:"Right I did do that but I send that message every morning and that's just to make sure you stay active"
A:"I'm as active as this big belly will allow me. Aren't you on calls?" she asked
M:"No actually I'm on the catwalk watching the team do their chores and I thought to check on you"
A:"I'm fine Maya trust me tell the team that I love and miss them and you need to get back to work"
M:"Fine if you insist and I will tell them bye" she said ending the call
Andy then went to go start laundry and take out the ingredients to make for dinner. She loaded the clothes into the washing machine and she went into the kitchen to prepare the meal.
R:"Andy" he called out walking into the house
A:"Hi baby" she said walking to meet him
R:"Hi my little princess" he said rubbing her belly
A:"She's been kicking today" she said
R:"Hmm so she's active"
A:"Yes she is. Why are you home so early?" she asked
R:"Wanted to be with you so I called in someone to fill my position"
A:"Mmm I love you" she said leaning up to kiss him
R:"What are you doing?"
A:"Making a salad for lunch and I just finished preparing dinner for you to cook later"
R:"So you love my cooking"
A:"Yes I do" she responded
*Andy finished her salad and Robert made himself a sandwich and they ate lunch together on the couch cuddling. When they finished Robert brought the dishes to the sink to wash them and Andy brought out the first load of laundry to fold*
R:"Babe you don't have to do that now" he said watching her
A:"It's just folding if I don't do this the clothes will overflow and that isn't going to be good"
R:"I'll do it" she said
A:"Nope I need to find something to do sitting in this place is boring so laundry is the least I can do"
R:"If you insist but I'll help fold my own and you'll fold Kairo and yours" he said picking up his clothes
A:"Deal" she said smiling at him
*They did the chores and soon finished them making their way into the kitchen to make dinner*
A:"I like spending one on one time with you" she said leaning on his shoulder
R:"Me too but with a 4 year old and a soon to be newborn we'll have less time for ourselves"
A:"I love how happy Kai is about the baby but let's just hope when she is actually her he really loves her"
R:"Mmm I think he'll get used it to it" he said
A:"Yup let's finish this now"
*Andy finished the mashed potatoes and bread rolls and Robert finished the steak and they plated the meal and sat together for dinner.When they finished the washed the dishes and went to shower*
R:"I'm going to miss your belly" he said rubbing her stomach
A:"Not me this baby bump gets in the way of a lot of things and I miss being at work"
R:"I know you do but you'll be back soon"
A:"Not really I'll be back in like two months and every time I go in I'll be worrying about her"
R:"She'll be safe with the babysitter"
A:"I know that but still" she said
R:"The station keeps asking about you" he said
A:"I know Maya called me earlier and everyday her and Vic sends me text messages. I know they'll want to be one of the first people to see baby girl" she said picking up the laundry basket
R:"Well um that's fine but I told Bree to drop Kai off at the hospital whenever it was time so he could meet her" he said nervously waiting for her answer
A:"Robert that's fine he has to get there somehow it's not like he can drive"
R:"I know but I still think about the weird outcomes"
A:"Everything will be fine ok. You'll be holding your daughter and watching your son interact with her isn't that the best part"
R:"Yes Andy of course it's the best part you three are my world and I wouldn't want it anyway else"
A:"Me neither" she said kissing his cheek
A:"Look at all these pink little clothes" she said dumping the laundry onto their bed
R:"Andy that's a lot of clothes for a baby"
A:"Mmmm I don't think so she's going to be a baby most of it will be dirty and besides my daughter will get whatever she wants"
R:"Just like her mother"
A:"Correct now let's finish folding these for her so we can go to sleep"
*They each took half of the clothes and folded it into different sections and brought it over to her dresser where they placed it neatly and went back into bed*
R:"Goodnight Princess Aviana" he said kissing her belly
A:"This is the peace before the chaos" she said snuggling closer to him
R:"Yes it is" he said kissing her forehead

-I know this chapter is a little shorter than usual but I promise that the next chapter will be better and longer since the baby will be born!!-
-I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!-

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