New Addition

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-Chapter 15!!-
-This is finally the chapter a lot of you readers have been waiting for and the time has finally come!! In this chapter the new baby arrives!!-
-I hope you all enjoy reading!!-

{Nobody's POV}
Andy has been staying home doing things around the house to stay busy and Robert finished up his last few weeks of work and was now officially with Andy for the arrival of the baby girl. They spent two weeks waiting and now it was time.

{Andys POV}
I had been woken up out of my sleep and I looked around the room. It was dark with little to no light. I turned and noticed Robert fast asleep. I then took a look at my phone and the time read 12:45AM. It was early in the night and we had fallen asleep not that long ago. As I layed on my side awake I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side which made me jump in pain. I was careful not to scream and wake up Robert but it really did hurt. I began rubbing my belly breathing in and out trying to ease the throbbing pain. It then subsided for a few minutes and then it came back only harder this time. I refused to believe these were contractions and that I was starting to go into labor. As the pain subsided I decided to ease my way into the bathroom to maybe start a warm bath to ease the pain. As I entered the bathroom I stopped at the counter holding onto the edge for dear life. The pain had came back stronger and I began to sway my hips. I stood there for what seemed like forever waiting for it stop completely but it just kept coming back. As I turned my body towards the tub I felt a gush of water escape from me straight on the floor. As I looked down at my shorts I was shocked my water had broken and I was truly in labor and this baby was coming.
A:"Babe" she called out waiting for an answer
A:"Robert" she said just a little louder
R:"What's wrong Andy?" he said storming in still not fully awake
A:"The baby is coming we have to leave now" she said rubbing her stomach
R:"Are you hurting?" he asked rubbing her back
A:"I don't have time for questions love just put on a hoodie and some sweats and pass me my sweats in my drawer" she said standing against the counter
*Robert quickly changed his clothes and he then helped Andy change and he walked her to the kitchen*
A:"Grab her bag by the door and pick my phone up off the nightstand and bring my purse please" she said filling her bottle with water
*Robert went and got the things she asked for and helped walked her to the car.He put everything into the back seat and made his way to the driver side*
R:"I love you" he said holding her hand
A:"I love you more" she said kissing him
{Andys POV}
Sitting here in the car the contractions kept coming and with every movement of the car it just made it worse. I held tightly onto Roberts hand I seen how worried he was but I couldn't say anything I just looked out the window at the moving objects hoping the pain would subside.
{Roberts POV}
I saw how much pain Andy was in but I decided not to say anything because I didn't want to add to what she was already feeling. I drove as fast as I could without trying to get a speeding ticket and I tried to be as careful but seeing her facial expressions it wasn't working for her.
*When they arrived at the hospital he dropped her off at the front and quickly parked the car and grabbed the bags. They then got checked in and went up to their room where Andy got some medicine to help with the pain*
A:"Sorry for waking you up so fast" she said turning to face him
R:"Your fine don't worry about me" he said holding her hand
A:"Our princess will be here soon" she said smiling
R:"I know I'm ready to see her"
A:"I am too and I'm ready to see Kai later"
R:"He'll be excited.How's the pain"
A:"It was pretty bad earlier but the medicine helps somewhat I can still feel the contractions"
R:"Are you ready?" he asked
A:"A little nervous but I'll be fine"
R:"When do you want the station to see her"
A:"A little after Kai sees her maybe when I fix my hair and look better"
R:"Ok it's your calling. You still look beautiful"
A:"For now I do" she said laughing
R:"You'll always look good in my eyes messy hair whatever"
A:"Thank you for sticking with me"
R:"Babe I would never leave you or walk out of my child's life" he said rubbing her forehead
A:"I know love but it's because everything came so soon and I'm just happy for our little family"
R:"I'll never leave you or my kids and I can promise you that" he said kissing her hand
*An hour had passed and it was finally baby time. Andys pain had increased and the delivery team were now in place to deliver the baby*
D:"Andrea are you ready?" she asked
A:"Yes" she said whining in pain holding tightly onto Roberts hand
R:"It's ok Andy I'm here" he said
D:"On my count 1..2..3.. push" she said
*Andy pushed for a total of 15 minutes and then the joyful sounds of a sweet baby girl filled the room. Andy began crying and Robert caressed her cheek*
D:"Good job momma she's beautiful" she said laying her onto Andys chest
A:"Awww your perfect" she said rubbing her small forehead
R:"I'm so proud of you my love" he said kissing Andy
A:"Look she's here" she said passing her to Robert
R:"Hi my little princess" he said kissing her forehead
A:"Your a daddy of two now" she said watching them interact
D:"Ok Andy were done checking you now. They'll be taking the baby a little later for some blood work and different tests and you'll stay overnight for observation. If you need anything for you or baby just press the call button"
A:"Thank you so much" she replied
R:"Are you ok?" he asked
A:"Tired and sore now but I'll be fine" she said smiling at him
R:"Thank you for our daughter"
A:"No problem" she said
*Andy then reached for her bag and took out her phone to take a picture of Robert and the baby. She then texted the team group chat and told them that the baby had arrived and that they could meet her later on. Robert then texted Bree and told her to bring Kairo by the hospital in two hours. Andy soon after fell asleep and Robert held the baby as he also soon fell asleep. They were then awoken by the doctor*
D:"Sorry to disturb you guys but I'm the baby's doctor while she is here in the hospital we're going to take her down for some tests and she'll be back up in 30 minutes" she said wheeling the cart
A:"One question" she said
D:"Yes you can ask me anything"
A:"Can I get out of this bed?" she said
D:"Yes just don't apply to much pressure or overwork yourself. If you need something call one of the nurses" she said leaving the room
A:"I'm going to get a quick shower before she comes back" she said slowly getting out of the bed
R:"Want me to help you?" he offered
A:"Ya will you. Please be careful not too fast"
R:"I got you" he said guiding her to the shower
A:"Stay" she said sitting on the chair in the bathroom
R:"Do you want more time to help you some more?"
A:"Yes I want your help" she said laughing at his nervousness
A:"Babe I'm not glass I just want your help you're not going to injure me. Treat me like one of your patients"
R:"Andy that's not a good reference your my fiancée not a patient of mines and you just gave birth not come out of a burn site"
A:"Don't worry if your hurting me you'll definitely know ok"
*Robert then helped Andy undress and he turned the water on to a decent temperature and he helped washed her. He soon finished helping her and grabbed her a towel. Andy then dried off and placed on a hoodie and some baggy sweats and she brushed her hair into a neat ponytail and went back into bed*
A:"That wasn't so hard now was it" she said laughing
R:"No it wasn't. Now that we're here alone for a few minutes I have something for you" he said standing up
A:"Babe what do you mean"
R:"Look; I ordered this necklace a while back when we decided on her name. It has three letters and one heart. It has an R for me and A for her and a K for Kairo and the heart is from all of us to you" he said placing it around her neck
A:"Robert this is pretty. You're always spending money on me. You do know I love y'all very much for just being in my life" she said wiping her tears
R:"First off I love to spend money on you and I will continue to do it and I know you love us already but that's just something to always have when your not always around us"
A:"Great now you made my eyes red and puffy when I just got ready" she said laughing
R:"You'll be fine I'm sure when Kai comes you'll cry again and then again when the team comes"
A:"Stop judging me" she playfully hit his shoulder
R:"You've been over emotional this pregnancy so I'm just saying"
*The baby came back and everything was cleared and she was perfectly healthy. Soon after she arrived there was another knock at the door and in cane a little surprise*
K:"Hi daddy" he said running to him
R:"Hi son" he said picking him up
K:"Hi Drea" he said running by her
A:"Hi Kai I missed you" she said rubbing his shoulder
R:"Bree you can come in if you want" he said noticing her by the door
B:"Hi Robert and Andrea; Congratulations on the new baby" she said handing the flowers she brought to Andy
A:"Thanks Bree these are beautiful"
R:"Do you want to hold her?" he asked nervously looking at Andy who gave him the ok
B:"Sure" she said sitting in the chair
*Robert handed her the precious newborn and stood very close to her watching her every move*
A:"Babe put Kai beside me" she said removing him from beside Bree
R:"Here Kai" he said sitting him beside Andy
A:"What does your shirt say?" she asked him
K:"It says Big Brother I've been wanting to wear it for a while"
A:"Do you know the baby name"
K:"No I forgot I'm sorry Drea"
A:"It's ok her name is Aviana Jade Sullivan. She has your last name"
K:"That's also my daddy last name. Is it yours too?"
A:"No sweetheart my last name is Herrera"
K:"Ok can I see her"
*Bree handed the baby back to Robert and she then left to wait outside giving them some space. Robert then handed the baby to Andy and watched the interaction*
A:"This is your sister Kai"
K:"She's very small and cute"
A:"She's a baby right now but later she'll get bigger"
K:"Is she staying at our home"
A:"Yes remember her pink room besides yours that's her room for when she is a bit older"
R:"Are you happy or not?" he asked
K:"I'm happy daddy I love her" he said kissing her forehead
A:"Gentle ok"
K:"Ok" he said rubbing her cheek
*He stayed and watched her for about 10 minutes before he became restless*
R:"Ok Kai I think mommy is getting ready and your getting bored of being here" he said lifting him up off the bed
K:"When am I going to see her again" he asked
R:"In about four days ok"
K:"Ok. Bye Drea and Aviana" he said waving
A:"Bye Kai I'll see you later" she said blowing him a kiss
*Robert then handed him back to his mom and they made the last decisions before they left and he went back into the room*
R:"That wasn't so bad" he said
A:"No I'm glad he likes her and I'm glad that Bree changed"
R:"I'm glad too she's an amazing mother to Kai and I'm glad she came to terms with you"
A:"Now we have to see the team" she said
R:"Ya but the air will be more lighter with them here"
A:"I know" she said snuggling the baby close to her
R:"She looks just like you"
A:"She looks like both of us and besides when she is older her face will change and she'll become her own person"
R:"I know"
A:"I'm so in love with her tiny body" she said sniffing her
R:"There the best when their like this"
A:"We have a long road ahead of us"
R:"Yes we do"
*Andy fed the baby a bottle and Robert helped changed her diaper and outfit and she was now ready to see the team. They team then came in 15 minutes later and they each took turns washing their hands*
M:"Awww look at mommy Andy" she said whispering
V:"Oh my goodness she's adorable" she said rubbing her cheeks softly
A:"You guys can take turns holding her. Put this blanket over your shoulder to keep her face away from your clothes" she said
T:"Congratulations you two" he said hugging Andy
J:"I'm proud to see you as a mom" he said smiling at her
A:"That means a lot to me Jack. Thank you"
D:"Andy you're a rockstar congratulations on your bundle of joy"
A:"Thank you guys so much"
R:"Thank you for the support and showing up"
B:"I'm here now. Congrats on your little princess" he said hugging Andy and fist bumping Robert
A:"Thanks Ben"
*They all stood around Andy and they each passed the baby along getting some close cuddles and watched as Andy and Robert eyes filled up with love*
M:"How your feeling new momma" she asked
A:"Sore but I'll get better" she said
M:"I'm glad you and Sullivan did the business because this baby is gorgeous" she said whispering into Andys ear
A:"Maya really" she said
M:"Just saying"
A:"How's the station?" she asked
V:"Your fill in is absolute garbage he's the worst and he is literally inconsiderate"
D:"She's only saying that because they had Aid Car together and he wasn't any help so let's just say Vic cane back with puke all over her" he said laughing
V:"I'm still going to get him back on his last day before Andy comes"
T:"The guy is honestly a douchebag we need you back soon Andy*
A:"Another 4-6 weeks and I'll hopefully be back on light duty" she said smiling
M:"Well we know you two are tired so we'll be out of your way now. She's gorgeous and I can't wait to have you back at work" she said hugging her
B:"Bye guys"
V:"Have a good day you three"
A:"Bye guys thanks for all the love" she said watching them leave out
R:"It's been a long morning for you try and rest now love" he said taking the baby and putting her in the bassinet beside her
A:"I love you"
R:"I love you" he said leaning down to kiss her
R:"I'll watch her don't worry I'll be working on my laptop and she'll be asleep"
A:"Ok wake me up if needed" she said
*Andy then fell asleep and Robert began to answer emails as he watched over his two special girls peacefully sleeping*

-I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter;I loved writing this one!!-
-If you have any feedback you can comment on them and I'll answer them!!-

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