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-Chapter 9!!-
-This chapter is going to be a mixture of Andy and Robert with the team!!-

{Nobody's POV}
It has been 2 weeks since Andy and Robert had found out they were having a baby. Andy then quickly scheduled a doctor's appointment to see the baby.They were now heading to the appointment..
R:"Are you ready to see our little one?" he asked
A:"I'm kind of nervous but ya" she said
R:"Everything's going to be fine"
A:"I know but it's my first child so I don't know what to do?"
R:"We'll figure it out together. You're already amazing with Kairo so I know you'll be a great mom"
A:"I love you"
R:"I love you more baby" he said kissing her hand
*They soon arrived at the doctor's office and they checked in with the front desk. Since they had to be at work soon the doctor came and took them right away*
D:"Hi I'm Dr.Allen I'll be your doctor for your pregnancy appointments" she said leading them to a room
D:"You may sit up here and he can sit beside you. I'll be applying this gel which is cold and you should see you baby on this screen" she told them
*Soon after they were given the instructions the doctor found the baby heartbeat*
D:"There's your baby. He or she is very healthy and you Andrea is measuring to be at least 10 weeks"
A:"Can we get a picture please?" she asked
D:"I'll bring them to you in a moment. I know you two are firefighters but Andrea please don't do anything heavy"
A:"I won't and thank you so much"
D:"Your welcome. See you soon" she said leaving the couple in the room
A:"Are you happy?" she asked Robert
R:"Yes I'm happy baby. This is my second child and I couldn't be more happier that it's you carrying my child" he said leaning over to kiss her
A:"I still don't want to tell the team"
R:"We don't have to love;whenever you want to I'll be right there" he said reaching to hold her hand
*The Dr. came back and gave Andy the pictures and she then cleared them to leave. Andy and Robert went back into the station and immediately got back to their assignments*

<AID CAR19,ENGINE19,LADDER19> *civilians in distress on Hopkins lane*

R:"Don't go into the fire ok stay by the aid car" he said whispering to Andy
A:"I won't" she said smiling at him


*They were all given their positions and they all left to tackle the apartment fire that was ahead of them*

{Andys POV}
As I sat here on the back of the Aid Car I kept looking at the fire. It made my adrenaline rush it all over my body.I really wanted to just throw on my turnouts and run in but I knew I couldn't. I really wanted my baby to be safe and I knew that if I went into that building and got hurt I knew it would crush both Robert and Kai who are very excited to see this new baby. As I sat there I saw some of my teammates wheeling patients straight towards Ben and I so I immediately got up and met them halfway.

B:"Andy your on Aid Car today I thought it was Montgomery?" he questioned
A:"We switched Warren. Less talking please we have a patient"
*They assisted the patient and sent him on the other Aid Car that was available to still be with there team*
M:"Herrera why aren't you in turnouts?" she asked coming up to her
A:"I switched positions"
V:"For what?"
A:"Nothing really my knee just hurts" she said telling a straight lie
M:"We'll the fire is out now so we're heading back to the station" she said climbing into the truck
*They all left the scene and made it back to the station*

R:"You ok?" he asked as he saw Andy walk into his office
A:"No that whole call was a waste of my time Robert. You got to go be Mr.Captain while I played Ms.Doctor Lady" she said sitting down
R:"Babe you do know that it's Aid Car that's exactly what your supposed to do"
A:"No it's not Robert. My assignment for this shift is engine. I'm supposed to be driving the engine instead I'm sitting in the back on an Ambulance giving medicine to a person it's frustrating"
R:"I'm sorry love I know how much you love fighting fires but it's just too risky"
A:"7 months on Aid Car is just not it" she said pouting
R:"You can have desk duty" he suggested
A:"Robert Sullivan don't you ever say that to me again"
R:"I'm just saying it's one or the other. At least you can watch us on the calls"
A:"I want to do my job"
R:"Sweetheart you can't theirs no exceptions. Our baby needs to safe and it's only safe with you" he said
M:"Wait what" she said coming through door
A:"Maya do you ever know personal space"
M:"Well I just happen to be walking past his office and I was coming to hand off the incident reports and I just heard Sullivan say baby"
R:"Bishop we could've been doing something"
M:"Sir I didn't need that information and I knew you two weren't doing nothing because the blinds are open"
M:"What's really going on with you Andy?"
A:"I see this station doesn't understand personal space between a girlfriend talking to their boyfriend" she said putting her head down on the desk
R:"Bishop,Andy will tell you when she is ready ok. Please don't say anything out there to the others"
M:"Got it Sir" she said handing him the papers and then leaving
A:"I'm fine ok I'm just tired" she said annoyed
R:"Awww the baby is cranky" he said teasing her
A:"Stop that's not funny you know"
R:"Want me to help you?"
A:"No I'm going to go and take a nap in my bunk I'll see you at your place" she said standing up and giving him a kiss
R:"I'm still sorry" he said holding her in a hugging position
A:"Stop saying sorry it's nothing you can do. If I can't go into fires then I just won't. It's going to take me time to realize that I'm a mom now and I have to look out for my child that's all"
R:"I know that love and I appreciate you for it"
A:"I appreciate you too. We're a team and we'll stick together"
R:"Yes we will" he said kissing her and letting her leave
*They finished their shift and they all left to go home*

A:"Babe can you take care of Kai tonight?"
R:"Sure are you ok?" he asked
A:"Ya I just want to relax tonight after dinner"
R:"Ok that's understandable"
*They ate their dinner and they cleaned up the kitchen and Robert went to do Kai's night time routine.He soon finished that and went inside to his bedroom*

R:"Andy" he called out
A:"I'm in here" she said
R:"Oh your taking a bath" he said noticing her in the tub
A:"Yes I am. Is Kai sleeping?"
R:"Ya but he wasn't happy because he wanted you to read the story with me"
A:"I'm sorry I didn't know that"
R:"It's ok he'll be fine" he said sitting in against the tub
A:"What's wrong? You look sad" she said
R:"Nothings wrong it's just that tomorrow I have to drop Kai off to Bree and it's just weird"
A:"It's our day off tomorrow I can come with you?"
R:"Andy I have to drop him off early. We have scheduled times"
A:"Robert I get awoken by alarms constantly. I'll be fine"
R:"But he's really clingy" he said avoiding her statement
A:"Hmmm is that really the problem or you just don't want Bree to notice us together?" she said annoyed
R:"Babe it's not that I love you very much and I know you know that,it's just she's being weird and I don't want her to do anything to you"
A:"Robert the lady is not crazy"
R:"How do you know that she literally broke into my house in the middle of the night and tried to undress me"
A:"She isn't crazy and we both know that. She just wanted her family back and you told her no and see she hasn't bothered since"
R:"Ok well then fine you can come with us"
A:"Listen to me Robert, we're going to be a family soon ok and even though we don't have everything together right now it will come soon. I love Kai and I love you and our new baby"
R:"This may be too forward but can you move in with us. I mean you practically sleep here every night already but your stuff is still at your apartment"
A:"Yes love I'll be more than happy to move in"
*Andy then got out of the tub and got dressed for bed. Robert then took a shower and went into bed with Andy*
A:"This baby makes me tired and really sore already so..." she was stopped mid sentence
R:"Babe I'm not in the mood for that tonight anyway"
A:"Good" she said smiling
R:"But I'll still have needs that you will need to complete" he said winking at her
A:"When I'm ready ok"
R:"Ok I'm not rushing you just telling you"
A:"Ok" she said cuddling up close to him
R:"Baby why are you extra close to me tonight" he asked
A:"Just cuddle me please" she said
R:"Tomorrow I'll have a special surprise for you" he said kissing her forehead
A:"Oh so you get rid of the three year old to have sexy time"
R:"No I didn't and we still could have that even if he was here we already did that multiple times"
A:"Then what is it?"
R:"It's a special surprise"
A:"Mmmm well then I have a special surprise too"
R:"Andy just because I have a surprise doesn't mean you need to have one too"
A:"No it doesn't but I do have one and you'll love it very much"
R:"We'll see about that one"

-I know it's a short chapter and it isn't the best but the next one is going to be longer and more fun to read!!-

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