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-Chapter 8!!-
-This story is going to be about some special news and it will also be fluffy and slightly mature!!-
-Thank you for all the love on this story. I appreciate it so much!!-


{Roberts POV}
Earlier this morning I noticed Andy was acting a little weird around the house. She didn't exactly tell me what happened but I knew she would eventually tell me when she was comfortable. I sat at my desk all alone doing boring Captain things and I saw that Andy and the team had just got back from a call. I noticed how Andy walked right past my office in which she normally doesn't do because the team already knows about us so I decided to send her a quick text hoping she would receive it.
{Andys POV}
This morning my body felt off. I wasn't sick or hungry or any off that but it just felt off. I knew that Robert had been watching my every move today so it didn't help that I was already nervous. I felt more than fine to work and be on calls so I did just that. I was in Aid Car this shift and we all got called out to a house fire and the wave of sickness hit me again but I brushed past it like I have been doing already. I got back from the call and I noticed Robert watching me go upstairs to the beanery but I didn't make it noticeable. I sat around the table drinking a glass of water when suddenly my phone went off and everyone around me looked at me. I read it and it said....
R: "Come see me in my office"
I knew I couldn't just let this past seeing as I read the message already so I took up the glass and placed it in the sink and went down to his office.
A:"Yes Robert"
R:"Sit and tell me what's wrong"
A:"Nothing's wrong"
R:"Andy I'm talking to you as your boyfriend now not your Captain"
A:"I responded to you as your girlfriend. Nothing's wrong with me"
R:"Oh really because all morning you've been looking weird like you don't feel good and last night you were acting weird"
A:"Last night I was helping Kairo because he had a fever and we both knew that if he still had it today you would have not been sitting here in this office but you'll be in the emergency room or some doctors office with him" she said slightly annoyed
R:"Babe no need to get defensive. I appreciate you helping with Kairo I do but I'm saying your mood from last night and this morning changed"
A:"How am I supposed to tell you what's wrong with me if I don't know myself"
R:"Then take off a couple hours and go find out"
A:"No I'm not doing that. I'm fine to work Robert I know my body and my limits I just feel different it's nothing else"
R:"Do you want to lay down?" he asked
A:"No I don't want to lay down.."
R:"Am I still part of your problem?"
A:"Ohhh so you think just because I didn't give you some last night your now the problem" she said standing up
R:"No Andy I don't need you only for sex if that's what your implying" he said also standing
A:"You know we rushed into everything very soon and I don't regret one bit of it not one. Your amazing in bed and I love your son but if I choose to not have sex for one night you don't get to make it be a problem"
R:"Your jumping to fast love. I need to just make sure your ok in all areas" he was looking deep into her eyes at this moment
A:"You know what Robert Sullivan you looking into my eyes like that makes my body feel a whole lot of things and your tempting me"
R:"I'm not tempting you I just need you to simply say your ok so I can know that you are"
A:"I'm not ok but I know one thing" she said approaching him
R:"Andrea Herrera"
A:"Robert Sullivan"
R:"We are at work" he said backing up from her
A:"I know what I said about home and work and I'm saying to you now I'm not ok and I'll figure it out but you can help me if you choose to now"
R:"Baby this isn't the place anyone could come looking for me"
A:"Don't worry about the team there eating lunch. We'll be quick" she said now fully in his face
R:"I don't like this Andy" he said
A:"You wanted to be all over me last night so here's your chance take it or leave it" she said playing with his belt buckle
*Robert then went full in and he began kissing Andy passionately he picked her up and sat with her on his lap in his work chair. Soon their tongues began intertwining and Robert then took advantage and started kissing Andys neck.
A:"I knew you wouldn't resist me" she said
R:"We have to be quick though we're still on shift"
A:"Just make it quick"
Robert then began to travel his hands underneath Andys shirt and Andy followed and did the same rubbing all of his toned muscles. They decided to keep on their shirts to stay quick but soon Andy unbuckled Roberts belt and pulled them down to his ankles. Robert then again copied Andy and took off her pants leaving them both only covered by the computer and desk in their underwear.
R:"Andy are you sure you want this" he asked
A:"Please Robert dont worry about the team"
After Andy had said those words they both lost there underwear and they become one with each other's bodies. Andy leaned down into Roberts shoulders to help keep her sounds to a minimal and they both went slow at first and then slowly picking up speed. Robert kept his hands under Andys shirt and he was rubbing up on her chest tuning out all other sounds until they were interrupted....
T:"Um Captain have you seen Andy..." he said approaching the door but stopping as he heard the light noise
A:"STOP TRAVIS DONT COME" she shouted out
Robert then stopped moving and looked up to Andy.
A:"He's gone now we forgot to lock the door but he didn't see us. Finish please" she said still out of breath
They resumed their activities and soon after the both hit their climax and Andy couldn't stop shaking just yet so she held onto Robert to wait for her breathing to recover.
A:"Thank you for that. I needed it even though we almost got caught we still managed to make it work" she said kissing him
R:"We're never doing this again. It was hot and steamy but I can't risk that happening again"
A:"He didn't see us you know"
R:"Ya but he definitely knew what was going on in here"
A:"We're grown people and grown people are allowed to have sex"
R:"In the comfort of their homes not at workplaces"
A:"Well you were still awesome like you always are now get back on your pants and get to work. I'll see you at home later" she said getting her self situated
R:"We need a better moment" he said buckling back up his pants
A:"Tonight at the house we will. Bye now I love you" she said kissing him
R:"I love you too"
*Robert then reopened his blinds and closed his door back thinking about if Travis really didn't see anything. Andy went to the bathroom to fix her hair and refreshed herself and went back down to the trucks to help the team*
M:"Nice to have you back Herrera"
A:"Uh ya I feel asleep and forgot about the time" she said lying straight through her teeth
J:"You seem very flustered to be just waking up"
A:"Mind your business Jack and do your chores" she said
D:"What's wrong with the Captain" he said looking over to into his office
B:"He looks stress"
A:"Stop worrying about Sullivan and do your chores all of you" she said annoyed.
*Andy then noticed how Travis switched spots with Maya and joined her in restocking the Aid Car*
A:"What Travis"
T:"In the station really Andy"
A:"We both needed each other now stop being so loud" she whispered
T:"You know there's locks on the doors and bunk rooms"
A:"We weren't thinking ok it won't happen again"
T:"If it makes you feel any better I didn't see anything I almost did but I didn't. I just want to know one thing"
A:"What is it?"
T:"Was it really that good in a chair"
A:"Not the best but we made it work"
V:"What's going on over here mr and ms whisper secret telling you two" she said approaching them
A:"Nothing were just doing our jobs"
V:"Oh really now"
A:"Yes" she then noticed how Travis left her and how Vic brought Maya over to her
V:"Little Ms.Herrera has been getting freaky" she whispered to Maya
A:"I'm still here you know my ears work just fine"
M:"What are talking about Victoria"
V:"Look at this" she said moving Andys hair to the side to show her the exposed redness on her neck
M:"Oh wow in the station"
A:"Ok so since we all want to apparently know who I have been having sex with I'll just tell you all. Yes me and Robert just hooked up in his office,No I never went to take a nap and Yes I did it in the station. Some of you have too so guess what I don't care;if I want to have my boyfriend I will have him wherever and whenever I want to ok so stop asking me about me" she said out loud and annoyed
D:"Oh no you guys activated cranky Andy"
J:"Really Andy that's just nasty"he said disgusted
A:"Guess what Jack fuck off"
T:"Andy I think you should take a break"
A:"No I won't take a break because every time someone is worried about me and every time someone is worrying about Sullivan but yet y'all act like babies and won't go talk to him"
D:"Nobody said we didn't want to talk to him now Andy"
V:"He is our boss"
A:"Ya and I'm tired of you guys talking shit. Maybe just maybe your boss would like to eat in the beanery and feel comfortable without you guys staring likes he is some wild animal and maybe just maybe your boss would like to get to know his team better if you made an effort"
J:"What's gotten into you today"
A:"Don't worry about me shifts almost over you can finish this I'll see you guys next shift." and with that she left to her bunk
*Robert watched Andy through his office yell and scream at the team he couldn't properly figure out what she was saying but he knew it was bad so when he saw her walk to her bunk he decided to join her*
R:"What's wrong love"
A:"I don't know what's wrong with me I feel sore and I'm tired and I'm on and off"
R:"Shifts almost over how about you stay in here and I'll come get you and carry you home and I'll make you something to eat there"
A:"Ya I didn't mean to shout at the team also it just came out that way"
R:"Don't worry about it just stay here" he said giving her a quick kiss before leaving
*After a couple of hours shift had finally ended and everyone left to go home except Andy and Robert. Robert had to finish the last incident report first so when he finished it he helped Andy to the car since they drove together and took them both home*

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