Special Moment

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-Chapter 10!!-
-This chapter is about the special surprise that Robert has for Andy!!-
-I hope you'll enjoy reading it!!-

On one of Robert and Andys days off they both left to go to a local jewelers place and he then asked the lady to help Andy with her ring size. When he got it he went back to the place later that same day and he picked out something special for Andy(it's all explained in this chapter). Andy was out with Maya and Vic so when she came home she didn't notice anything.


R:"Andy...are you still coming?" he asked gently tapping her
A:"Yes, what time is it?" she asked
R:"8:30 I'm going to get Kai ready"
A:"Ok I'll meet you in the kitchen when I'm ready" she said sitting up
*Robert then left to get Kai ready. He fed him breakfast,changed his clothes and got his backpack ready. Robert then made a to go breakfast for Andy because he had eaten something already. Andy then got dressed and made it to the kitchen*
A:"Good morning Kai" she said hugging him
K:"Hi Drea"
R:"What about me?" he said looking at her
A:"Good Morning to you my love" she said kissing him
R:"I love you"
A:"Love you more thanks for my bagel and fruit bowl now let's get going" she said walking towards the door
*They then got into the car and made the 45 minute drive to drop Kairo off to his mom.Andy and Robert held hands the whole drive and Kairo watched movies on his tablet until he eventually fell asleep. Soon after Robert pulled into the driveway and he took a long deep breath*
A:"Robert it's not that difficult your dropping him off and your picking him up in two days. The faster you get him to the door is the faster we can leave" she said to him
R:"I know. Stay here I'm going to bring him to the door"
*Kai was still half asleep when Robert came to get him so he picked him up and carried him in one arm and used the other to carry his backpack*
R:"Bye Kai I'll see you in two days. I love you so much" he said kissing his cheek
K:"Bye daddy" he said walking towards the front door
B:"Thank you Robert have a nice day" she said avoiding eye contact with him
R:"Your welcome I'll be back to pick him up like we established I'll text you the time" he said walking away

A:"So now that Kai is gone and we're off today what are we going to do?"
R:"How about we first get everything from your apartment and bring it to my place" he suggested
A:"We can do that but I won't be much help in moving furniture because you know I'm pregnant now" she said rubbing her belly
R:"Do you even want the furniture?"
A:"No we can just give it away to people you may need them instead"
*They arrived to Andys apartment and she put all of her belongings into some storage bins she had laying around and the things she didn't want ended up staying for people to get them. They went back to Roberts place and they then unpacked everything and now they were finished*
A:"This mama is now tired that was already a lot for one day" she said sitting on the bed
R:"Are you hurting?"
A:"No I'm perfectly fine I'm just hungry now and I need a shower"
R:"How about you take a shower and I'll go make us some lunch and we'll relax together"
A:"Amazing" she said smiling at him
*Andy went and took a shower and she got dressed in an oversized T-shirt and Robert went down to make some lunch*
A:"I'm back babe" she said approaching him from behind hugging him
R:"Foods almost done"
A:"Ok I'll help set everything up"
R:"That's fine with me"
*The food was soon finished and Andy and Robert took their plates to the couch and they sat there and ate their lunch while watching a movie*
R:"I like the days where we can just relax and be together"
A:"Ya we have long shifts where your very busy seeing as I'm pregnant I'm not busy but I do miss you when I'm sitting at the desk"
R:"You can always come into my office"
A:"I know but we're at work and that's not a place to be comforted"
R:"Andy your my girlfriend and your carrying my child if you want a foot rub or just some extra kisses you can still get them"
A:"Fine I'll come but only if needed so don't expect me everyday"
R:"Remember what I said last night in bed?" he asked
A:"Hmmm yes I did"
R:"I still have a surprise for you but I want you to dress very sexy in something preferably white or black"
A:"So your putting a dress code on me now"
R:"Not really all of your clothes is here now so I know you have some stuff in our closet"
A:"Are we leaving the house?" she asked
R:"Nope you're going to stay upstairs and I'm going to do what I have to do here in the living room"
R:"Nope it's already said and done we have to do it tonight together"
A:"I'll be there" she then got a message on her phone
R:"Is something wrong?"
A:"No it's just Maya and Vic texting our group chat they want to know how's my knee"
A:"That's what I told them yesterday at the call. I said my knee hurts" she said laughing
R:"I'm surprised Bishop accepted that"
A:"Well I take my job very seriously so when I'm not working something is wrong and so they don't bother me"
R:"I see that"
A:"Vic is asking me to go for drinks now with the others and of course I have to say no"
R:"Babe you do realize that's a hole your digging because you love to go drinking"
A:"Stop don't make it sound like that I'll just tell them I'm going to have a moment with my hot boyfriend"
R:"Andrea Herrera you do realize I am your boyfriend and I'm there Captain" he said
A:"Yes and they already heard about some of our moments buts that's only because they were being nosey"
R:"Baby that's embarrassing I already told you I don't want them knowing about our private life"
A:"Oh calm down Robert it's not like they see you without a shirt on or worse without pants" she said laughing
R:"That's not funny you're the only person that's supposed to know that"
A:"I still am the only person that currently knows what's under those clothes" she said winking at him
A:"If I do say so myself I think they sort of like your body even if they don't really say it"
R:"I'm not having this talk. If you want to have girl talk with your friends/coworkers about me then do so just don't push the limits please"
A:"I would never give away what's mine" she said kissing him
R:"This pregnancy has you having a lot of high and lows"
A:"Whatever, enjoy it now or never. I'm going to the room to take a nap before our night" she said caressing his cheek
R:"I'll be here working on some emails from the department If you need me" he said leaning up to kiss her
*Andy then went into their now shared bedroom and she went into the closet and she picked out a couple of dress choices. She soon decided on a fitted black dress which had a v cut in the middle so it exposed some of her chest area. She then matched it with some black laced string heels and some gold earrings. She hung it up in the closet and she then decided to go and finally take a nap*
{Roberts POV}
It was now a little after 3PM and I decided that now was the best time to get everything ready. I went over to our bedroom and I made sure that Andy was asleep so she wouldn't see what I was doing. I then went outside to grab everything that stayed inside my car trunk. I went back inside the house and I first cleaned up everything. I then placed two candles on both sides of the table and I took out two glasses. I also took out two plates and I placed them in a nice order on the table. I then took the rose petals and laid them gently around the set up. After I finished that first part I went into our room quietly and I laid out my best suit. I then slipped the surprise into my pants pockets to be sure that when it was time I had it. After everything was finished for the most part I went into bed and I laid by Andy until I eventually fell asleep.
A:"Babe get up" she said tapping Robert
A:"You fell asleep"
R:"Wait Andy when did you just get up" he said in a slight panic
A:"I just got up why are you so scared"
R:"Nothing I thought my surprise got ruined but don't worry about that"
A:"What are we doing now?" she asked
R:"Well seeing that it's been two hours since we fell asleep. Let's shower and get ready"
A:"Will I see my surprise after"
R:"Yes you will see it after"
*They both got up and went into their shared bathroom. They then took a shower together and they soon finished and dried themselves off and they started to get ready*
R:"You look very beautiful in that dress" he said looking at her up and down
A:"Thanks love this May be the one and only last time I'll be wearing a dress like this anytime soon"
R:"We'll I'm glad I'll get to enjoy it" he said winking at her
A:"Robert get dressed so we can go"
R:"Are you excited to see what I've done"
A:"It better not be something bad Robert or you won't get my surprise and you'll need my surprise because you won't get one like it for a while"
R:"It's nothing bad I promise but seeing your always moody you will definitely cry"
A:"That's just great and stop calling me moody"
R:"Hmmmm no can do. You'll be my little moody baby until this baby comes"
A:"Whatever you do don't you ever call me that corny name in public especially at the station. Call me Andrea or Andy"
R:"Oh really so no sweet names"
A:"Only the ones I approve off.Now come on" she said leaving the bathroom
R:"Wait here on the bed. I have to finish up something real quick and then I'll call you out" he said kissing her cheek
A:"Don't take too long"
*Robert went back into the kitchen and he got their dinner out of the fridge in which he ordered in advance. He then quickly heated it up in the oven along with the side dish. He then lit the candles and poured the ice water into glasses and he turned off the light that was above the table but he decided to keep on the kitchen light. He then left the food to heat up and went back to get Andy*
R:"I'm back now" he said entering the room
A:"What did you do outside you made a lot of noise"
R:"You'll see when we get there. Now take my hand and close your eyes" he said taking her hand
A:"Listen here Sullivan you better lead me like your life depends on it ok"
R:"I won't make you fall it's just one straight path"
*They soon got to the table setting and Robert pulled out Andys chair and guided her into it*
R:"Open your eyes"
A:"Robert when did you do all of this it's beautiful"
R:"When you were taking a nap. It didn't take me that long"
A:"Your so sneaky how come I didn't notice any of this"
R:"Because you don't look in my trunk"
A:"So my surprise is a first date night with my handsome man?" she asked
R:"Yes it is but I'm not done yet" he said
*He left the table and went into the kitchen and he took out the food that was now heated up and he shared it onto the plates in front of them and soon he came back to sit*
A:"This food smells amazing. You made this when I was sleeping?"
R:"Nope I ordered in because I wanted this to be perfect"
A:"Thank you for this. I loved spending the day with you today"
R:"So did I but where not finished yet"
A:"I miss Kai"
R:"You really love Kai that much Andy"
A:"Yes he's so small and cuddly and I miss him asking me to play with him"
R:"Babe he'll be back soon. You still have me"
A:"It's not the same sweetheart. He is a smaller version and your the big version"
R:"We have more fun together anyway" he said winking at her
A:"Eat Your food"
*They sat around the table eating their food and talking about everything. They soon got done with their meals and Robert cleared the plates away and it was now time for the special surprise*
{Roberts POV}
It was finally time. I wasn't nervous before all of this but now walking back to Andy my nerves became bad. I rehearsed every line in my head over and over again and my hands became sweaty. My mind wandered into a different time place. I was scared of how she would react, was it too soon or was it the perfect time. All I knew was I had to do it now and that's it.
A:"Can we go back to the room now?" she asked
R:"No one more thing left" he said nervously
A:"Ok it's fine don't be scared of me Robert"
R:"I know we've only known each other for a little while now but those moments we shared together already I wouldn't trade them for nothing else. You've been the brightest light in my heart and I appreciate you for accepting me and Kai and I will forever and always love you. We may get into arguments and we may close each other out along the way but I want you to know that I am in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and our child we will soon have together so Andrea Herrera will you accept my love for you and will you marry me" he said getting down on one knee pulling out the box from his pants pocket exposing the beautiful silver diamond ring
A:"Of course I'll marry you love" she said standing up out of the chair with tears falling down her face
R:"I love you" he said standing up and putting it on her finger
A:"It's Beautiful" she said kissing him
R:"I'm glad you like it and sorry I made you cry" he said laughing
A:"Uhhh your so soft Robert" she said playfully pushing him
R:"I do a lot for the people I love" he said hugging her
A:"Can we tell Kai when he comes?"
R:"Yes of course we can. Let's clean up here so we can go back into bed"
*They cleaned up the kitchen and dining table and they soon made it over to the bedroom*
A:"The ring is beautiful" she said
R:"I'm glad you like it and I'm glad it fits well"
A:"Your so sneaky you took me to the place and you made that lady give you my ring size"
R:"I had to do it someway"
A:"Go get changed and I'll give you my surprise next" she said winking at him
*Robert changed out of his suit and stripped down to his boxers and he then climbed into bed and watched Andy disappear into the bathroom locking the door*
{Andys POV}
I waited for Robert to come out of the bathroom so I could go in. I had recently found out that Roberts top favorite colors on me were black,white and red. After his surprise tonight I knew I had to give him something that would make him go crazy so I dressed in my best black laced lingerie and I threw on my black silk robe and I walked out of the bathroom.
R:"We're going to sleep now right"
A:"Nope just wait" she then got onto the bed and sat on Roberts lap
R:"Andy you do know your pregnant"
A:"Yes but it won't stop me from doing what I have to do not until I'm bigger and you can't have anything"
R:"What are you doing then baby"
A:"Look" she then opened her robe and threw it to the side
R:"Wow your going to tease me tonight I should've known"
A:"I'm not teasing you" she said kissing him
R:"You better make this one good because Kai isn't here"
A:"It'll be the best you've ever had"
*They soon started kissing each other passionately and soon the found their ways into each other tongues and Robert then took charge and rolled Andy over until he was on top of her. He then began to massage her chest area kissing down her neck. He then began sucking her neck avoiding to leave a few marks. He then moved to take off her underwear and in one swift move she was naked. A:"Whatever your doing make sure you know I'm still pregnant" she said to him R:"Don't worry baby I won't hurt you"
And with that he kept on rubbing on her and he soon made his way down to her area. He saw that she was ready and was longing for him. He showed her core sweet love and he saw the way she moved in pleasure and moaned his name out loud. He soon removed his boxers and looked at her. When she gave him the yes he joined their bodies together and they made sweet love to each other until they both climaxed and rolled over on their backs panting trying to catch their breaths.
A:"You are so good in these moments"
R:"You make it easier. I love seeing you enjoy me"
A:"I'm going to miss you when I'm further along"
R:"We can take it slow" he suggested
A:"I'll see when I get there. Tonight can we just lay naked together and whisper sweet nothings to each other"
R:"Yes we can my love"
A:"We'll tell the team tomorrow about everything"
R:"Are you ready now?"
A:"Ya they'll have a lot of questions but I know they'll be supportive"
R:"I'll be right behind you ok"
A:"Ok I'm really glad I get to call you my fiancé now" she said giving him a kiss
R:"I am too baby. Let's get ready to sleep it's late and we have shift early tomorrow"
A:"Goodnight I love you"
R:"Goodnight I love your more" he said kissing her forehead

-I really hope you guys liked this long chapter I love doing long chapters so hopefully you like reading them!!-
-Thank you/Gracias/Obrigado/Merci for all the love on this story!!-

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