First Day

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-Chapter 4!!-
-This chapter is finally going to be about Robert joining Station 19 and there is also finally some spicy Surrera in this chapter so feel free to skip the bottom if you don't want to read that part!!-

*Robert got up and got ready for the long day he had ahead of him. He packed his overnight bag and got everything he needed. He woke up Kairo and got him dressed as well to go over to his moms house.
R:"Wake up son" he said rubbing his back
K:"Dada" he said barely awake
R:"I have to go to work so I'm dropping you off at mommy's"
K:"Yayyyy mommy. Let's go let's go" he said excitedly
R:"Here put on your jacket and your slippers and come"
*25 minutes later*
B:"Good Morning Robert. Hi my baby boy"
K:"Momma" he said running up to her
R:"Good morning to you as well umm I assume you have everything for him but here's his bag in case"
B:"Thank you.Kairo say bye bye to Daddy"
K:"Bye daddy I love you" he said hugging him
R:"Love you too buddy see you in 2 days. Bye Bree"
K&B:"Bye have a good day"

*He left to start heading down to his new station. He wanted to be early to get changed in to his uniform and set up his new office. After about 30 minutes he pulled into his parking spot labeled "Captain Sullivan" and took in the clean scenery around him. He entered inside and put up his two picture frames and his new set of pens and notebooks and decided to go into his bunk and get changed into his new

{Andys POV}
I knew today was the day that my dad was stepping down and our new captain was arriving. I wanted to see who it was and I thought I might get a chance to if I got in earlier than usual. I pulled up in the parking lot and I saw a nice black car that looked oddly familiar but I never thought too much of it. I parked beside the car and grabbed my bag and headed inside to my lockers to put it down. After I was done I noticed nobody had arrived yet at least from the team so I went down into the captains office just to look around and see if I could put together the pieces. I entered inside and the bunk room was close which was usually open but at the corner of my eyes I noticed a silver frame with a small boy that had the eyes similar to my friend Robert. I wasn't trying to think to much off it so I sat in the chair and looked out the window until I was interrupted...
R:"OMG" he said startled
A:"Robert what are you doing here. You scared me"
R:"You scared me and can you please leave I'm trying to get dressed if you haven't noticed" he said hiding behind the bunk door
A:"Why at my station though,what's going on"
R:"Can you please pass me the pants on the chair and close the blinds and door at least"
A:"Nobody is here yet so no"
R:"I never told you to leave I don't want people seeing me with a button down shirt and only boxers"
A:"If we both start work at 8 and it's currently 7:35 what are you doing here in the captain's office" she wasn't listening to him she just wanted answers
A:"WAIT THERE IS NO WAY YOUR MY CAPTAIN" she was whisper shouting at this point but she wasn't mad
R:"Andy please I know what it looks like yes I'm your new captain and yes I'll explain everything if you let me but listen to me"
A:"What ROBERT!!"
R:"Can you pass me my dress pants on the chair beside you so I can come out and explain"
A:"How about no because I spent all day yesterday with you and we talked on the phone and you never even hinted you were coming here" she turned away from his eyes
R:"I couldn't there wasn't anything I could do. It was a transfer I couldn't disclose any information and I still can't but I just did"
A:"Robert Sullivan you have a lot of explaining to do" "Here is your pants as well and the blinds and door is closed like you asked"
R:"Can you sit down please"
A:"Sure but only to talk because you have 10 minutes till line up"
R:*he opened the bunk door still in his boxers and walks over to his desk"
A:"You do realize I'm here right I can see everything" she was very much fascinated but had to make sure he was aware
R:"Yes I know what I'm doing but I have 10 minutes so I'm going to say everything I can and if you want to turn around and not watch me get ready that's fine and if you don't I'm fine with that as well"
A:"Ok" she decided with the last option
R:"I was in a relationship for about three years and she had an accidental pregnancy but we decided to keep him and so I have a three year old son named Kairo and she left me with a note on my dresser and she really meant a lot to me and she still does because thats my sons mother and I used to work at 23 but that was about 45 minutes from my house and I couldn't be that far from him in case of emergencies so I put in a transfer and Pruitt accepted it here and surprisingly this station is 15 minutes from me so it's much closer. I'm sorry Andy I don't know what will happen with our friendship but if anything does I really enjoyed our time" he finished by buckling his pants up and lacing his sneakers up and rested against the desk looking in her eyes
A: "He's a cutie I saw the picture on your desk. Also I'm not mad at you I value our friendship and you did what's best with your situation"
R:"Any questions"
A:"One. When can I meet him?"
R:"Well he's with his mom for 2 days and I don't want to introduce him to the team just yet so come over by me and meet him then"
A:"Thank you and can we agree on one thing even if this is all new"
A:"No more secrets" she got up and looked him in his eyes
R:"No more secrets"
A:*she approached him slowly and parted his legs so she was in between them* "If you wanted to know your very handsome under that uniform" she whispered under his neck
R:"Andy please"
A:"What I'm not teasing you,this is teasing you" she nibbles at his ears and planted a kiss on his jawline
R:"Please a lot of things will happen that I won't be able to handle now and I have to stand up to your team and I don't want to look at you and get flustered"
A:"Understood Captain Sullivan" she passionately kissed him with her arms around him
R:"You make it so hard to say no" he kissed her back
A:"See you later handsome don't be late now"
R:*inside thoughts* "Damn I'm going to be in for a treat later"

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