New Friendships

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-Chapter 3!!-
-This chapter will pick up where the last chapter ended and it's going to be filled with Robert and Andy!!-

[At the Gym]

A:"Hey you" she said approaching his car outside
R:"Hi Andrea"
A:"So um I hope you know that the equipment is inside the building not in your car" she said sarcastically
R:"I know sorry I'm coming" he turned off the engine and got out the car
A:"Don't worry people don't bite you know Robert"
R:"It's not that I'm scared of people you know it's cause you're so full of energy and we just met each other"
A:"Well get used to it because your going to be stuck with me"
R:"I can see that now" he reached to open the door to the Gym
A:"Thank you Mr Gentleman" she smiled at Roberts gesture in opening the door
*They went over to the lockers and placed their gym bags inside and they both decided on a simple workout. They ran on the treadmills, lighted different weights and now there doing sit ups*
A:"Tell me something about yourself" she said doing her sit ups with him over her
R:"My parents died in a plane crash,I was a marine, I'm extra tall, I'm a perfectionist and I can be very closed off" he replied
A:"Well I'm sorry about your parents first off and I can easily pick up on everything else"
R:"Tell me something about yourself now" he replied as they switch positions
A:"Well I'm a badass lieutenant, I have an amazing group of friends, and my mom died when I was 9" she stumbled on the last part
R:"Oh I'm sorry" he quickly stated
A:"No no it's fine. Well since we're done here what are you going to do now" she asked getting up
R:"I thought you had plans of your own. Really I was probably going to shower and enjoy the day on the water"
A:*chuckles* "Your really an old man huh Mr.Sullivan"
R:"Stop that" he playfully slapped her with the towel
A:"I mean it's just funny how you have like no friends and yet here I am willing to let you have some fun"
R:"I can see that and I appreciate the extra company I really do"
A:"So with that being said what else do we want to do"
R:"I am a pretty big man and it is now a couple hours later how about we find something to eat and see where that takes us. But first I really need a shower"
A:"They have showers here silly; and that plan works just fine with me"
*They both left the main part of the gym and went off into the sectional showers and got redressed. After they went into there separate cars they both decided to get pizza and breadsticks for lunch and have it at the park*
A:"So your favorite pizza is just cheese" she questioned
R:"I'm a basic kind of guy I like everything to be kept simple" he responded
A:"You know I really do wonder who is going to be our new captain at my station. I mean my dad is going down but you know he really built 19 and we all grew to be one big family.."she was stopped mid sentence
R:"But what I know there's a but"
A:"But how will the new captain adjust to us, how will he act. That's all I'm trying to say"
R:"Right right"
A:"Earlier in the coffee shop you said something about a transfer?"
R:"Yes I did but I can't confirm or deny yet"
A:"Come on you can tell me right ? New friendships" she gave him a slight smile
R:"No Andy I can't because I don't want anything to be messed up"
A:"Did you just call me Andy" she was surprised at this point
R:"Oh i'm sorry right only close friends and family can call you that my bad Andrea"
A:"Really Robert I'm fine. Call me Andy"
R:"I'm really sorry I'm trying here and I know I'm probably just really awkward and shaky. I've been stressed a little bit recently and the last thing I thought today would bring me is you"
A:"Is that a good thing or is it a bad thing?"
R:"I have a feeling and it's a good one"
A:"You know I kinda have the same feeling. You're really awkward but I kinda like it. I don't know how to explain it without it being weird but ya"
R:"Thank you for this honestly. I appreciate you coming up to me and talking with me you know"
A:"No problem. I have a question?" she asked nervously
R:"I'm listening"
A:"Are you in a relationship?"
R:"Umm no not anymore that is" he said easing to avoid explaining
A:"Oh ok I won't push now but would you care to explain it sometime later on"
R:"It's not that bad honestly it just has something that came along with it and it's personal to me but ya I'll explain it soon" his phone begin buzzing in his pocket
R:"Excuse me for a second I'll be right back"

{On the phone}
R:"Hello Sir"
P:"Hi Son. I'm calling you because tomorrow your not going in as Station 23 Captain because your officially Station 19 Captain. Congratulations"
R:"Are you serious?"
P:"Yes please don't tell me your having second thoughts"
R:"No sir I'm good. Thanks for the update and congratulations on retirement"
P:"No problem Sullivan. I hope you make me proud and I hope your dictatorship will only help my team grow stronger. I'll see you tomorrow at 8am sharp"
R:"See you then sir" he ended the call and took a deep breathe before heading back over to Andy
A:"Are you ok you seem a little flustered"
R:"I'm ok just got a quick call on my transfers"
A:"Of which you'll tell me soon, correct?"
R:"Correct" he gave her a calming smile

*They sat on the warm grass and they ate the rest of their meal and they decided to watch the sky turn from blue to a pinkish sunset color and just took in the moment. It was getting a little late now so they both called it a night*

R: "Andy it's getting late I have to get home now. I had a great day and that's because of you so I appreciate it"
A:"No problem Robert. I'm glad I got to help you get out of your comfort zone and feel a little bit more free. Tomorrow I have a 24 hour shift that starts at 8am but please don't ghost me. Can I atleast get a text to know you're ok?" she knew she sounded like a baby but she was really starting to feel something for this tall handsome man
R:"I have to work as well but I promise I will call you"
*Andy gave me a hug that surrounded his whole waist line and she took in his sweet smell of cologne. Robert was shocked by the gesture but instead of speaking on it he decided to hug her back and tune out all the worries in his mind*
A:"See you sometime soon Robert" she pulled out of his embrace
R:"See you soon Andy"

*They both got up and left in their separate cars not knowing that tomorrow would be a day that could either be filled with happiness or the end to their new friendship.They'll just both have to wait and see..*

-Stay tuned for the next chapter it's going to be a good one!!-
-Thanks for all the love as well!!✨-

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