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-Chapter 16!!-
-In this chapter there bringing home the baby and adjusting to life at home with a newborn!!-

{Nobody's POV}
They stayed in the hospital overnight for observation and different tests to make sure they were all ready to go and very healthy. The morning after the birth they were able to leave and go home where Andy would need to rest for 6 weeks with minimal activities.


*Robert brought down the bags to the car and he brought up the car seat to the room to wait for the discharge papers*

R:"I'm back with her car seat" he said coming through the door
A:"Are you ready to bring a newborn home and listen to her cry all night long?" she asked
R:"We'll do it together" he said kissing her
A:"I'm glad we get to leave this hospital because I hate being here"
R:"I'm glad to finally go back into my bed instead of that being on that couch" he said sitting next to her
A:"We're really bringing a baby home today love" she said leaning against him
R:"Yes we are"
*The doctor then came back and signed the release papers and the nurses then brought up a wheelchair for Andy. Andy placed the baby into her car seat with a blanket covering her and Robert then carried the car seat while she went in the wheelchair downstairs*
A:"Thanks for your help" she said to the nurses getting into the back seats with the baby
R:"Are you ok?" he asked
A:"Yes just please drive careful Robert"
R:"Of course I'll drive carefully" he said driving out of the parking lot
*They made the short drive home in silence and soon pulled into their driveway*
R:"I'll get her in first and then I'll come back and get the bags" he said opening the car door
A:"Ok I'll grab my purse since it isn't as heavy"
*They made their way inside the house and Robert laid the car seat on the floor alongside the bags he brought out from the car*
A:"Aviana Jade welcome home my love"she said bending down to take her from the car seat
R:"I really missed this place" he said
A:"Lets go and change you" she said taking her to their room
*Andy then fed her a bottle,changed her diaper and gave her a new outfit*
A:"You'll put her to sleep while I take a shower" she said giving her to Robert
R:"Are you going to be ok?" he asked
A:"Yes I'll take my time don't worry about me just put her to sleep and lay her down in her bassinet" she said
*Andy then left Robert with the baby and she went into the bathroom to begin showering*

{Andys POV}
Even though we weren't at the hospital for too long I was more glad to finally be in the comfort of my own home. I knew that Robert had the baby and that she was safe but I just couldn't be away from her for too long without worrying about her. I decided to just take a quick shower and come out. After I had finished I noticed that Robert fell asleep with the baby on his chest so I didn't bother to actually wake them up. I threw on a tank top with some shorts and I placed my hair into a ponytail and I decided to go into the kitchen to start cooking a real meal. I was more than glad that before the baby came I cleaned the entire house and went grocery shopping because I knew we wouldn't be getting anything done with her so soon. I decided on making Chicken Alfredo for our meal together since we both liked it very much.
R:"She's asleep" he said hugging her from behind
A:"I know I saw her and you fell asleep as well"
R:"Listening to that baby noise machine makes you want to fall asleep with the baby" he said washing his hands
A:"Where's her monitor?" she asked
R:"Behind you;she's fine sweetheart" he said kissing her cheek
A:"I know she's fine but she is very small and she was just born so we need to keep our eyes on her"
R:"You can check her whenever you want to you ok"
A:"Ok let me finish this so we can atleast get food in our stomach"
R:"Is anyone coming over to the house today?" he asked
A:"I doubt it. They said to enjoy our time together with the baby before Kai comes back so they won't bother us" she said
R:"I miss you" he said moving her waist close to him
A:"Can you let me focus on this please before the baby wakes up"
R:"I'm not bothering you from doing what you want" he said smiling
A:"Robert you know what your doing I can feel you behind me" she said touching him laughing
R:"Stop" he said moving away
A:"Sensitive I see" she said winking at him
R:"Your not aloud to do that not when I can't have you as I like"
A:"You can kiss that activity goodbye because baby girl is glued to us for the next six months before she goes into her room"
R:"Andy that's not fair I can't go six months" he said whining
A:"Im sorry but that's what happens when a baby comes in between"
R:"There's other places than the bedroom"
A:"Someone needs to watch her" she said
R:"We can be quick just a sense of relief"
A:"You don't know the meaning of quick Robert so the answer is still no" she said stirring the mixture of food in the pot
R:"What happens when we both go back to work?"
A:"She'll have a trusted babysitter and we're not doing that at station"
R:"I'll change your mind don't worry" he said under his breath smiling
*They finished cooking the meal and they decided to go back into their room to cuddle together and watch a movie while the baby was still sleeping. As soon as the movie ended the baby woke up crying and their doorbell had rung*
A:"Your on dad duties while I get the door" she said leaving the room
A:"I thought you said you weren't coming today" she said opening the door to find Maya standing there
M:"I'm not it's just lunch time at the station and we made you those brownies you love so much and since I'm Captain I was the only person who could run down here real quick to hand it to you" she said handing her the small tray
A:"I love you guys so much. Thank you for this even though this isn't going to help me lose my baby weight" she said hugging her
M:"Andy your body is amazing ok you look great for just giving birth"
A:"I miss you guys so much and I miss hearing the sirens and saving civilians" she said moving the conversation into the kitchen
M:"We miss you a lot there too. It's like we can all feel there's a piece missing"
A:"I'll be back in 6 weeks and Sullivan goes back in 3 weeks" she said
M:"How's he handling it?" she asked
A:"He's in love with her he talks to her in cute little voices and he takes care of her so I would say he's doing amazing"
M:"Not to get into your personal business or anything but has he asked for any yet" she said laughing
A:"Actually he's implied it to me earlier and I turned it down because I'm still healing and my doctor would probably be mad if she ever found out. I just feel bad because it's been weeks since we did and he has to still wait"
M:"I have to go seeing the time but I'll leave on this;spend 10 minutes with him tonight after Aviana falls asleep and just be with him, let him know you care and that you see his needs. Don't get naked or don't get pregnant" she said smiling at her
A:"I'll see what I can do thanks for everything again. Tell the station I love them and I'll send a picture to the group chat soon" she said hugging her goodbye
M:"Bye" she said waving
A:"Bye" she said watching her drive away
*She closed the door and went into the room and she stood by the doorway watching Robert read stories to their daughter like she is paying any attention to him or what the story is about. She couldn't help but smile at the way Robert shows his love towards his two kids. She was incredibly grateful that she brought this baby girl into the world and that she would have two loving parents*
A:"I caught you showing your sweet side" she said walking over to him
R:"She's just so quiet and precious" he said rubbing her cheeks softly
A:"She's a very calm baby" she said sitting on his lap
R:"I don't think she'll be that hard on us tonight"
A:"Was Kai like this?" she asked
R:"No he was more clingy and fussy. Bree had him wrapped around her fingers he only wanted her" he said
A:"Maya stopped by to bring me something the station made for us and we talked and I want to do the thing she told to me to do" she said playing with her ring
R:"What is it?" he asked
A:"You'll just have to follow along because Aviana is going to wake up again almost likely after we have dinner so when she sleeps again I'll do what she recommended"
R:"You don't have to do anything for me love you literally just gave birth to our daughter" he said looking into her eyes
A:"I know that but we're a couple and we're supposed to do couple things and we haven't gone on dates and been intimate for a while and I feel like I need to make it up to you"
R:"Andy I don't need anything that you're not willing to give. As much as I love doing everything with you I'm fine with you not being in the mood"
A:"I know but this will be my treat to you" she said leaning into his shoulder
R:"Your beautiful, your strong, your brave, and your irreplaceable. I'm glad I have you as my fiancée and I'm glad to call you the mother of my daughter because I know you'll raise her to be just like you and I'm more than ok with that. I love you for loving me and the son you never birthed but still makes sure he is good" he said kissing her
A:"Your not allowed to make me cry but I love you more" she said wiping her tears
R:"We don't need to be naked to say those words to each other we can be just like this and I'll love it just the same"
A:"Thank you for understanding" she said hugging him
R:"Lets get some dinner in while she's still sleeping so we can get ready for tonight" he said
A:"Let's do that" she said getting up from his lap
*Andy grabbed the baby monitor and made sure one last time she was good before she went out into the kitchen. Robert plated their dishes and filled two glasses with iced water and put them onto the table. They ate the meal in small chatter and they washed the dishes together.The baby woke up again and it was now Andys turn*
A:"Momma is here princess" she said taking her from the bassinet
A:"I love you so much Aviana Jade and I'm even more proud to call you my daughter" she said snuggling and kissing her
*Andy fed her another bottle and rocked her softly to the sound of her music. She watched as her eyes went from being wide open to slowly closing back. She then held her close and kissed her cheeks and put her back into her small bed. Robert had cane back into the room to shower and Andy knew it was time for her great plan*
{Andys POV}
I knew I had to make it up to Robert somehow for everything he has done for both me and Aviana this far. I was really thankful for Maya because her idea gave me a plan I needed. I went silently back into the kitchen and I took out a small plate and a cut a decent size of the brownie and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and I placed it onto the plate. I then grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle of champagne from the fridge along with a thing of strawberries and whipped cream. I placed all of the extra items into a basket and I carried the plate with my hand into the room straight to the bathroom which Robert had already left from. When I got in there I locked the door and I placed everything on the little table we had sitting on the counter so nothing wouldn't touch the direct floor. I then took two new towels and placed them together onto the floor. I then lit two candles and placed them to sit on the edge of the bathtub and I placed some rose petals I had under the cabinet around the ground. It wasn't the best but I tried to make it special.
A:"Babe can you help me really quick please?" she said opening the door
R:"What is it" he said coming by the door
A:"Sit with me" she said patting on the ground beside her
R:"Really Andy you did all of this" he said sitting beside her
A:"Yes I did and don't worry everything is sanitary because I cleaned before we left" she sat giving him a glass with champagne half way
R:"Thank you for this"
A:"To us" she said tapping their glasses together
R:"To us" he said kissing her
A:"Try this and tell me if you like it ok" she said feeding him a scoop of the brownie and ice cream
R:"That's amazing" he said
A:"Ya you could've had the chance to try this way before if you joined us for meals mr.chief" she said feeding herself a scoop
R:"So what exactly is this" he asked
A:"An awkward date" she said giving him another spoonful
R:"And what we're sharing brownies and ice cream off of one spoon sipping champagne"
A:"Yes just to give it a hint of romance" she said taking the last bite
R:"Is there more in the fridge?" he asked
A:"Yes love but I'm not done with you yet so you can't leave" she said putting the dish on the counter to get the strawberries and whipped cream
A:"Open This please" she asked
*Robert opened it like she asked but he then decided to take things into his own hands and spray a little on her chest*
A:"ROBERT" she whispered yelled
R:"Sorry it just sprayed out" he said laughing
A:"No it didn't you purposely did that and now I have to clean it" she said grabbing a wet towel
R:"Come here and pass me a strawberry please" he said
A:"You better not do what I think your going to do" she said giving him the strawberries
R:"Thank you" he said using the strawberry to wipe off the whipped cream
A:"Your just making more of a mess" she said
R:"We have to have fun some way" he said spraying some into his mouth
A:"Your ruining my plan with yours" she said laughing
R:"Don't mind me just drink this" he said pouring more champagne into her glass
A:"Robert we have a baby that will wake up constantly asking for her bottle and her diaper to be changed and this has alcohol in it so no I won't drink it" she said
R:"This is the weakest alcohol love it won't affect you but hey this is great" he said eating more strawberries with whipped cream
A:"Parents just need a little fun too" she said getting on top of him
R:"No were not playing the teasing game Andy" he said
A:"I'm snuggling you not teasing you" she said moving her hips in a up and down movement
R:"Babe your on me and your moving against me" he said
A:"Just hold me and everything will be fine" she said breathing into his ear
R:"I think we're done for tonight" he said trying to move her off of him
A:"No it's still early into the night please" she said begging
R:"Andy no your fully dressed and I'm in a T-shirt and boxers so this isn't where I want to go with you having 6 weeks to recover" he said
A:"Mmmm" she said reaching under her to touch him
R:"Andy please stop" he said holding her hand
A:"My night my rules" she said kissing his neck
R:"No it's not because your not healed yet and you shouldn't be doing this we both know this" he said
A:"We won't do all of that but let's just touch and feel each other with clothes on" she said
R:"No because your still sore and I don't want to hurt you" he said
A:"Fine were done here let's go to sleep" she said standing up
R:"I love you" he said kissing her
A:"As much as you annoy the crap out of me I love you" she said cleaning everything up in the bathroom
R:"I'll help bring these out you can stay with the baby" he said grabbing the basket
A:"Don't take too long" she said moving into the bed
R:"I'll be back before you know it" he said leaving the room
*Robert placed the dishes into the sink and he put the leftover champagne into the fridge and he went back into the room to snuggle Andy and they soon both fell asleep together*

-I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter!!-
-Thank you for the continuous support on this story;I appreciate it!!

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