Day Off

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-Chapter 13!!-
-This chapter is going to be about Andy and Robert along with the team!!-

Andy laid in bed and took up her phone to look at the time. She saw that it was almost time to get up and take Kairo to school. Today was her day off but Robert had to go in to finish his work. She laid beside him and watched him sleep peacefully. She looked him up and down and gently traced his muscles for sometime. After she saw the sun come in a little more she got up and washed her face and brushed her teeth and threw on a shirt with some leggings and grabbed her keys and wallet and left the room.

A:"Kai wake up" she said rubbing his back
K:"It's time for school?" he asked
A:"Yes I'm going to take you today ok so let's get ready"
*Kai then got up and changed his clothes and wiped his face off and brushed his teeth. While he did that Andy got his breakfast and lunch ready*
A:"Did you be a big boy and do everything I told you to do?" she asked him
K:"Yes Drea I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth"
A:"Good job Kai. You'll eat breakfast in the car because we're running a little late. Sit here so I can tie your shoelaces" she sat patting on the stool
K:"Where is my lunchbox?"
A:"I have it don't worry ok"
*Andy then placed him in his car seat and she placed his bags next to him and made the drive to drop him off*

{Robert POV}
When I woke up I noticed that beside me the bed was colder than normal. I looked over and noticed that Andy had left. I didn't realize how late it was until I looked at the clock and realized she must've had to get Kai ready and took him to school. I knew however that if she needed help with him she would've asked so I just got up and decided to get ready for my day.

R:"Mmm your back" he said coming into the kitchen after his shower
A:"Yes I am and you need to get dressed because your getting me wet" she said pushing him back
R:"How did he do this morning?" he asked
A:"He was good like always. He was excited to go into his class and see his friends"
R:"You do know that I mean how was it getting him up and ready"
A:"We we're running slightly late but that's fine because I was able to do what I needed to do which was feed him and he did what we taught him which was getting himself ready"
R:"Ok thank you so much baby" he said grabbing her waist kissing her
A:"If you don't stop this behavior your going to be late going into the station"
R:"Let me make breakfasts first" he said taking out a pan
A:"Robert no your dripping water all over"
R:"No I'm not your just getting flustered over your hot fiancé" he said smiling at her
A:"Don't be mad when your late because you wouldn't listen"
R:"Those documents can wait"
*They stood in the kitchen and they made breakfast and smoothies together*
A:"Now go upstairs and get dressed" she said
R:"Fine anything for Andrea Herrera"
*He went and got ready and she sat in the living room watching TV*
A:"Did you get everything?" she asked
R:"Yes I did. I'll see you later my love take care of my princess and if you need anything call me and I'll be here in a second" he said hugging her and rubbing her belly
A:"I'll be fine I'm sure I'll find something to do" she said kissing him
R:"I'm going to miss you" he said
A:"I'll miss you more just call me when you want to and I'll answer but seriously if you don't leave now you'll be late"
R:"Fine I'm going. I love you" he said kissing her
A:"I love you more"

{Andys POV}
When Robert left the house it became really quiet and I started to feel restless. I decided that since I couldn't lift anything heavy I decided on putting on my sneakers and going for a walk in the park. When I got to the park I walked slowly for about an hour and then my ankles started to hurt so I sat on a bench and drank some water from my bottle and pulled out my granola bar and had it as a snack as I watched everyone else around me do their own things. Soon after I decided to check my phone for any messages and sure enough I had a message from Robert.
R:"Can't wait to see you tonight"
A:"Do your work" she responded
After sitting in the park she decided to go home and shower. She arrived at their shared house and she went and took her shower. She threw her hair up into a messy bun and she put on one of Roberts shirts and made the decision to clean the house.
{Roberts POV}
As I entered the station I went up to my office and took out my breakfast and my smoothie out of my bag and placed it on my table. I also took out a photo of Andy and I with Kai and placed it into a frame I had in my desk and put it beside my computer. I finished my breakfast and started the work I needed to do. "A"shift was off today but being Battalion Chief came with a lot of council meetings and extra documents from all of the crews so I had to get them done.
{Andys POV}
I put everything that was dirty into the laundry and I then washed the dishes from this morning and vacuumed the house. Since I was doing all of that I didn't even notice it was almost time for Kairo to be picked up so I quickly grabbed my purse and headed straight to get him.
K:"DREA" he said running straight to her
A:"Hi Kai. How was school?" she asked
K:"It was fun I like going to school"
A:"Did you eat all your lunch today"
K:"Yes I did. Where's daddy?" he asked climbing into his seat
A:"He's at work today"
K:"Will I see him later on"
A:"Yes you will see him he didn't leave us"
K:"Can I call him?" he asked
A:"Sure" she said grabbing her phone

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