New Achievements

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-Chapter 21!!-
-This chapter is going to be about a call and a flashback!!-

[FLASHBACK] -Aviana 1st Birthday Party!!-

{Andys POV}
I couldn't believe that my baby girl was one. I remembered the time that I had found out about being pregnant and very scared but I knew that she was going to be my biggest blessing. I was very proud of how big she had grown up already and very happy that Robert was in her life and that he loved her more than anything. I layed in bed beside Robert looking at the monitor watching her peacefully sleep in her crib. I stared at her for what felt like a while before Robert touched me.
R:"Baby" he said touching her shoulder
A:"Yes" she responded
R:"Why are you watching her like that?" he asked noticing what she was doing
A:"No reason I'm just surprised that our baby girl is one today"she said wiping her tears away
R:"She's getting bigger everyday" he said sitting up in the bed
A:"Thank you for loving her and staying with her" she said kissing him
R:"I'm not leaving neither of you anytime and I know you are still worried because you say that a lot but I love you both and Kairo and I'll never leave any of you guys" he said kissing her softly
A:"Our baby girl is one" she said looking into his eyes
R:"She's one sweetheart. Our princess Aviana Jade is one"
*Andy then opened her nightstand drawer and pulled out a light pink book and placed it on Roberts lap and moved closer to him*
R:"What is this?" he asked
A:"It's her baby album it has everything in it.All of her baby photos and everything" she said
R:"How come I didn't notice this?" he asked again
A:"It was all in a shoebox in my closet but I thought that a book was more special so I put it together one day while you were at work. Trust me it's all the pictures you've seen before I didn't hide anything" she said
R:"Andy it's ok I was just curious love" he said looking through the book
A:"That picture was taken on one of my desk shifts where I was just tired of being pregnant" she said pointing to the picture
R:"And this one is you in our tub with the pink flowers around you and the white bralette" he said laughing
A:"Yup our maternity shoot that was indeed pretty expensive" she said
R:"Well I'm happy we got the photos so we can show her when she's older"
*They sat flipping each page taking in the moments and soon they decided to put it back and get up for the day*
A:"As precious as this was we do have a party to get too" she said getting out of the bed
R:"It's weird getting up with only one kid here" he said putting on his shorts
A:"Well Kai and Bree are technically still coming to the party so we'll still see him" she said
R:"I guess" he responded
A:"We have exactly four hours to get there and Maya will be mad if we're late so we have to get going" she said leaving the room
A:"Good morning princess" she said picking Aviana up out of the crib
R:"Happy first birthday my love" he said kissing her cheeks
A:"I love you more than anything and I'm glad to be your mommy" she said hugging her
*Andy took out her outfit and layed it in the crib and she went and gave her a bath while Robert went to shower. After her bath Andy got her dressed and went downstairs to feed her breakfast. When she got done eating Andy placed her hair into two little puffs and placed her on the carpet to play with her toys and went into their room*
A:"I love it" she said noticing his outfit
R:"Thank you sweetheart" he said grabbing her waist
A:"I'm glad you're finally comfortable with the team" she said
R:"I'm fine with them Andy I'm just happy they love you and the kids" he said kissing her
A:"Go sit with Aviana. I'll be ready in an hour max" she said
R:"An hour!!" he said surprised
A:"Don't question me" she said moving into the shower
*Robert went downstairs and he decided to pack Aviana's bag and he decided to make some breakfast to go. Andy finished showering and got ready. She placed on a long flowy white dress and her gold hoop earrings and sandals and she applied light makeup and curled her hair. She then grabbed her phone and wallet and went into the kitchen*
A:"I'm ready now" she said
R:"Looking gorgeous as always" he said approaching her
A:"We have an hour left and so we need to leave now so we can get to the place on time" she said
R:"It's 15 minutes away" he said
A:"I know but I have to get her things ready" she said
R:"Already packed and in the car" he said
A:"You got everything?" she asked him
R:"Yes Andrea" he said laughing
A:"You're a lifesaver and I love you" she said
R:"Your Welcome" he said picking up Aviana
*He then placed her in her car seat and they started the drive to the place. Andy ate the fruits and granola bar that he packed her and drank her water. After 15 minutes they pulled up to the park where everyone was waiting for them. The area was decorated in pink and white balloons and cute decorations*
A:"Well we're here" she said
R:"Let's go celebrate our baby girl" he said kissing her hand
*They came out of the car and they took Aviana out of the car seat and approached the small crowd of people*
A:"Hey guys" she said hugging them
R:"Thanks for coming" he said
M:"Anything for this sweet girl" she said
V:"Trust me we're happy to be here" she said taking Aviana
A:"Hi Bree" she said hugging her
B:"Hi Andrea" she said
A:"Hi Kai Kai" she said hugging him
K:"Hi Drea my mommy brought me here today" he said
A:"I know buddy do you want to say happy birthday to sissy" she asked him
K:"Ya lets go" he said taking her hand
*They went over to where everyone was playing with the baby*
R:"Hi son" he said picking him up
K:"Hi daddy" he said hugging him
A:"I know you guys love her a lot but Kai wants to tell her happy birthday" she said sitting by the team
K:"Happy birthday baby sissy I have a present in the car for you" he said holding her hand
A:"It's ok Kai we'll get it when we're done ok"
K:"Ok" he said
*Robert then took him over to the park that was next to the place and Andy gave the baby to Bree and she went to talk to the team*
J:"So what that's just a normal thing" he said watching the action
A:"We're fine Jack" she said
V:"Has she ever seen her before at least?" she asked
A:"Yes a couple times; I trust her" she responded
T:"She's a very pretty woman their son looks just like her" he said noticing the woman
A:"Yes he does" she said
B:"It's life sometimes you win and sometimes you lose" he said laughing
M:"And she sure did lose" she said in a slight whisper
A:"Guys she has a boyfriend" she said
J:"Oh really" he said surprised
V:"Well Andy you can't just say that and then not give details" she said
A:"It isn't my business and besides I haven't seen him well enough to know what he looks like" she said
T:"Whose better?" he asked
A:"I don't know and it doesn't matter;I love the man that I have he is more than amazing" she said laughing
M:"Well let's get to partying" she said
*They all danced together and they ate food and played in the park with the two kids and after about 2 hours everyone was getting tired so they decided to sing happy birthday and watch Aviana smash her cake and Andy cut the other cake up and served it out. They then did presents and decided to clean up and call it an evening*
A:"Thank you guys for all the love for our baby girl" she said
M:"No problem" she said hugging her
*They went into their separate cars and went home. Robert took all the gift bags into the house and Andy went over to the bath and ran Aviana a warm bath*
A:"Today was fun" she said sitting on the ground next to the tub
R:"Yes it was" he said holding her hand
A:"They know about Bree" she said turning to face him
R:"It's fine I'm not worried" he said
A:"The team is going to want to hang out with me a lot more now that she's a little older" she said watching her splash the water
R:"It's time for you to get back in the groove of things so you can go we'll be fine"
A:"Ok but I won't stay out long" she said laughing
R:"Either way is perfect for me" he said kissing her cheek
*They all got ready for the night and Andy our Aviana to sleep and her and Robert cuddled up on the couch and watched movies before they decided to eat dinner and get ready for bed*

[AT THE STATION] -Present Day-

M:"Someone looks happy today" she said
A:"So me walking in and smiling isn't a normal thing" she said walking over to the fridge
T:"I think she's saying your being different" he said
M:"What changed?" she asked
A:"Nothing changed I'm the same old Andy Herrera who has a one year old baby that's it" she said
V:"Wait did Aviana sleep all the way through the night" she said suggesting
A:"Nope she's been sleeping all night for a little while now" she said
D:"Uh oh guys she and mr.chief had a steamy hookup" he said pointing at her
M:"Ohhhhhh so you had some parent alone time" she said laughing
A:"I'm not saying yes or no" she said sipping her glass of water
V:"Go Andy" she said
B:"Why does every morning conversation end up like this?" he asked grabbing his coffee
J:"Warren just be lucky they don't pick it up from you" he said laughing
D:"Ohhhh no Jack that's just disrespectful and very uncomfortable for both him and Miranda" he said
T:"Great now the vision is wondering in my head" he said laying his head against the table
V:"I'm calling a switch" she said
M:"Fine so back to Andy. How did you like Avianas party?" she asked
A:"It was perfect I still can't get over the fact that I had her one year ago" she said smiling
J:"At the party I think that was the most I've seen Sullivan actually happy" he said
A:"I've said it once and I'll say it again he loves his kids a lot and he is very obsessed with them both" she said
V:"And so are you" she said
A:"Ya but we don't talk about us" she said
M:"As Captain we've been sitting here for a while and have not done our morning chores so I say let's do them before we get in trouble" she said getting up
V:"Fine let's go" she said
*They all got up and left the beanery and went to do their assigned chores*
M:"Let's go" she called out
A:"Another day and another call" she said placing on her headset
J:"Are you ready?" he asked her
A:"Jack focus on driving please" she said avoiding his question
*They arrived on scene and it was a large restaurant fire. They each got their assignments and went in*
V:"Do you think Andy is acting a little weird" she whispered to Dean
D:"I don't know she is a mom now so she is probably thinking that every call she just has to make it back home" he said
V:"I feel bad like this job is risky" she said
D:"She's Andy she knows her limits and Maya will stand by her calling" he responded
V:"You mean Bishop because when she is in turnouts she means business" she said laughing
D:"Vic I meant Maya now we got victims to treat" he said slightly louder
V:"Ok ok" she said
*They were able to contain the fire and get it completely out and soon they were done so they cleaned up the scene and went back to the station. For the rest of the shift they had 3 Aid calls and 2 more small fire calls and after that the shift was done.*
M:"Today was exhausting" she said sitting in the chair
T:"Glad it's only a 12 hour shift because tomorrow it's 24 hours" he said
A:"My night has only just begun" she said
V:"You have a baby that's why"
M:"I need food and my bed" she said laying on the desk
J:"How about we all stop waiting by the front desk and just go home" he said coming down the stairs
B:"I'm out see you all tomorrow" he said leaving
A:"I love you all and have a goodnight" she said leaving next
*Andy then got into her car and drove home*
A:"Hi pretty girl" she said walking into the house
R:"Your back" he said
A:"Yes I am" she said kissing him
R:"You need a shower" he said laughing
A:"I know today was busy and we had quite a lot of calls" she responded
*Andy then went and took a shower and changed. She then grabbed a salad bowl from the fridge and sat on the couch next to Robert*
A:"How was spending time with your daughter today?" she asked
R:"It was fine we watched movies and played with her toys all day" he said
*They sat on the couch together and watched TV while their daughter played with her toys on the ground and then she stood up*
A:"Look Robert she's standing" she said calmly
R:"She's been practicing today but I guess she just fully learned" he said
*Andy then went on the ground and grabbed one of her toys*
A:"Aviana do you want to walk to mama" she said in a baby voice
A:"Come on you can do it" she said watching her
*Aviana then turned to her and smiled and soon she took one step and the another all the way to Andy*
A:"Aww you did it" she said hugging her
R:"Our daughter can officially walk now" he said clapping
A:"You never fail to surprise me" she said kissing her cheeks
R:"Glad we got to see it together" he said kissing her forehead
A:"I'm glad too" she said
*They all sat on the floor taking videos and pictures of her walking around slowly and they watched her enjoying every moment*

-I hope you guys liked reading this chapter!! Next chapter is the final chapter!!-

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