Night Out

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-Chapter 18!!-
-Slightly M rated!! Please read at your own comfort!!-


{Nobody's POV}
Andy had woken up and gotten both of the kids ready. She then took Kai over to school and she was now heading to the hospital to pick Robert up.
R:"Good morning love" he said kissing her
A:"Good morning" she responded
R:"Do you want me to drive?" he asked
A:"I'll drive. We're going to the station the team wants to see Aviana" she said
R:"Ok how was last night?" he asked
A:"The kids slept ok Aviana woke up twice for her bottle but she's getting better" she said
A:"Are you cleared for everything?" she asked
R:"Yes sweetheart my oxygen levels are great and the cut I have isn't deep so it didn't need stitches just some redressing for a week" he said
A:"That's amazing" she responded smiling
*20 minutes later Andy then pulled into the stations parking lot and turned off the car*
A:"Can you carry her in while I carry her bag?" she asked
R:"Sure" he said unstrapping her from the car seat
R:"Hi princess daddy missed you" he said kissing her cheek
A:"Lets go because shift started and we don't want them to get called out before seeing her"
*They locked the car and they made their way up to the beanery since that's where the usually have their morning start*
A:"Hi guys" she said entering the beanery
V:"Oh how I've never missed you so much" she said hugging her gently
M:"My girl Herrera is back" she said hugging her
A:"No I'm not still have a few more days but I decided to stop by with the baby" she said
B:"Hi Chief how are you?" he said approaching him
R:"I'm better Warren happy to be back full swing" he said smiling
B:"Glad to hear that" he said tapping his shoulder
R:"Take her love I'm going to do something real quick in my office call me when your ready" he said handing her the baby and giving her a quick kiss
J:"So she got bigger" he said
A:"Ya she's almost 2 months old the day I return she'll actually be two months"
B:"Your daughter is definitely precious" he said
A:"Thanks Warren" she said
A:"If anyone wants to hold her before the alarm goes off get your snuggles now but please wash your hands first" she said
*Everyone washed their hands and they each took turns holding the baby and cuddling her. Andy and the team sat their telling stories and different jokes until the baby became fussy and so she decided to let them go on to do their chores and she went into Roberts office*
R:"Everything ok?" he asked
A:"Ya the team is doing chores now and baby girl is hungry" she said
R:"Ok let me help you" he said taking her from Andy
*Andy then went and warmed up her bottle and she came back to the office and she then fed her and changed her diaper. Soon after she fell asleep in Andys arm*
R:"Is your time almost up now?" he asked
A:"Yes I return back to work in four days and two days after that my official recovery time will be done. I have to actually make sure of that at my doctors appointment which is actually tomorrow" she said
R:"Tomorrow is a day off so tonight can I treat my lady to dinner?" he asked
A:"The kids aren't invisible you know"
R:"I have a babysitter and yes she's trusted she used to babysit Kai when he was smaller at the house" he said
A:"Can she manage two kids, one who is only a baby?" she asked
R:"Yes love and I'll tell her to bring her sister along just incase" he said
A:"But I just had a baby" she said nervously
R:"And you did an amazing job and you are still very gorgeous" he said
A:"Everything I own fits differently and you know that" she said
R:"Don't stress about it now" he said
A:"How long are we staying in this office exactly?" she asked
R:"I just need to send this email off and we can leave since their is an intern Chief here for today"
*After about 30 minutes had passed Robert was finally done with work and so they said their goodbyes to the team and they left to go home*


A:"Do you want some leftover pasta?" she asked
R:"Sure I'll take a plate" he said
*Andy then served up two bowls and she brought it out with two water bottles and laid it on the living room table*
A:"I made this last night it was the quickest thing I could think off" she said taking a bite
R:"No matter what you cook it's always good" he said
A:"Kai gets out in an hour make sure to grab him a juice box and a snack because he gets hungry after school" she said
R:"He's never asked for snacks after school"
A:"Robert he's a kid" she said
R:"Baby I know that but I've seen you pack his lunch and it isn't light" he said laughing
A:"It's not funny he has a snack time and a lunch and he is a boy he plays hard and uses a lot of his energy"
R:"Ok love I understand I'll get him a snack" he said kissing her forehead
A:"I can't say this enough but I'm really in love with how the team interacts with Aviana it's like there little niece" she said leaning on his shoulder
R:"I love it too and even though they don't say much to me I do like seeing your smile everytime you see them"
A:"All of you are my favorite people"
R:"You and the kids are mines and I wouldn't trade that for anything"
A:"Speaking of kids can we not have another one" she asked nervously
R:"Well you're my lady and it's your body and I want you to do whatever it is you please so if you don't want to carry again I'm more than happy. I have a son and a daughter now so I'm good" he said holding her hand
A:"Are you sad or anything at my decision?" she asked
R:"No sweetheart it's fine you're a firefighter and I wouldn't want to put you through the struggle again and I'm willing to wear protection or whatever to refrain from accidents" he said
A:"You don't need to constantly wear it I'm on the right things so I won't be pregnant anytime"
R:"How come I've never seen you take it?" he asked
A:"Because we didn't have this conversation yet at the time;I've only been on it for a week because I know when my recovery is up you'll want to have me" she said
R:"You don't have to hide from me love I'm not going to shame you or run away. I love you and your the only person I want to end this life with"
A:"Thanks" she said kissing him
R:"I have to get Kai now. Aviana is still asleep, lunch was great as always and if you need anything just call me" he said going into the kitchen
A:"Will do" she said cleaning the dishes the dishes from the table
*Robert then grabbed Kairo snack and left out the door and Andy then washed the dishes and headed into the room quietly to not wake the baby up and she decided to pull out 2 outfits she would be comfortable wearing later*
R:"Hi son" he said hugging him
K:"Daddy your back" he said smiling
R:"Yes I am back let's go home ok" he said strapping him into his car seat
K:"Did Drea bring me a snack?" he asked looking around
R:"Yes she did here you go eat it carefully" he said handing it to him
*Robert then made the drive back home*
A:"Hi Kai Kai" she said opening the door
K:"Hi" he said
A:"Do you have homework?" she asked
K:"Yes some math and coloring shapes that's it" he responded
A:"Ok I'll help you. Wash your hands and take off your shoes and come by the table with your folder" she said
A:"Baby can you please go to the room and check on the baby" she called out
R:"I'll watch her"
*Kai then came to the table with his supplies and he sat next to Andy. Andy watched as he read the problems out loud and he solved most of them by himself. He then moved on to his next assignment and he soon finished that one.Andy instructed him to put it back into his bag and told him he was aloud to play in his room until dinner time*
A:"Kai is so good with school" she said coming into their bedroom
R:"He's getting bigger and smarter everyday. I'm glad he at least loves going" he said
A:"Ya can you pick one of these outfits" she said
R:"Sure" he said looking over at them
R:"You can wear this" he said lifting up the red dress
A:"That's the one I like best,it's not tight and it's mid length" she said putting the others back into the closet
R:"Dinner is at 7 and the babysitter will be here for 6" he said
A:"Ok we have time I'll write out a note for the babysitter for the baby and Kai and then let's watch a movie with him so he doesn't feel left out"
R:"Ok that's perfect"
*Andy wrote out two specific notes and left them on the kitchen table. She then prepared Kai some macaroni and cheese for his dinner and covered it inside of a plate. She then called Kai to the living room and they ate popcorn and watched a funny kid friendly movie*
A:"Kai daddy and I are going out for tonight so your old babysitter Ms.Ava is going to watch you and sissy" she said
K:"Ok are you going to come back?" he asked
A:"Yes we will but you'll be sleeping at that time so you'll see us in the morning"
*Robert then stayed with the kids and Andy decided to go take a shower and get ready*
R:"We have an hour till the babysitter gets here" he said walking into the bathroom
A:"Ok I'm almost ready you can shower" she said
A:"Wait where are the kids?" she asked
R:"There both sleeping" he responded getting into the shower
A:"How long are we leaving for?" she asked
R:"Hopefully no more than two hours" he responded
*Robert then finished showering and Andy had finished curling her hair and they were now in the bedroom*
A:"I'm not wearing heels tonight ok" she said
R:"That's fine love" he said getting himself dressed
A:"This outfit is making me feel out of place. I appreciate you taking me out from the kids but I just want to be in my big oversized t shirt" she said watching him
R:"Baby you look gorgeous in it and don't think for a second your any less beautiful" he said kissing her
A:"Finish getting ready and I'm going to wake Kai up before he isn't able to sleep tonight" she said walking out of the room
*30 minutes had passed and they were now ready to leave. Andy told the babysitter everything she needed to know and told her to make herself comfortable and they then left to the restaurant*
A:"You always pick the nicest restaurants" she said looking at the scenery
R:"I try my best" he said smiling
R:"Are you drinking tonight?" he asked
A:"Maybe but I'm not getting drunk" she said smiling
R:"Why are you smiling" he said knowing what she was implying
A:"I know you Robert you make me dress nice and take me out and now your asking if I'm drinking just say you want it" she said laughing
R:"You May be on to me but you have an appointment tomorrow" he said
A:"I'm sure I'm fine it's just to clear me to go back to work"
R:"Andy it's been over two months since we did any of that"
A:"Ok I know that and I know how excited you've been so I'll see how I'm feeling later" she said
R:"Baby girl is sleeping in her room then" he said
A:"Yes I told the babysitter to let her sleep in their and watch her closely through the monitor"
R:"So we have our room back"
A:"Not really she's still small and doesn't sleep fully through the night so she'll be there sometimes but I'll make arrangements"
R:"I could take that" he said kissing her hand
*Robert ordered some white wine and Andy got herself a margarita with a side of iced water and they ordered their meals. They sat talking about their younger life and their future and soon it was getting late so they decided to pay and go home*
R:"Hi Ava thanks for watching them" he said walking into the house and pulling out his wallet
A:"No problem Kai was amazing he took a bath and fell asleep and your daughter she's beautiful by the way and she was good" she said taking her payment and exciting the house
R:"Thanks to your sister as well" he said handing her some money as well
*He made sure they got to their car safely and watched as they drove out the driveway. He then locked the door and went to his bedroom*
A:"She's amazing. Baby girl is fully asleep and so is Kai I just checked them and gave them a quick kiss for the night" she said
R:"Bree got her for Kai and she has been there every time she's very careful with him"
A:"Go kiss your kids goodnight and come back to me" she instructed
*Robert left to do what was told and Andy quickly changed her clothes into nothing but a slick robe and she put her hair up into a bun*
R:"Why are looking at me like that" he said looking at her
A:"No reason" she responded
R:"Your tipsy" he said taking off his shirt
A:"No I'm not I had one drink and I'm definitely sober" she said
R:"So your telling me when I come on the bed we're going straight to sleep" he said
A:"Yes love" she said lying
*Robert then took off his dress pants and and shoes and he went into bed with Andy placing the covers over them*
A:"Cuddle me baby" she said
R:"I am" he said getting closer to her
A:"I am in love with your cologne this isn't the same one you wear for work" she said turning around
R:"It isn't this one is more special" he said kissing her forehead
A:"No shirt to sleep in tonight?" she asked rubbing his chest
R:"Nope Aviana isn't in here so I don't have to dress so modest and I'm assuming you took up that offer as well" he said noticing the slip up in her robe
A:"Stop watching me" she said
R:"Are you naked under that robe?" he asked
A:"You can only find out" she said winking at him
*Robert then rolled up on top Andy not putting his body weight on her and lifted her robe to see*
R:"Wow you really are fully naked" he said
A:"Yes I am"
R:"Is this just a tease or are we doing something tonight"
A:"Were doing something I need you and I want to feel you"
R:"Baby your still healing" he said
A:"No I'm not just take it slow" she said
R:"Tell me if your hurting at any time and I'll stop" he said
*Roberg then slowly began kissing her from her lips to her neck slowly down her stomach and chest areas. He began rubbing her chest slowly to avoid hurting her. He then took off her robe completely and he then made his way down to her area where he knew she needed him. He then began pleading her core softly and watched as she moaned in pleasure and moved her hips. He soon removed his boxers and slowly entered inside her. When she gave him the ok he softly made love to her and they both climaxed and he laid on on top of her*
A:"Babe" she said
R:"Sorry" he said rolling off of her
A:"I'm sorry it wasn't as enjoyable" she said laying against his chest
R:"Don't be sorry love anytime I get doing that with you is always enjoyable" he said
A:"I'll be better soon and we can go back to old times"
R:"Slow or fast I still love you" he said kissing her
A:"I missed laying naked together in the afterglow" she said
R:"Then let's lay together tonight doing that we're not super sweaty since we didn't use a lot of energy"
A:"Thank you for listening and always admiring me" she said
R:"Thank you for loving me"
A:"I enjoyed our little parent night with no kids" she said laughing
R:"Even if we don't always go out to eat or something the least we can is this when baby girl is obviously not sleeping in her bassinet beside you" he said
A:"That's true. Goodnight my love" she said kissing him
R:"Goodnight gorgeous" he responded before dropping the covers over them and falling asleep

-I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Thanks for always reading. I appreciate the support!!-

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