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-Chapter 7!!-
-This chapter is going to be about Andy and Robert finding their way back to each other with a slight touch of drama in between!!-

{Andys POV}
After I left Roberts house my heart felt empty. We had only been dating for no more than about three weeks and we were already so attached to each other. The look in his eyes broke me,I never meant to walk out but it was obvious that his sons mother wanted to keep her family and that obviously couldn't happen if I was in the middle. When I got back to my small apartment it was dark and cold inside. I hung up my jacket and placed my overnight bag on the ground and made my way to my bedroom. As I got into my blanket everything hit me. I was leaving behind a precious three year old who grew to love me.I was getting used to being in Robert's warm body and so laying in this bed wasn't the best. I looked at my clock and saw that I had about 2 hours before I had to get up and get dressed so I dozed back off to sleep.

{Roberts POV}
When I got up and closed off my thoughts I decided to put my feelings behind and take a fresh shower. I then got dressed and made my morning to go coffee. I then went over to Kairo room tp wake him up and get him ready for the day. When I approached him I noticed he was shivering and he was pretty warm.
R:"Kai" he whispered rubbing his back
R:"Wake up son daddy has to go to work"
K:"Daddy" he looked up
R:"Are you ok?"
K:"I'm cold" he said
R:"Let me take your temperature ok"
*He went over to his dresser and got the thermometer and checked him. He saw that he had a slight fever so Robert decided on one thing*
R:"Alright buddy I am going to give you some medicine but your going to have to come into work with me"
K:"Were going to see the fire trucks?"
R:"Yes you can see them buddy but now I have to hurry because I have to pack your bag"
K:"Ok I'll get my shoes on"
*Robert quickly packed up his bag and he grabbed his coffee mug and they both got into the car to go to the station*
R:"Kai in the station you can't run around ok. You'll stay in my office with me ok"
K:"Yes daddy I will listen"
*They arrived at the station early as always and Robert was able to get Kai comfortable in his office away from anyone before they could see him*
{Andys POV}
When my alarm went off I jumped straight into action. I knew that today was going to be a long day considering I would have to see Roberts face and hear his deep voice in the background all day long. I quickly got dressed and I decided to head to the station early to hopefully avoid him walking in after me. When I arrived at the station however I knew that he beat me here and now I would have to walk past his office and just hope he doesn't see me.

*Robert saw Andys car pull into the driveway and noticed how she was trying to avoid him*

R:"HERRERA" he shouted
A:*she rolled her eyes and turned back around to head into his office* "Yes Captain Sullivan" she said with a straight face
R:"Good Morning are you ok to work?"
A:*laughs* "Funny a little heartbreak won't stop me from working sir"
R:"I'm not getting back with her I hope you know that" he said avoiding eye contact
A: "I thought I made it clear that we were only working together not discussing personal matters"
R:"I know what you said I just want you to know that information"
A:"That's fine but if she wants her family then I think you should compromise"
R:"Andy please understand that she left me without reasoning and I had to take care of my son while being a full time firefighter. I'm not complaining but it's stressful and I've adapted to it already. I don't want her back as a girlfriend only as a mother to my son"
A:"Understood sir. Now can I leave I have to go save peoples lives and shift is almost starting which means I need to meditate before the others come in and bother me about you"
A:"Just dismiss me please and you need sleep you look tired" she said noticing his puffy eyes
R:"Well I won't be getting that for a while" he said under his breath
A:"What did you say?"
R:"I'm saying that Kairo is sick and I have to take care of him and so he'll be with me all night"
A:"Where is Kairo?"
R:"In my bunk room,why"
A:"Because I want to help you as a friend and besides I want to see him"
R:"He has a fever now but I don't know what happened. You probably don't want to get sick"
A:"Don't worry about me. Listen Robert I just wanted to say that I may have overreacted last night but if your set on not going back to her then I'm all yours just please be sure that it's your final answer"
R:"Your wish is my command love" he said looking directly into her eyes
*Andy nods at him and enters his bunk room*
K:"Drea" he whispered shouted
A:"Hi buddy how are you feeling"
K:"Daddy said I have a fever so he gave me some medicine"
A:"I see"
K:"Do you work here as well"
A:"Yes I do and don't tell your dad but I'm better at this job than he is" she whispered
K:*laughs* "Ok I won't"
R:"Andy I can hear you"
A:"Whatever" she replied back to him
A:"How about I take you to the kitchen to get you some orange juice"
R:"Babe don't take him out there" he said to her realizing the time and how close shift was to start
A:"He's fine shift doesn't start for another 10 minutes we'll be back before then"
*She picks up Kairo and carries him up the stairs to the beanery and placed him to sit on the chair. She got his special cup and filled it up with the juice. When she went back over to give it to him she didn't notice the doors open*
M:"Oh no not another baby" she said
V:"I'm out not calling it"
A:"Why are you two here so early"
T:"Andy it's not early we usually all get here around this time"
D:"Who's child?" he said looking around
J:"Did you notify someone Andy" he asked
A:"Sure you can say that" "Kai come on let's go don't say anything" she whispered to him
K:"Who are they Drea"
A:"Firefighters now come we're going back downstairs"
J:"Hold up did he just shorten your name"
M:"I think he likes you a little too much"
A:"And there you guys go meddling back into my business. I'm just a nice person and I develop friendships quickly"
R:"Morning 19" he said walking into the beanery rather surprised seeing them all standing there
A:*whispers to Kairo to stay quiet*
D:"Wait a minute that child looks just like you Captain"
A:"Leave Sullivan alone guys. Drop it you seen a child ok,he calls me Drea ok"
M:"Why are you so defensive?" she asked
A:"Because all you guys do is make assumptions and don't stop until you get answers"
R:"Umm how about we all calm down and proceed to our assignments" he said trying to lighten the mood
T:"Andrea Herrera is moody today" he whispered to Dean
R:*looks over to Andy and she gives him the ok* "First off yes all of your assumptions were right. Me and Andy are seeing each other we're dating and that little boy is my son"
J:"Say what now..Andy has a child?" his mouth dropped
R:"No she doesn't I was in a previous relationship and that's where he came about"
M:"Well what's his name"she asked
K:"My name is Kairo I'm three"
V:"Hi Kairo do you know who Andy is?" she asked
K:"Yes she is right here I call her Drea"
D:"This is too much to process right now Andy has a boyfriend who happens to work in our station and he also happens to have a son"
T:"I'm happy for you Andy"
A:"Thank you Travis"
M:"So he's only been our captain for about a month..."
A:"I'll stop you right there. Our relationship is new and we will handle it our selves"
R:"Thank you for your time but we have work to do" he said in his Captain voice
R:"Herrera see me in my office please and the rest of you guys get started" he walked away

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