Chapter 4

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"This seems vaguely familiar" I told Lissa as she held me hand and told me to push three hours later.
"Shut up and push!" Sydney snapped.
I screamed bloody murder until the pain stopped for a moment, them picked up again.
I struggled to keep consciousness and forced my body to quit its bitching.
"We're loosing her!" Lissa yelled
"No! I can't watch!" Daniella sobbed into Calum's chest.
"Daniella! I need you to take over!" Sydney snapped
"What?!" She exclaimed
"Just do it!" She yelled
That pushed her into action and Sydney gripped my hands and said a healing spell.
I blinked until some of the dots faded.
"Fight it, Nikki! You can do it! You have to or your baby will die!" Sydney snapped
I fought through the dizziness and pushed.
The pain stopped for real this time and I slumped.
"Hey, can you hear me?" Sydney asked
"Yup" I muttered
"Good. Get some sleep" she said and I nodded before falling into a deep sleep.
I woke up when Calum shook my arm.
I opened my eyes and there were Stirgio everywhere.
I shot lightning at one and was thrilled when I noticed my powers were back.
"Where's the twins?" One snarled, holding Rose.
"I'll show you," I smiled "in hell" I let power explode from me and they all disintegrated.
"Yea. You make Aunt Sydney's magic look like child's play" Daniella said from behind the table.
"Why are you hiding?" I asked
"Dad was handling it" she said
"What did you teach my daughter?!" I demanded of Aidan and he shrugged
"I have no idea, but I wish you listened to me like she does in these moments" he smirked
"Shut up" I said and stood.
I swayed a little, but said and incantation and got a energy boost.
I changed into normal clothes.
Sweats and a tank top.
"God, I need to get back in the gym" I grimace as my flabby skin.
"In time" Aidan said
"Where are they?" I asked and Sydney handed me a baby while Rose held the other.
I smiled at the beautiful baby girl and kissed her forehead.
"I love you, Thea" I said
"That's her name?" Sydney asked
"Thea Vasilisa Royal" I said
"She's the youngest" Rose said and I switched for the other one.
Another girl.
I grinned at Calum "your the only boy" I said and he rolled his eyes
"Don't remind me" he groaned
"Her name will be Ruby Sydney Royal" I said, kissing her forehead.
"Ruby and Thea" Sydney smiled
"They're so small" Drew smiled.
"Can I see them?" Daniella asked and I showed her them.
She held Ruby's tiny hand and her eyes turned white.
"She will learn to fight and be one of the best potion makers the witch world has ever known. She will save our lives multiple times, but will be a very rebellious child" Daniella announced
"I wouldn't expect anything else" I laughed
"She'll look after her siblings and she will live happily" she said
"What about Thea?" I asked
Daniella touched Thea's hand "she will feel insecure as the youngest, but she will rise to be the greatest dark witch hunter since Fabian" she said "she will reach dark times and feel lost and confused at times, but with the help of her family, she will always stay true to her roots"
"Let's all head to bed. It's been a long night" I said, handing off my babies to Rose and Sydney.

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