Chapter 11

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"Rage!" I giggled, jumping on my friend as I seen him running over with the food.
He grunted as he caught me and I stole half the berries and began munching them.
"Sure, take what you like" he said sarcastically
"If you say so" I said sarcastically back and took his berries.
"Hey! I was kidding!" He snapped
"Calm down. Here," I said, handing him a store bought bag "I got doughnuts"
"I love you" he muttered, as if in a trace as he watched the bag.
"Good boy" I chuckled and tossed him the bag.
"So, what's on today's agenda?" He asked, eating three doughnuts at once.
"Ew" I whined and he rolled his eyes, licking his fingers.
"Are you going off to talk to that looser? Jaco?" He asked, annoyed.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your jealous," I laughed, banishing the idea "and yea. He said he wants me to meet Shado and Shado might be willing to teach me how to use my magic" I said and he shrugged, looking down.
"Okay, well, have fun" he said snippily.
"Don't be such a boy. When I get back, we can do whatever you want" I reassured him
"Okay," he grinned "see you later" he said and when I left, his smile fell and he started packing up once I was out of eyesight.
He slipped away and into the forest after that.
Never to be seen again.
"What does that have to do with anything? Who are they?" Daniella asked
"That was me and your father when we were kids. We were both homeless and we stuck together, but your dad was an idiot, like always, and left. I never trusted anyone to stick around again. Even with Jace, I knew it would end badly" I said
"I'm sorry" Aidan winced
"It's alright. You came back" I said and we kissed.
Slowly, we noticed the bricks in the room began shaking.
"Forgiving each other weakens the spell" I gasped and closed my eyes.
Mist filled the room and it took Dimitri and Rose away before the bricks reappeared.
"Let's do it again" Aidan said
"It has to be earth shattering to get us all out" I said
"Like what?" He asked and I paled.
"No," I whispered and the world greyed "no! Not that!"
"Are you sure?" I asked Jace over the phone.
"Yea. I'll be back in Court by tomorrow. I've missed you" he said
"I've missed you, too" I said and rest a hand on my swollen stomach.
"So, you said you wanted to tell me something?" He asked and I looked at the positive pregnancy test on my nightstand.
"Just that I love you" I said smoothly, sitting up and he chuckled.
"I love you, too" he said before we said out goodbyes.
Someone knocked on my door, but didn't wait for an answer before they came in, but it was just Anna.
"Please don't do this" she begged.
"Anna, I can't let this screw things up with me and Jace" I said, rubbing a hand over my stomach.
"It's not a thing! It's a baby! Your baby!" She yelled
"Don't you think I wanna keep him?! I do! But I can't! I'm only nineteen, Anna!" I yelled
"So?! Your talking about killing your child!" She hissed
"It's abortion, not murder" I insisted
"Their one and the same" she said
"I'm doing this. I have to. It's my fault. I should have been more careful" I said
"It takes two to do the dirty, Nikki" she said
"Goodbye, Anna" I said and she huffed as she left, looking miserable.
I walked to the clinic and signed the papers, but as they left to get the doctor, I balked, I began breathing heavily and started to cry.
I touched my stomach and tried to imagine what the baby would look like. Maybe he would be a spitting image of his father or look like Dexter...
Dexter... My baby that is long gone now... Am I really killing my second chance? No two children are the same and I wouldn't want them to be, but I can already feel my attachment to the barely conceived baby.
"Are you ready?" The doctor asked gently and I looked down.
"No" I said, shaking my head, hugging my stomach and he nodded, rubbing my shoulders.
"Good luck. I can already tell he's gonna be a handful" the doctor chuckled.
"Thanks" I said and left when suddenly Jace appeared.
"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy with the surprise" he teased as he walked over to me, keeping his distance.
"Anna called you?" I asked
"Yup. She said you needed my help?" He said questioningly and I calmed my breathing.
"Yes, I do" I said and pulled him into a deep kiss that he didn't refuse.
"Whoa. What happened to keeping it a secret?" He chuckled as a few witches and lynx's watched in shock.
"Jace.... I'm pregnant" I said and right at that moment, I knew true fear.
I waited for a reaction and was shocked when he picked me up, spinning me around and kissed me deeply "I was wondering if you were gonna tell me" he teased and I gasped
"Anna" I growled
"You didn't do it, right?" He asked, softly caressing my stomach.
"No... I couldn't do it. I can't kill my child" I said tersely
"What do you wanna name him?" He smiled
"Calum" I smiled back, absolutely glowing with happiness

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