Chapter 20

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"The Devil?! We don't have to, uh, meet him, do we?" Sydney asked nervously
"Nope. You just did" I said and pointed at the skeleton in on the drawbridge.
"Who's powerful enough to kill the devil?" Drew gasped
"Your looking at her" I smirked at their shocked expression.
"I shouldn't be surprised anymore" Thea laughed
"Alright, Calum, you take your team and deal with the demons in the thrown room, me and Aidan will take down the wall and get into the vault, Sydney, I want you to take care of the serpents" I said
"There's six of them" she said
"And I have taught you well. Good luck" I said and flicked my hands at the poisoned wall.
It blew into rubble and I stepped over it, shooting fire at the gryphon's and they were killed easily.
"I got this" Sydney muttered to herself, flying up, holding Eddie and froze one of the serpents, then Eddie kicked it's face in and the whole thing shattered.
"Good luck. Be careful" I told my children and daughter in law.
"You, too" they said and took off.
As demons stormed out, prepared to fight the on-comers, I threw fire and the ones that ducked, fell into the moat.
Ghosts tore them apart and while they were busy, I snuck me and Aidan in and down into the basement.
"Where is it?" He asked
"Right there" I panted, pulling the vault door open and someone yelled.
I twisted, catching and axe and threw it back.
They ducked and I paled, seeing the Deadly Three coming at us.
"A red velvet boot with a black heart buckle. Find it" I demanded and he slipped inside while I fought with the assassin's.
I threw one into a wall so hard, they were knocked unconscious, but another stabbed me in the arm.
I roared and snapped her neck, making the third jump on my back, trying to strangle me and I flipped her off and we began to fight.
She was good, better than me, but added with my magic, she didn't stand a chance.
I knocked her on her ass and kicked her ribs in, using chains to hold her down and I healed the one I nearly killed by snapping her neck just so she would survive.
"I don't kill mortals" I told the shocked girl in chains.
I looked in the vault and Aidan was fighting a Dragon.
I froze a puff of fire coming at Aidan and jumped up, kicking it in the nose and said an incantation.
The fearsome dragon turned into a little kitten and I scooped her up, kissing her red nose.
"Much better" I said, satisfied, and grabbed the Red Book, slipping it into the mist and walked out.
When we stepped onto the drawbridge, I seen Calum was finishing off the last demon and Sydney and Jace were flying around the last two serpents, Adrain was compulsing them to stay still and Eddie and Jace would kick them after Sydney froze them.
"That went better than expected" I said
"Much better than normal" Aidan agreed.
"Please don't jinx it" Sydney said, landing beside me and I chuckled and we walked off the bridge.
The ground rumbled and suddenly all the ghosts rose up and turned into fog, entering Lucifer's corpse and he rose up, fully healed.
"I'm back!" He called out.

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