Chapter 15

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Snakes slithered around my vault and I motioned to Aidan.
His eyes glowed gold and all the snakes withered and died.
"Damn, remind me not to piss you off" Calum muttered and we walked down the stone stairs.
I was in the lead, then Aidan, Calum and Sydney was taking up the rear.
"Be careful. Not everything you see is real here" I warned them.
"What do you mean?" Calum asked and suddenly Death appeared and snarled at them.
"I was hoping we wouldn't run into her" Aidan sighed and I pulled a knife out.
"Do not make me stab myself again. It wasn't pleasant for either of us" I said threateningly
"Why can't you just accept that your evil?" She asked
"Because I'm not" I said and held up a glowing crystal orb.
"No!" She screamed and tried to run, but Sydney made wind blow her back.
She turned into mist and went into the crystal.
"One down, four to go" I said and slipped the orb into the mist.
I walked forwards, letting my confidence grow a little.
Death was the most traumatic clone for me last time, but I need to be careful of Blood.
"What was that?" Sydney asked
"There are five clones of me. Death, Lust, Love, Weakness and Blood" I said as we continue down the isle of mirrors.
"Don't look inside" Aidan told Calum, pulling him away from a mirror.
"Sorry... these show our worst nightmares" Calum shuddered
"Yep. It's wear the clones came from. That's why, if I die, so do they" I said
"But your not going to die" Sydney said
"No. The only other way is to capture them in an orb" I said
"Hello, Nicolette" a voice said and I seen Weakness standing there with tears in her eyes.
I held up the orb and she didn't even fight it.
"That's not right" Sydney said
"I know. It's a trap" I said and continued walking.
"So, we keep going?" Calum questioned
"Pretty much" I said and we walked until we reached the lava mountain.
"What now?" Aidan asked
"Now," I grimaced "we fight" I said as three lava monsters rose from the ground.
We split up, moving quickly a we attempted to get past them.
I looked back and seen Calum fighting one, instead of running.
I ran over, despite Aidan and Sydney's calls and dragged a struggling Calum away.
"What the hell was that?" I yelled at him.
"I was fighting it" he snapped
"No! You can't kill anything here!" I snapped
"Why not?!" He yelled
"Because then you kill me" I growled
"What?" He asked, shocked.
"We're in my vault. My clones, all my deepest emotions and fears, are here. Kill something and it all comes crumbling" I snapped
"I'm sorry, I didn't know" he said
"Just keep walking. We need to leave quickly" I said and we found the Isle of Secrets.
"Why are we here? There's nothing here" Aidan said
"Your wrong," I said approached the man tied to the wall "hello, Uncle"

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