Chapter 23

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After examining the book, I found the spell and got to work.
We were in my workshop, under the house, and by we, I meant me and Sydney.
Things were flying and I had put the crystal orb in a indestructible box with Blood Magic on it.
No more of them. Thank god.
"Is that it?" Sydney asked when it was done.
"Five minutes" I said
"We half a week left. Can we do it?" She asked me suddenly
"We have to" I said determinably.
Five minutes later
I looked at the pictures as the water swayed.
I seen a little boy playing soccer and laughing with his friends and my heart ached.
I zoomed out, seeing the address and I quickly packed, forcing everyone on the plane.
It went twice as fast as we landed in Little Sync, California.
I hurried into the orphanage, my long hair was in a messy bun, I was wearing a tank top, jeans and combat boots. I wore no makeup and had the Dragon Stone necklace on.
"Oh, hello" a mean looking woman said as she shoved a kid up the stairs.
"I'm here to get my son back" I said and she nodded.
"What's his name?" She asked and suddenly a woman, obviously her sister, shoved Dexter and his friends inside.
"You stupid little boy!" She raged and went to slap him and I grabbed her wrist.
"That's my son" I hissed and twisted her, slamming her into the wall and it broke her nose and I sprained her wrist.
"What?" The woman gasped
"Mom?" Dexter beamed
"Hey, baby," I whispered and hugged him, tears falling from my eyes steadily "I'm so sorry" I sobbed
"It's alright" he said and let me hold him.
I pulled back and looked at him, observing everything about him.
"Your so handsome. You have your fathers eyes" I giggled and his friends were starring at me, shocked.
"Dexter, your moms hot" one of his friends whispered and I laughed.
"Sorry, buddy, I'm taken" I said
"Dad!" Dexter yelled, hugging Jace.
"Oh, uh, Dexter-" I started to explain and he brought us closer.
"I have my family back" he said joyfully.
"Honey, me and Jace broke up" I sighed and he started at us
"What?," He asked "but, you guys were in love" he said
"A couple years ago, I left him before a big mission and we haven't been in love like we were then since" I said
"But, your in love?" He questioned
"I am" I said and squeezed Aidan's hand.
"Your Rage. Mom always talked about you" he said
"My name is Aidan, but you can call me whatever you like" he said and they 'bro hugged'.
"You can't take him" the lady I threw raged.
"I can and I will," I snarled in her face "trust me, lady, I just found out my son wasn't murdered, I will not be giving him up so easily" I said icily.
"We'll sue you" she said
"I'm a billionaire" I smirked in her face and signed all the papers needed to adopt Dexter back into my care.
I sent them off and we took Dexter with us to the plane.
I held him tightly and only released him when we landed we landed beside the portal in Italy.
I hurried us along, looking at the date and cursed.
"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.
"Someone's after you and we need to get you somewhere safe" I said and we arrived at the castle when I seen a older version of Dexter and a man with blonde hair and dark eyes.
"Jacob" I whispered, shocked.
"He's my dad?" Dexter gasped.
"Get him!" Older Dexter yelled and I sent all the guards away in a blast of of power.
"Group three find Amber and David. Group one keep them busy. At all costs. And we'll take Dexter to the portal" I said and they all sprung into action.
We made it to the Maze of Corridors as Older Dexter came at us.
I shielded mini Dexter with my body as Older Dexter came at us.
I used a little magic and the clocked boomed.
"Your too late" he laughed, backing up.
"And it's obvious I didn't raise you" I smirked, throwing a wave of power at him.
He was knocked unconscious and I ran with Dexter into the Heartland portal as the real clock ticked.
A dark cloud tried to reach Dexter, but I held up a hand and the door closed.
"What us going on?" Dexter asked.
"It's a long story" I sighed and we sat by the beach as I told him everything about the last few years and ended with what just happened.
"You saved me" he gasped
"I will always save you" I smiled an hugged my little boy.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I need a vacation" Aidan said, sitting beside me and I kissed his cheek.

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