Secret rendezvou- 9

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"Oh Draco. If we're judging people based off there parents let's start by saying your father, Lucius Malfoy, was a bloody death eater. For all we know is still or will be one in the future."

"If you don't tell me what's going on with you and Malfoy, I'm going to Densaugeo you." Blaise said abruptly, slamimg his books down on the table.

I looked up startled, a hand over my mouth.

"You dare hex me to have gross teeth I swear, Blaise!" I said, slighty annoyed.

"So?" Blaise sat down, inviting himself to join me while I study.


"About you and Malfoy."

"Nothing is happening with me and Draco." I cleared my throat. "You're just imagining it."

"Because I'm imagining all the looks you two give eachother during class." He gave me a look, opening his book for Herbology.

I chose not to answer, keeping my focus on the book in front of me.

"All the winks, smirks and ever so slight giggles." Blaise said in a mocking tone.

"Enough!" I interrupted, rubbing my temples.

"Tell me." Blaise looked at me, resting his chin in his hands.

"If you tell me what went on with you and Cedric Diggory." I leaned back in my seat, waiting. "Fair trade."

"What makes you think anything went on with Ced and I?" He froze.

"Oh Ced?" I wiggled my eyebrows then saw his face.

Blaise was uncomfortable and didn't look like he wanted to talk about it.

"Hey," I reached across the table and grabbed his arm. "If this is uneasy, don't feel pressured. I understand."

He took in a breath, nodding slightly.

"Before you ask, no I'm not ashamed." Blaise started. "We just dated for a few months."

I started at him, not sure what to say.

"Is that all?" My voice softened. "You can tell me."

"Nothing more than a secret relationship, Eden." He paused, cracking his knuckles. "You cannot tell anyone. If you do, my life will be ruined here. They cannot."

He stopped talking and rubbed his eyes a bit.

"Blaise, I'm not going to tell a soul. That thought never crossed my mind." I said quickly, now both of my hands were across the table resting on his. "Thank you for telling me, truly."

"Cedric is a good guy. It's good you guys are friends. I'm assuming you are because I've seen you guys hanging around each other." Blaise smiled, blushing slightly at the thought of Cedric.

"Did you break up because of the stress?" I asked, pulling my arms back.

Blaise nodded, "We still had feelings for each other. Not being able to show our affection in the hallways or sit together for a meal was too much. We were even worried to be partners in class."

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