That Boy on the Park Bench

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Noise... that was the first thing one heard in a city.. a city full of people bustling about their daily bussiness... the odd thing about this city though, was that it seemed to have a majority population of young teenagers and children. Hardly a normal city if the minimal population here were adults.

But it was normal in a place called Academy City.. where the entire city itself was pretty much a school.

Academy City was roughly 1/3 the size of Tokyo.. being due west from the city in question. It was so technologically advanced, that in terms of scientific achievement, it was 30 years ahead of all the other countries in the world.

It was an independent city of study open to people from all over the world, as it was actually it's own independent power, not being subject to the rule of the Japanese government, or any other government other then the City's mysterious administrator Aleister Crowley.

But what Academy City was most known for.. was it's power development course.. by using suggestive mind tricks and drugs.. Academy City had succeeded in turning many of it's students into unique humans called Espers. Psychics who could use more then just the 10 normal percent of their brain, and therefore develope superpowers.

The abilities unique to each esper were quite diverse. Telekinises, pyrokinises, teleportation.. and so on. Espers recieved rankings on how efficient and well developed their abilities were going from Levels 0 to 6.

Level 0s were mysterious humans who were completely incapable of developing any abilities... however Level 5s..were the most powerful espers of all, only numbering 7 in all in the entire city. Level 6... well.. that had never been reached, not yet at least.

As it so happened.. the third strongest of all the seven Level 5s in the entire city.. was standing on a large bridge overlooking the city.. she had medium length chestnut brown hair.. brown eyes.. a silver hairpin, and a Middle school uniform that was made of rather fine material..


Mikoto Misaka.

Power Level: 5

Ability Name: Railgun

Powers: Electrokinises on an extreme level. Maximum output is 1 billion volts.

Age: 14

Other Facts: Though seen as lady-like.. is in fact a rather bold and hot headed individual to an extent.


Mikoto sighed as she stared off into the vast city before her.. all around the bridge.. their were wind turbines turning constantly.. recieving power from the wind. While the wind turbines didn't generate enough to power EVERYTHING in Academy City, they were famous trademarks of the city in question and it's research into extremely clean fuels..

Nearby, several cylinder, trash can shaped robots rolled past.. cleaning up the street with their vacuums. Mikoto looked back momentarily at the drones, then she looked back over the city. Today would be what was called a System Check. It was where scientists came into the schools and tested the powers of all the students to determine their current level. Mikoto always passed with flying colors of course, being a Level 5. But she had to admit, the whole thing was a little tedious.

"Hey.. you there.. girl!!" Mikoto looked up to see she was surrounded by several college age men, all of them looked rather brutish in their expressions, not to mention rather like they were the kind of people who were constantly looking for trouble.

"Eh?" Mikoto muttered with a bored voice. "What do you want?"

"You're one of those ladies from Tokwadai Middle School!" one of the thugs wolf whistled. "Ain't that gonna be a total treat!"

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