Meet My Cousin

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Near the center of Academy City, was what was known as the Windowless Building.. it was a large skyscraper that stood taller then the rest.. with no windows.. and an indestructible structure that was said to be able to withstand a nuclear bomb..

In the Alien community, it was said the Windowless Building could withstand a cosmic ray from a To'kustar.. which was by far even more impressive due to the fact that To'kustars were said to be able to destroy entire planets with their cosmic rays.

Of course all these tales, especially from the extraterrestrial side, were mere speculations.. however, the real amazing thing about the Windowless Building, was that it was where Aleister Crowley, the administrator of Academy City, resided.

Withing th building.. it looked like the walls were all orange and black circuit boards and in the middle of the room was one long cylindrical tank of reddish liquid.. in which Aleister hung suspended, upsidedown.

How he looked was rather hard to describe for those few people who met him. He looked as if he could be an adult, or a child, a criminal, or a saint, a man or a woman. His calm gaze was rarely ruffled.. and he spoke without even moving his lips... he wore a long blue robe that looked like a hospital gown... and his hair was long and went all the way to his feet... hanging suspended in the liquid of his tank.

Aleister Crowley could see all the going ons of Academy City from this room.. holographic screens would appear all around the room, showing him images of Academy City.. allowing him to observe everything and everyone. A puppet master, observing all his puppets.

Few in the science community knew it, but Aleister was actually the most powerful magician in the world.. and he was actually considered an embarrassment to the magical community because he had gone into researching the considered heretic art known as science.

As far as Aleister was concerned though.. science was merely another method by which one could reach the level of God.

His current interest though.. and his most fervent one at that.. was the presence of the Omnitrix in Academy City.. a computer so powerfully advanced that it could hold the precise genetic information of over a million intelligent species.. a rather tempting piece of technology that exceeded even Tree Diagram in its advances.. But there were other interests as well..

On the chess board Aleister had set up for himself.. he had two sides.. the science side, and the magic side. While in the middle, he had a boy named Touma Kamijou, who had an ability in his right hand known as Imagine Breaker that could negate any supernatural power, esper, magic, or otherwise... but now.. here was a power that couldn't be negated by Imagine Breaker...

Things were getting interesting... And one thing Aleister knew was that Ben Tennyson was a rather unstable chess piece.. play him right.. and everything would fall in place.. play him wrong.. and everything would fall to pieces.

A holographic screen appeared in front of Aleister's tank.. on it were the words. "The Ultimatrix Innitiative.."

Not a bad start.. thought Aleister. Though the Ultimatrix innitiative is rather risky. I find this tactic rather invigorating..

Suddenly.. there was a blur, and Awaki Musujime teleported into the room, bringing with her Albedo before she teleported away.

"Albedo.." said Aleister. "It has come to my attention that you intend to kill Ben Tennyson..."

Albedo laughed. "Don't play dumb with me Aleister, you and I both know that I was just doing that to rile that Railgun up.. I have to have a little bit of fun once and a while."

"Quite true." said Aleister. "But be sure you don't forget our bargain.."

"Yes.. full schematics on my knowlege of the Omnitrix." said Albedo. "Though I'm afraid to say that my knowledge of the Omnitrix is rather limited compared to the real deal. I don't suppose you intend to eventually shake down Azmuth for information do you?"

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now