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The massive office at the top of Radio Wave inc. was a dark place.. the CEO of the building seemed to prefer his face being hidden when dealing with employees or other bussiness, so he never lit any lights in the massive office that was over 20 feet high all the way from the floor to the cieling. with a desk made out of the finest mahogany wood... and a large window that made up the entire back wall, made completely of safety glass that was put there to allow one to look over the Academy City skyline.. and yet, even with the sunlight streaming through, the CEO of Radio Wave, Albedo, always managed to keep his face hidden.

Not that Shizuri Mugino minded, alot of the deals within her organization ITEM were held with a lot of back room deals, dirty money, and other who knew what. She didn't care, as long as she was payed.


Shizuri Mugino

Ability Name: Meltdowner

Power Level: 5

Power: Able to generate powerful disintegrating beams that instantly dismantle any kind of matter. There are many kinds of variations that this power can use, such as making shields or temporary limbs made of energy. But the basic gist is that this power can 'meldown' many kinds of solid matter.

Notable Facts: Shizuri is the leader of the organization, ITEM, an organization that operates primarily in what is known as the Dark Side of Academy City.


Shizuri was a girl of around 15 years of age.. with long tea colored hair and ordinary looking clothing. However as the 4th ranked Esper in Academy City, she was known as the dangerous leader of the group called ITEM.. available for hire by anybody who had the money.. scientists, corporations.. anybody.

The CEO.. Albedo, had his hands clasped together on his desk.. the rest of his face hidden in the shadows. "The Meltdowner I presume, you're right on time.. not bad."

"Hmph.. if you're paying as much as you say you are.. then their shouldn't be any reason for me to be late." said Shizuri. "So.. what's the job, my handler said you weren't keen on saying.. "

"Oh yes.." said Albedo. "You see this job of mine involves a certain project of mine that I'm starting.. a new Level 6 shift project.. if you understand.."

"Hmm?" said Shizuri. "You're not trying to level shift me now are you?"

"Oh no.. I'm sure you underworld types are familiar with Impulser?"

"That jackass?" said Shizuri. "Of course. So it's him.. what do you want me to do about it?"

"The plan to level shift the Impulser actually involves a series of plans I have for the esper called Railgun." said Albedo. "However, there is a snitch.. the mercenary I hired to take out a target I have no doubt could ruin the situation.. has informed me that both Railgun and that particular.. subject... have made contact. It appears I should have been a little more precise with the situation to him, since he didn't know that Railgun was supposed to be kept a live, and he tried to kill her.. he failed of course.. but, I feel now I need a little more manpower...or girlpower in your case.."

"You want me to take out the target?"

"No.. just keep him from interfering as the project goes on." said Albedo. "Unfortunately.. Aleister has told me recently not to kill that boy.. what a bother."

"You're in contact with Aleister!?" said Shizuri. "Hmph, you really must be some sort of impotant politician.."

"In any case.." said Albedo. "Are you in?"

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now