Ultimate Alien

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Ultimate Swampfire

Species: Evolved Methanosian

Planet: Methanos

Evolution: This is the result of the Ultimatrix Initiative. The Omnitrix has simulated what would happen to the evolution Methanosian species during a Worst Case Scenario.. by using the rule of Survival of the Fittest, the Omnitrix simulates what would happen to Swampfire if his species evolved through a million years of an intergalactic civil war. The result, is a much more combat based creature.. with powers bred for the most brutal environments.

Powers: Ultimate Swampfire's fire manipulation and physical strength have grown greatly, and his durability is now great enough that he no longer needs regenerating powers. The gel like substance he carries allows him to create massively destructive bombs capable of making reducing skyscrapers to piles of charred rubble. He also retains the original Swampfire's control over plant life.

Notable Facts: It appears that the Ultimatrix initiative was unlocked through intense change in the Omnitrix Host's emotion.. Tree Diagram will continue to analyze....


"Ultimate... Swampfire?" Mikoto stammered. "No way.. what is this..!?"

Ultimate Swampfire's eyes blazed green with fury as he stood before Impulser.. the heat around his body only seeming to increase with a massive intensity comparable to a slowly ticking nuclear bomb.

"Now.. now.. you're full of new surprises aren't ya!?" said Impulser with a laugh. "Ultimate? Heh! I didn't even know you named your forms!! What a child!!"

"Why don't you come down here and see just how much of a child I am!?" said Ultimate Swampfire. "Ya snivelling coward!!'

Impulser's eyes lit up with a never before seen rage. "DON'T CALL ME A COWARD!!!"

Impulser launched himself at Ultimate Swampfire.. his eyes livid with an insane urge to kill.

Ultimate Swampfire thrust out his hands at Impulser. And in one amazing blaze, a tremendous blue colore fire exploded out. The force and heat of the blue flames were so powerful that the nearby surrounding crates began to melt.. and the powerful supernova flame blast sent Impulser flying 500 meters before exploding into the ground in a massive shockwave of blue fire.

Impulser rose from the crater his body had created.. gasping as blood drizzled down his forehead.. and burns sizzled on his skin.

"So.." said Ultimate Swampfire. "What do ya say Impy? Round 2?"

"YOU BASTARD!! YOU STINKING FREAKING BASTARD!!!! YOU FREAKING!!! RAAARRRGGGHHH!!!" With every scream, Impulser stomped the ground repeatidly, causing the district to shake every syllable. "I WILL END YOU!!!!"

Impulser shot into supersonic speed... blitzing at Ultimate Swampfire and lashing out a vibrating kick... Ultimate Swampfire side stepped the kick and engulfed his fists in blue flames.. he let out a blazing punch straight into Impulser's jaw...

Impulser flew into the air as Ultimate Swampfire jumped after him. Ultimate Swampfire then punched Impulser right out of the air with another flameing punch before landing on him with a flaming blue boom.. and creating a giant crater from the sheer force.

"Get your tylenol ready!" said Ultimate Swampfire. "Because this is going to hurt REALLY bad!!"

Ultimate Swampfire thrust down one his hands down at Impulser at close range.. and a massive blast of blue fire exploded into the ground, spreading out and causing shipping crates to throw themselves into the air and melt into sizzling puddles of molten metal.

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now