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"Okay.. so run it by me again.." said the girl sitting in the booth opposite Mikoto at the diner. "That thing was a what?"

Mikoto sighed. She was feeling rather frantic at the moment, from what she felt, this wasn't the time to be sitting around and eating a liesurely meal. "I told you! I don't know what that thing was!! All I know, is that it was armed with some high grade weapons way more advanced then even the stuff Academy City developes and it wasn't human!"

The girl.. an individual with short black hair, a rather timid expression and a lot of assorted flowers in her hair named Kazari Uiharu, twiddled her thumbs nervously. "I-it's not that I don't believe you Misaka.. but Judgement's a different thing to convince all together, I'm not sure me and Kuroko are going to be able to convince our superiours to go out looking for a monster with plasma guns.."

Another girl sitting next to Uiharu, one with rather long black hair and an adventurous air to her, clapped Uiharu on the back.

"Come on Uiharu.." said Ruiko Saten. "You and Kuroko can do a solo one can't you?"

"Don't be ridiculous." said Kuroko, who was sitting next to Mikoto. "We can't always rashly go out and do whatever we want on a whim, though Mikoto's statement about the blood might merit some investigation.. but if there really is a monster with guns and a jetpack out there, I don't think it would do not to warn anybody about that.."

"Urrrrgghh!!" Mikoto grabbed her head furiously. "COME ON!! There's a boy out there right now possibly being hunted by another Academy City experiment gone wrong!! We have to do something!!"

"Wait.." said Saten mysteriously. "What if it isn't an Academy City experiment gone wrong though?"

"If these are more Urban Legends..." Mikoto muttered.

"Just hear me out!" said Saten. "Look at it this way.. technology far more advanced then anything we've ever seen, even in a city that's 30 years into the future.. a creature that isn't human and speaks an unheard language.. it's just so obvious.."

Saten pointed a dramatic finger into the distance as her eyes went as round as cookies. "It... was.. ALIENS!!!!!"

There was a long silence.

"Yeah..." Mikoto muttered. "Sure...."

"Jeez.." Kuroko muttered, shaking her head. "In any case, Uiharu, you should file a report with Judgement, put in a missing person's report for this Ben Tennyson guy, Sissy, you and I'll take up a small search party, I can call a couple of friends to help.

In Academy City, one couldn't have 2.1 billion superpowered espers, alot of whom were underaged hormone packed teenagers, without a bit of trouble. So there were two volunteer based specialty law enforcement organizations. One.. was a high weapon class organization called Anti-Skill. And the other, made primarily of students and other Espers, was called Judgement. Kuroko as it so happened, was part of Judgement, so she had a lot of pull where law enforcement was concerned.

"Yep.." said Kuroko. "Sissy, you and I will throw up a search party and... and...hey! WAIT!!"

Mikoto was already frantically bustling out the door of the diner.

"Oh my Sissy is just such a worry wart!" Kuroko muttered as she chased after her beloved Sissy.


Several blocks away, in a construction yard, Ben Tennyson was walking along.. while fingering his torn jacket remorsefully.

"Awe man.." Ben muttered. "That was my favorite jacket too! Darn it... Whatever.. I guess I could always buy a new one...Wait.. oh yeah.. I don't have any money.."

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now