Judgement Oh Judgement, Where Art Thou?

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Ben awoke on the couch feeling like he was getting over a very very bad hangover. "Owwww.. damn.. I did a whole lot crazy freaky stuff last night.. and I really lost my temper too..owww..."

Ben sat up from the couch and found Mikoto standing over him, looking shocked out of her mind with worry.

"Y-You.. what did you do last night!?" Mikoto exclaimed. "Y-you look like you've been cut up!! All those gashes!!"

"Me?" said Ben tiredly. "Look at you!"

"M-Me? I don't know what you're talking about!" said Mikoto attempting and failing to sound casual.

Mikoto's arms were wrapped in fresh bandages. so was her neck.. and if Ben had to guess... there were also bandages under her Tokwadai uniform as well...

"You missed one.." Ben muttered pointing at a long cut with dried blood on Mikoto's cheek that was swelling slightly.

"O-oh uh.. I-I ran into somebody on a bicycle later.. pretty clumsy of me right?" said Mikoto.

"Mikoto.. I've been in enough battles to the death to know the difference between an accident, and somebody whose just been torturing you every night.." said Ben.

"Wh-what are you talking abou-" Mikoto began. But before she could finish, Ben took out some disinfectant and bandages and began taking care of Mikoto's wound.

Mikoto just stood there, stunned as Ben smiled and put the bandage on. "There.. that's better.. "

Mikoto stared at Ben for a minute.. then tears began to well up in her eyes. "Y-you just don't quit do you?"

"Nope.. never will." said Ben.

Mikoto opened her mouth slightly then closed it, as if she didn't know what to say.

"Mikoto.. What's Project Silent Beating?" Ben asked.

Mikoto's eyes suddenly widened with terror at the words. "NO!! Y-you've been investigating this haven't you!? That's why you're so beat up! NO!!"

Mikoto grabbed Ben's shoulders. "Listen to me.. you don't know who you're dealing with.. this isn't just some bank robbery or over egotistical bad guy like from when you were 10.. this about the same reason why you faked your own death... I'm trying to protect you..and everyone else.. so please.. let me do that.. and stay out of this!"

"Protect me? Protect us!? MIKOTO!" Ben exclaimed. "Have you seen Kuroko lately!? She's worried sick!! In fact, she isn't the only one! Uiharu, Saten, I've seen them, they're terrified about who might be doing this to you!! How is this protection when all you're doing is hurting everyone you love by hurting yourself!!?"

Mikoto shook her head, tears spilling out. "Don't pretend like you understand!! LOOK AT YOURSELF!! You've faked your own death to protect your own family!! Yet you're hurting them just the same by cutting yourself off from them!!"

Ben went speechless..

"O-oh no.. I'm sorry.." Mikoto said. "I didn't mean that.."

"No..it's okay.. you're right.." Said Ben glumly. "You're right about me... "

Ben stood up and grabbed his uniform jacket, putting it on.. "Listen.. Mikoto. I know I'm probably the last guy who should be doing any sort of meddling your bussiness.. I mean.. I haven't even known you as long as the rest of your friends... but.. I don't want you to end up like me... so whether you like or not, I'm going to help you. Don't try and stop me.. cause I couldn't stop myself if I tried... heheheh.. guess this is what got me into my previous predicament eh? Trying to help people all the time? Well... guess I wouldn't have it any other way.."

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now