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 The music is Eighteight's theme.

Kuroko watched silently from across the dining table as Ben scrolled through the holographic files on his Omnitrix.. checking out various assortments of data on Project Silent Beating.

It's.. horrid.." said Kuroko. "If what you're saying about this is true.. then Onee-Sama is going to be...be.."

Kuroko couldn't even bring herself to say "Killed" in English.

"It's not going to happen." Ben said. "We just got to figure out several things.. first, we need to find the scheduled locations for the fights.. then we need to figure out where all the data for the experiment is being stored... if there's one thing I've learned about Level Shifts, it's that they can only be done through certain mental circumstances.... if Mikoto provides a specific mental circumstance for Impulser.. and we discover what it is.. we could probably sabotage that and stop the experiment.. however... in order for that to work, we need to the data on the experiment.. and we need a way to know where Impulser's going to be.."

"He's the Eight Level 5 who nobody even knew about!" said Kuroko. "And that's not something easy to keep hidden! How are we supposed to find him!?"

"That's why we need to know the scheduled fights between him and Mikoto." said Ben. "It's pretty much like a train schedule of when Impulser's going to be in the station and which station he'll be.."

"So... where's the data then?" said Kuroko. "Have you got that figured out?"

"Well that one's easy..." said Ben. "Think about it.. this experiment started up only because Tree Diagram was restored.. and the previous Level Shift experiment, Project Radio Noise.. experienced tons of setbacks because they spread out too much info among labs that were destroyed throughout the experiment.. so... they have to keep it in the one place where people can't get to unless they have the money to hire a space shuttle.."

"Tree Diagram!?" said Kuroko. "How on Earth do you plan on even getting to space!?"

"Well, I have plenty of aliens that can survive a vacuum.. but Academy City's airspace is heavily gaurded... if they see Jetray flying towards the ozone layer in the direction of their computer, I don't even want to think about what Aleister Crowley might be able to do to me.." said Ben.

"Neh? the city administrator!? Baka! you're afraid of what he can do to a flying alien that can shoot neuroshock beams?" said Kuroko.

"Aleister's on the Plumber's high danger watch list." said Ben. "Trust me.. you don't get there unless you're Vilgax level dangerous."

"Vilgax? Who the heck is Vilgax!?"

"Not important." said Ben. "What I'm saying is.. I can't blindly fly up there... hmm.. maybe if go to the aeronautics center in District 11, I can use Upgrade to take over a shuttle and fly there without being detected..."

"I've got a better idea.." said Kuroko. Kuroko pointed out the window towards the center of Academy City.. where a long thin tower went up into the sky, seemingly endless..

"Endymion?" said Ben. "That space elevator?"

"Well yes." said Kuroko. "Tree Diagram is in close orbit near the top of Endymion for research purposes.. you just need to get up there..  then turn into Jetray or whatever alien you've got and fly out, hack Tree Diagram or whatever, then get back via the Space Elevator.."

"You make it sound so simple." Ben muttered. "But the space elevator is closed to everyone but Judgement and Anti-skill right now..."

Kuroko raised an eyebrow at Ben.

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now