Sixsix: Number One Cause of Homelessness

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Mikoto sat in the lobby on the 3rd floor of the hospital, fiddling her fingers nervously. Everything was running through her head at light speed. That form... that form Ben had turned into... not to mention what he had told her..

"Saten's going to say I told you so for weeks.." Kuroko muttered from where she sat. "She's going to look at us and say..'guess what gang.. IT WAS ALIENS!!' "

Mikoto remained silent. She was still trying to process all the information. The truth was.. Mikoto, had quite some connections, considering her family was actually pretty wealthy. There was a free apartment in District 1 her father had gotten her in case she ever got into some trouble and couldn't go to the dorms.. she was going to let Ben use it.

Of course, even if it was a nice homeless guy like Ben, it was odd that she'd even gone to that extreme, especially with a guy she only just met. But something had drawn her to him.. something she just couldn't explain right off the batt..

A door opened, interrupting Mikoto's thoughts, and an old doctor, whose face looked like that of a frog's named Dr. Heaven Canceller walked out.

"Is he going to be okay?" Mikoto asked.

"Better then okay.." said Heaven Canceller. "Very odd indeed, his body seems to have survived with no harm done.. except.. well it was like his insides were rattled a bit by some very large force that caused him go unconscious even though his body was able to endure the hard blows.. I don't know what happened here... but, it's an unusual case.."

Kuroko gave Mikoto a raised eyebrow look that plainly said: You didn't tell him.. did you?

Well what was Mikoto supposed to say? That this boy could turn into a crystal rock monster that could survive being run over by a NEWGEN monorail?

"You can see him now.." said Heaven Canceller. "Though he's feeling rather rattled at the moment.. I recommend a few days rest. He'll think he feels fine, but when I release him, at least try to force him to take some rest..or he'll feel like he's having a hangover after about 12 minutes.."

Mikoto nodded, and she and Kuroko walked in. Ben was sitting in the hospital bed like nothing was wrong, wearing the typical hospital robes as he read a Toradora novel.. or at least he tried.. Ben frowned. "I.. cannot read Japanese.. oh drat.. and I thought I was finally going to see what all the hype in this book was about.."

Ben looked up and grinned ruefully and began speaking in English as usual. "Er.. hi.. we keep meeting in the most awkward places huh Misaka?"

"Tennyson.." Mikoto said. "Er.. how are you feeling?"

"Like I got runnover by a train.. oh wait.." said Ben. "Yeah.. heheheh.. guess I was runover by a train.. I think.. that was how the dream went.. then it just blanked out.."

"He's experiencing a slight memory loss of around half his day." said Heaven Canceller. "Don't worry, it's nothing major.. and if it's only the last few hours.. it shouldn't warrant any problems..Now.. if you would excuse me.. I need to check on some other patients..."

Heaven Canceller left the room, closing the door behind him. Ben shrugged. "Anyways, the doctor said that you guys found me passed out somewhere right?"

Kuroko whispered over to Mikoto. "Hey.. does this idiot even speak Japanese?"

"Couldn't you tell by his name?" Mikoto muttered.

Ben at the moment, stared at Kuroko and Mikoto's conversation in confusion. Because it sounded to him a bit like this. "馬鹿 馬鹿 馬鹿 (idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot.) " and if there was one japanese word Ben learned from watching anime.. it was this one.."

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