Duel of the Duplicates.

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"ALBEDO!!!!" Humungousaur smashed his way into the Radio Wave corperate offices.. roaring, scattering employees and frightened customers looking for a meeting. "COME OUT HERE!!! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!! ALBEDO!!!"

Humungousaur stomped through the cubicles, smacking plenty of them aside with his large tail..swatting aside cylindrical security drones like they were meager flies.

Ben could feel nothing but steaming anger. His mind was in a full rage.. every time he brought himself to start thinking.. he could see Albedo laughing at Mikoto as she got repeatidly hurt over and over...

Ben also felt confused. He had felt angry for a lot of people before, that was true, he hated anyone getting hurt and nobody doing anything about it... but for some reason, he was even angrier about the idea of somebody hurting Mikoto then anything else...

It was as if Mikoto were something extremely precious to him.. and all the bad in the world had decided to go and violate that. His heart pounded wildly at the thought... why was he feeling this way? He hadn't gotten that way about other girls before...this kind of anger exceeded even that of if somebody were to hurt a friend he'd already known a long time..

This was a blood rage... Ben knew that.. but why? He'd only known Mikoto around several weeks... what was it about those hazelnut eyes.. that soft brown hair.. that bold personality and strong sense of justice... that tendency to go all cute unexpectadly... what was it about all this that made Ben want to utterly murder anybody who touched a hair on her head?

Ben didn't know.. and he didn't have time to think on it.. all he knew, was that he was going to beat Albedo into a bloody pulp!

Humungousaur turned into Swampfire in a flash of green light and melted the elevator door open with his flames before walking in.. burning a hole in the cieling of the elevator. He through some seeds on the floor.. and Swampfire rose through the elevator shaft, riding a massive evergrowing mass of vine-like roots..

Another melted door later.. and Swampfire walked into Albedo's massive office... "ALBEDO!!!"

"Yeesh, shout my name long enough, and you'll have to write a song.." Albedo was standing in front of his desk, smiling. "Ben Tennyson.. I was wondering when you would show up.. love works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?"

"Love?" said Swampfire. "What the hell are you talking about!?"

"Wow.. she really is your first!" said Albedo with a laugh. "You've never actually fallen in love before have you!?"

"Shut up.." Swampfire growled. "You're going to stop Project Silent Beating.. before I start Project Loudly Beating Your Ass!!"

"Funny.." said Albedo as he activated his Omnitrix. "I was just thinking of how your face would look on the other side of the wall... after I rearranged it.."

In a flash of red light Albedo turned into Negative Humungousaur.. Negative Humungousaur let out a massive roar and charged, shoulder tackling Swampfire straight into the wall in a massive boom.

The imensely durable walls broke into a crater as Swampfire yelled in pain.. However, Swampfire engulfed both his fists in flames and pounded the top of Negative Humungousaur's head with his flaming fists

Humungousaur was slammed into the ground, but quickly recovered, turning on Swampfire once more.. his superiour size becoming intimidating..

Swampfire thrust out both his hands at Negative Humungousaur, letting out a massive blast of fire. Negative Humungousaur.

Negative Humungousaur crossed his arms together, using his tough armored hide to power through the incredible flames..

Negative Humungousaur let out a power packed punch at Swampfire who rolled aside and began dashing around the Vaxasaurian.. firing barrage after barrage of fireballs that exploded against Negative Humungousaur's hide.

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