Project Silent Beating.

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Species: Vaxasaurian

Planet: Terradino

powers: Humungousaur is one of Ben's most physically powerful aliens. Humungousaur bears extraordinary strength, even in proportion to his size, which is already quite large to begin with.  His armored skin is so tough, that through sheer physical power alone he can actually survive space for around 10 minutes.   Humungousaur can also change his size.. growing from his original size of 12 ft, to over 60 feet tall, his strength also growing proportionately with his size.

Notable facts: The planet of Terradino is home to several intelligents species all of which are warring factions over the control of the planet. Vaxasaurians have temporarily restored order through their sheer physical might. However, the planet is dangerous to even the native Vaxasaurians, with predators that reach well into massive size like the apex carnivore Tyrannopede.


Humungousaur roared and stomped at Saiai slamming his fists down at her. Saiai jumped out of the way as a seismic shockwave shook the room.

Humungousaur growed and charged forward, intending to catch Saiai in a full body tackle.. once more, Saiai launched herself out of the way as Humungousaur barreled through the metal walls, ripping apart machinary like paper.

"He's big.." Saiai muttered to herself. "This is going to take an army.."

As if on cue.. Hound Dog members appeared around a corner and began firing their weapons at Humungousaur. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the alien's tough armored hide. Humungousaur roared and lashed out his arm. knocking the soldiers aside with extreme ease.. a mech rammed it's way into the room and began firing it's weapons as well.. but Humungousaur charged the mech and smashed it into the ground with one extremely devestating punch.

A powerful shockwave exploded from where Humungousaur's fist connected, and the mech went down for the count.. leaving Saiai feeling rather bewildered as Humungousaur turned to face her.

If there was one thing Saiai knew about her power, it was that it did have it's limits.. a powerful enough blow could knock her back.. and a blow with just enough strength could even pierce her nitrogen shield.

Humungousaur stomped through the Hound Dogs that were swarming in.. taking out plenty of soldiers down all at once with his powerful tail and arms.. Humungousaur then slammed his fists against the metal floor, and a tremendous shockwave knocked all the soldiers down at once, knocking them clean out.

Humungousaur then turned to face Saiai and charged, the ground continuosly shaking with his every step.. (To put it into perspective, a 25 ft tall charging angry Humungousaur is scarier then 27 charging rhinos on steroids.)

Saiai launched herself out of the way as Humungousaur barreled past like an angry freight train. The powerful dinosaur man ripped smashed into the strange metalic walls, tearing it down as Saiai jumped behind a large cylindrical generator and thrust a hand into it.

The Nitrogen pulse in Saiai's hand propelled the ginormous generator at Humungousaur who swatted aside like a fly.

"Don't make me laugh!" Humungousaur growled furiously. "I'm only going to warn you once.. stay out of my way, or I'm not going to go easy!!"

"This experiment involving Railgun is just getting more and more tiresome.." Saiai muttered.

Humungousaur's eyes widened slightly. "Y-You know what this experiment is about!? TELL ME NOW!! WHAT DO THEY WANT WITH HER!!?"

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now