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London was always on Helen's "must visit" places ever since she was little and first adopted by the Tennyson family. As far as she was concerned, being able to visit something that was called "Big Ben" was by far one of the most fun puns out there.

She always imagined her brother using his Omnitrix to change into a giant bell alien... it would make her laugh just thinking about it.

In any case.. When she saw that her connected flight to Japan was making a stop in London, she just couldn't help herself.. she had to make a stop.

Helen was a human Kineceleran hybrid.. however.. despite her human DNA, her appearence was that of a complete female Kineceleran.. like a girl version of XLR8.. Unlike male Kinecelerans with their claws and rather muscular appearence.. Helen's hands were more delicate.. her claws  more finger-like, and her tail held no stripes..  her face was much more feminine as well..

Of course Helen didn't display her true appearence in public.. except for at Comic Con.. where everybody thought she was wearing an extremely elaborate costume. So whenever she travelled she would wear a lot of heavy coats to hide her tail..gloves.. and a massive assortment of scarves to hide her oddly shaped and helmeted head..plus her blue skin. Plus she wore a long dress to hide her dinosaur-like feet. and legs.

All and all, she looked like a giant mass of clothing.... it was a real large bit of trouble when she travelled, giving her trouble whenever she boarded planes, as people kept on thinking she might be a terrorist holding a bomb. Her Passport wasn't a problem.. as the Plumbers had designated checkpoints in which aliens in disguise could check in.. but the biggest part of it was that it was just plain hot, stuffy and uncomfortable..

However.. it was all worth it now for Helen to walk down the streets of London and look at all the sights..


Helen Wheels (Tennyson)

Species: Kineceleran/ Human

Powers: Has all the speed and friction control abilities of Kinecelerans like XLR8.

Notable Facts: Helen used to be an ordinary human before she was captured along with several other children by a Cerebrocrustacean hybrid named Servantis. Using DNA from an Osmosian named Kevin Levin, Servantis absorbed alien DNA into the children.. turning Helen into a Kineceleran.

Age: 14


Helen was currently walking through a narrow street, with plenty of difficulty.. trying not to trip over her layers of concealing clothing... she suddenly stopped in front of what appeared to be an old looking church.. the church looked small.. with a rather beautiful garden gracing it's front gates.. Helen wondered if the church was abandoned.. but thought it would be nice to get a picture anyways.

She began to reach into her pocket for her camera phone... when a voice spoke. "What are you doing?"

Helen nearly jumped out of all her concealment and sped down London with all the Hyperspeed she could muster. She turned to see what appeared to be a tall priest with long red hair.. an assortment of earings and a bar code under his right eye. there was a cigar in his mouth.. and he wore a sort of trench coat-like robes.

"Er..." said Helen. "Hi... um.. sorry, am I bothering you?"

"No.." said the man as he blew out smoke from his cigar. "Actually.. are you Helen?"

Helen stared at the man for a minute. "Uh.." The first thing Max had told Helen about aliens living on Earth.. was that when a person you didn't know knew your name.. it wasn't really a good thing.

"No!" said Helen. "Sorry for bothering you!! I'll be going now!!"

"No.." said the man putting a hand on Helen's shoulder. "Sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to come with me..

"W-wait.. this is a mistake.." said Helen. "I'M NOT AN ALIEN!!"

"What?" said the man. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"N-Nothing..." Helen said as the man led her inside the church. A few minutes later.. Helen found herself standing in front of a strange looking girl wearing old fashioned clothing.. with blonde hair so long that it reached all the way down to her feet

Laura Stuart smiled deviously at Helen. "My my.. Helen Helen.. I've been waiting for you.. on your way to Japan aren't you?"

"Wh-who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Well.." said Laura. "I know a bit about your kind..  Dear Stiyl.. you might want to prepare yourself.. this is going to be bit of a shock to you.."

Laura snapped her fingers.. and in an instant.. the multiple coats, scarves and other concealing clothing vanished..

Stiyl's jaw dropped. "Th-that's a tail..."

Helen groaned. "Wow.. see's a freaking velociraptor girl.. and that's all he can say.. great, so who are you? Black Market Alien Tech dealer? Want to kidnap me for ransom? My Grandpa's a Plumber! And my Brother kicks butt professionally!! And I can outrun a race car in a hearbeat!!"

"Oh.. don't worry.." said Laura. "I'm not going to hurt you.. I'm here to talk to you about a little something involving your brother..but before I continue... have you ever heard of... magic?"

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now