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Mikoto hugged the Event Gekota against her cheek cheerfully as she and Ben walked out of the store in the underground shoppping area. "That was soooo close.. there were only two left.. but now you're all mine!! yesh you are!! yesh you are!! We had to ride a flying alien to get you!! but we got you!! yesh we did!"

"Wow Mikoto! Even my cousin doesn't cuddle them that much!" said Ben with a slight chuckle. "You really like Gekota!"

Mikoto stopped hugging her plushie and blushed slightly. "W-well.. I don't like them that much, I-I just think they're interesting to collect.. that's all."

Ben laughed. "Sure you do.. and I'm just Sumo Slammers are Interesting to collect too.."

Mikoto looked a little angry, yet blushed all the same.. a combo of cuteness. "O-oh shut up!!"

"Whatever you say Sparky.." said Ben with a shrug.

"SPARKY!?" said Mikoto. "Hold on! Who gave you the right to give me a nickname ET?"

"ET?" said Ben. "You're the one giving me a nickname!"

"Well, I'm going to keep calling you ET if you keep calling me Sparky!" Mikoto exclaimed.

"Okay!" said Ben, still grinning.

Mikoto stared, she had not expected that kind of response. Did he actually like that nickname?

After a bit of debate, Ben and Mikoto decided to hang out in the underground shopping area for a while.

The Underground Mall, or Underground Shopping Area which was the more direct translation, was actually a series of underground passages that ran under Academy City. Originally, the passages had been created as a measure against Earthquakes.. but as earthquakes became scarce and more shops, cafes, and other businesses moved down there, it eventually became a center full of arcades, games, goods, and other things.

Ben especially liked to go to the manga store down there, where they actually had english translations and read the Shonen Jump manga as well as other kinds of manga.

As Ben read the latest issue of Bleach, Mikoto watched the TV monitor on the cieling that was displaying the news.. apparently an armored assailant was responsible for the incident at the Tokwadai dorms.. that could only mean that strange alien was after her now.. and yet she hadn't even bothered to ask Ben anything about that creature..

Mikoto turned towards Ben, wondering if she should say something now.. when she saw Ben looking rather serious... and darkly so..

Ben jabbed a thumb at a passing boy wearing a purple  hoodie. "That guy just now.. I saw.. he was packing a gun."

Mikoto clenched her fists. "We need to tell somebody..."

"And cause a panic?" Ben said. "No way..I'm going.."

Mikoto felt taken aback.. she was usually the one who would say something like that.. and then Kuroko would tell her something like. "Seriously Sissy, let Judgement can handle it." or something similar.

Looks like Ben also had a strong sense of justice..

"Alright.." said Mikoto. "I'm going with you.. but let's try not to do something that'll set him off..

And So the twosome followed the boy from afar, taking care not to lose him in the crowdedness of the underground district...

But after a few minutes.. that's when things got heated.. suddenly, multiple people in the crowds all took automatic weapons out of their coats and bags, and grabbed the nearest person they could find and put the guns to their heads.

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now