For You

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"Owwww... owww.. must.. have.. Mr... Smoothy.." Ben muttered. "Must.. have..."

Ben opened his eyes.. he was holding his hands out as if clutching an imaginary Mr. Smoothy cup. The first thing he noticed, as he put his arms down.. was that he was in a hospital.. secondly, that there was  daylight streaming through the window..

And thirdly, he noticed Humungousaur on TV..

"It is uncertain what sparked the initial conflict between Impulser and Ben Tennyson." The News Announcer was saying. "However, none are quite as concerned about the confrontation itself.. as they are about the discovery of an eigth level 5.. and a boy who has the ability.. apparently, to turn into alien creatures."

"Oh.. no.." Ben muttered. "You've got to be kidding me.. Everyone knows now?"

Ben sighed.. hmmm.. why did he feel so unnaturally warm?

Ben suddenly felt the warmth on his body shift as a pair of delicate arms he hadn't noticed before hugged him a little tighter. There was somebody in bed with him!

Ben turned his head to see Mikoto Misaka snuggled in the blankets with him.. wearing hospital clothes too. She was smiling in her sleep and blushing as she hugged Ben a little tighter. "G-Gekota.. Gekota.. Gekota.."

"She thinks I'm Gekota." Ben muttered. "Heh.. maybe if I turned into Upchuck she'd actually think I was Gekota.. heheheheh.. wait a minute... What is she doing in my bed!?"

Ben felt his face got hot with an embarrassment he couldn't explain. Why was he so flustered about Mikoto sharing the same bed as him..? They were friends.. he didn't mind! Only he was sure Japanese people were a lot more sensitive about touch and certain social cues. Or maybe he was thinking too much of anime..

Mikoto opened her eyes slightly. "N-neh? Gekota..?"

"Er.. sorry." said Ben. "You are hugging 100 percent human being.. not a frog mascot.."

Mikoto sat up quickly.. looking as red as a firetruck. "OH MY GOSH!!! I-I'm sorry!!  I'm sorry!!! GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN!!!"

"D-don't worry about it." said Ben. "It's fine really.. it's not like we were doing any funny business right? heheheh.. heh.."

Mikoto slapped her cheeks with her hands and shook herself. "Oooohh.. it's my fault.. I-I wanted to keep you company.. s-so.. I asked if we could be in the same hospital bed.. I was really injured.. so I wasn't thinking straight when I asked that.. a-and for some reason your cousin told everyone that we should be in the same bed.. and.. and.. and. and.."

Ben hugged Mikoto, stunning her and stopping her mid sentence. "Yeesh.. slow down.. just calm down and breathe.. everything's fine..."

Mikoto took a deep breath and calmed down as Ben said. "Yeesh.. look at me.. fussing over such a little thing."

"Heh.. don't worry about it.. I've seen my sis get flustered over smaller things."

"You've got a sister?" said Mikoto.

"Adopted.. her name's Helen.. er.. not many people know about her because she's part alien.."

Mikoto blinked. "Wait.. seriously!? Like.. part human and part alien!? That's possible!?"

"Well yeah.. Helen's living proof." said Ben. "Helen Wheels Tennyson.. I'll introduce you over the phone sometime.. she's really nice.. "

Mikoto paused for a minute.. and she touched Ben's arm. "Your bones.. the doctor said they were broken.. but they healed up quicker then any normal human's..."

"Yeah.. the Omnitrix will do that sometimes." said Ben.

"Ben.." said Mikoto. "I-I wanted to apologize.."

"For what?" said Ben.

"I put you through a whole lot of pain his past week." said Mikoto. "I kept on pushing you away, thinking I was protecting you... but really.. all I was doing was hurting you more.."

"I know how you feel Mikoto." said Ben. "And really, it's not anything I wouldn't have done.. we all want to keep out the people we care about to degree so they don't have to deal with the consequences of our troubles.. I mean look at me.. I faked my own death.."

"Look's like that's out the window though." said Mikoto nodding at the TV. "Everybody knows who you are now.. and they all know you're alive.. How do you think your parents are going to react?"

"I don't know.." said Ben. "I seriously don't know.. I-I... I actually don't know what to do.."

Mikoto held Ben's hand. "Hey.. we'll deal with it together.. what are friends for right?"

Ben grinned.. but then.. his expression turned to surprise. "Wait.. just now.. you said something about my cousin earlier..."

"Oh.. yeah.. Gwen's here." said Mikoto. "Seriously! You haven't spoken to her in 3 years!?"

"B-but why is she here!? She knows it's dangerous to be around me-" Ben began.

"Ben Tennyson!!" Mikoto growled sternly. "No friend of mine is going to keep alienating himself from his family.. no pun intended.."

Mikoto grabbed her Gekota cellphone from the bedside table and forced it into Ben's hand. "You're going to call your parents.. and when Gwen comes to visit later today.. You're going to talk to her!!"

"M-Mikoto.. I.."

"Listen!" Mikoto said. "I know you're hurting because of what you've had to sacrifice in order to do what you thought would keep your family safe.. but isn't that just the same thing as what I did!? No.. I'm not allowing you to hurt yourself any more!! CALL YOUR PARENTS!!"

Ben looked at Mikoto with his jaw open. "Whoah.. uhh.. "

Mikoto's gaze softened. "Please.. for you... and... for me..."

"Alright.." said Ben. "For you.."

"A-and.. on an unrelated note." Mikoto said, twiddling her fingers and blushing red again. "I-I uh... you don't mind if I stay in here tonight.. do you?"

Ben smiled and ruffled Mikoto's hair. "Sure.. for you.."

End.. Stay tuned for Epilogue

Be on the look for Book 2: Grudge Match.

A  Certain Scientific Omnitrix. Book 1. Alien ScienceWhere stories live. Discover now