Frenda Goes To The Dogs..

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"Okay.. so these are honorifics.." Mikoto and Ben sat in the middle of the living room on the rug, with the Japanese textbook open in between them.

Mikoto pointed at some of the text. "See? Just like in English where there are different ways to refer to men and woman.. like Mr. and Ms.  there's different honorifics for sisters, brothers, older people, younger people.. teachers.. "

"How the heck am I supposed to remember all of this!?" said Ben, his jaw dropping.

"Ben.. what did I say about using English while lessons are started..?" Said Mikoto sternly. "It's been a week now.. and we've moved past enough lessons for you to only use Japanese at a basic level.."

"Hai.. Sensei.." said Ben.

Over the past week, for a few hours every morning, Mikoto would teach Ben Japanese, drill him, and test him.. and whenever he asked why they were doing this, her answer would always be the same.

"Most of the people here in Academy City speak Japanese.. and not everyone knows English." Mikoto would say. "If you don't learn at least some basic fluency, it's going to be tough for you.. Most of us Tokwadai girls know English since we go to an elite school.. but you can't depend on me for translation forever.."

Mikoto had been amazed at Ben's progression.. in just about 6 days, he had actually managed to sound fluent.. even if his understanding of vocabulary was pretty basic. This made Mikoto suspect that Ben had an amazing memory, not to mention a very quick learning ability. (This is true in the original Ben 10 series, Gwen herself said Ben's not excercising his full potential in school, and Ben's hardest subject, Chemestry, is actually at a steady B+)

"Alright." said Mikoto. "Keep practicing these conjugations.. while I check on.. er.. lunch.."

"Wait.." said Ben. "You cooked today?"

"Y-yeah? What's the big deal?" Mikoto asked, going slightly pink.

"It's just that." said Ben. "Whenever we get lunch, Kuroko always meets us at the diner or something. And.. I've never even seen you pick up  a spatula..."

"K-Kuroko's got extra work at Judgement today.. s-so.. I thought I'd do something different!" said Mikoto walking over to the kitchen nervously.

The truth was.. After Mikoto heard about Ben faking his death, she couldn't help but think about it.. apparently, Ben had used an alien called Upgrade to fake a car crash accident.. where the car drove off a dock..

His cousin Gwen had used some sort of trick with her powers to create a fake body. And Ben had decided to go to Academy City, a place where Aliens feared to go, where he could pretty much dissapear. Not to mention feel at least close to normal in a place where nearly everyone had strange powers.

Mikoto figured that it must have been ages since Ben had the comfort of a home cooked meal.. so she had decided to try and give him one.. except one problem... she couldn't cook..

"Oh dear.." Mikoto muttered as she took the burned food in the pan out of the oven. "Th-that doesn't look like the picture on the internet."

"O-oh.." said Ben as he came into the kitchen. "Er..that looks.. mmm.. nice.."

"Y-you think so?"

"Yeah... yummy.."

Mikoto suddenly hit her head with her fists. "UUUUURRRGGGHHH!! WHO AM I KIDDING!? IT LOOKS TERRIBLE!!"

All of a sudden, Ben took a spoon from a drawer, scooped up some of the food and began eating it. "Mmmm..hack.. cough.. er.. mmm.. yummy.. very.. cough... good.."

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